Unit 4: Jacksonian Era and the Market Revolution
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A response to influx of immigrants: native-born people were hostile toward immigrants --> racism | ||
Party against immigration (not related to American Indians) | ||
nativists formed this order; demanded banning Catholics and immigrants from public office | ||
Another name for members of the Supreme Order of the Star-Spangled Banner because their secret password was "I know nothing"; did well in elections at first, then declined but introduced possibility of more than two political parties | ||
Governor of New York; commissioned the Erie Canal | ||
The first American company to build a railroad | ||
Inventor of the telegraph, which was a huge success in communications | ||
Invented by Richard Hoe, this made it possible to print newspaper cheaply and quickly --> Associated Press for cooperative news gathering by telegraph | ||
large businesses could gain corporation status by paying a fee; allowed for limited liability and support by stockholders --> greater capital for businesses | ||
Many people would work in a factory, using water-powered machines | ||
young, unmarried women would work for several years in factories; lived in dormitories, fed, and supervised by factory | ||
Massachusetts Supreme Court decided that unions and strikes were legal | ||
As farms became larger and less family-based, women were given domestic tasks; middle and upper classes also assigned women to domestic tasks |