Comparing global warming to ozone depletion
The Difference Between Global Warming and Ozone Depletion Foreman Room 102 1. Global Warming and Ozone Depletion take place in two different layers of the atmosphere: Global Warming Ozone Depletion Global Warming vs. Ozone Depletion: Causes Global Warming: cars, factories, rice farming, landfills: Infrared heat enters but is trapped by the chemicals when it tries to escape. The chemicals act like a blanket. CO2 CH4 NOx CFCs H2O Global Warming vs. Ozone Depletion: Causes Ozone Depletion: Propellants (hairspray), Air Conditioners, some manufacturing. Chemicals react with UV protecting ozone in the stratosphere. CFCs CCl4 CF4 Ozone is good up high but bad nearby Global Warming vs. Ozone Depletion: Environmental Effects and Human Health: GLOBAL WARMING