Age of Religous Wars
Chapter 15: The Age of Religious wars and European Expansion, Pg. 489-526
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A follower of Calvinism as taught in the Presbyterian Church | ||
French Protestants. The Edict of Nantes freed them from persecution in France. | ||
Holy Roman Emperor and Charles I of Spain, tried to keep Europe religiously united under catholicism. | ||
Revoked Edict of Nantes. Huguenots lost right to practice Calvinism and fled France. | ||
King of France from 1547 to 1559. | ||
King of Spain, 1556 - 1598, married to Queen Mary I of England, he was the most powerful monarch in Europe until 1588. | ||
Eldest son of Henry II, husband of Mary Queen of Scots. Huguenots tried to kidnap him in the Conspiracy of Amboise. | ||
Was the wife of Henry II (Valois). She acted as regent during the reign of her three weak and ineffective sons - Francis II (1559-60) Charles IX (1560-74) Henry III (1574-89). Ordered the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. | ||
Ruling family of France until the French Revolution. | ||
A powerful family in eastern France who lobbied to control the country following the unfortunate death of Charles V and his sickly son in 1560. | ||
Mass slaying of Huguenots (Calvinists) in Paris, on Saint Bartholomew's Day, 1572. Organized by Catherine de Medici. | ||
Scottish theologian who founded Presbyterianism in Scotland and wrote a history of the Reformation in Scotland. | ||
Political leader of the Huguenots and a member of the Bourbon dynasty, He converted to Catholicism when he became king in 1594. | ||
This was the document published by Henry IV that granted public worship to the Huguenots. | ||
Ruler of the Netherlands who led a revolt for independence against Hapsburg Philip II of Spain. | ||
Used the troops that Phillip II sent to ruthlessly exterminate religous and political dissent. | ||
Created by the Duke of Alba, Spanish governor of the Netherlands, in 1567. The job of this Council was to try cases of suspected treason committed by Protestant rebels against the Catholic government imposed by Spain. | ||
The southern, catholic provinces in the low countries(Netherlands), who eventually pledged their loyalty to Spain. | ||
1579 The 7 Northern Dutch provinces allied against Spain & led by William of Orange (the Silent) | ||
Queen of England that required uniformity and conformity to the Church of England. | ||
This law declared that Elizabeth was the supreme governor of England's institutions, its church, as well as its state. | ||
Restored the book of common prayer to church services. | ||
A Scottish Catholic queen who fled Scotland during its reformation and later attempted to organize the assassination of Elizabeth I; she was beheaded. | ||
English explorer and admiral who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe and who helped to defeat the Spanish Armada. | ||
One of the largest military fleets in the history of warfare which was sent to attack England in 1588. The smaller English fleet was able to defeat the armada by using its ease of maneuverability and began Spain's downfall. | ||
Agreement declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler. | ||
A series of European wars that were partially a Catholic-Protestant religious conflict. It was primarily a batlte between France and their rivals the Hapsburg's, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire. | ||
The first phase of the Thirty Years' War which culminated in the Catholic victory at the Battle of White Mountain. | ||
The throwing of Catholic officials from a castle window in Bohemia. Started the Thirty Years' War. | ||
Protestant mercenary fighting for Catholics during the 30 Years War, conquered the Netherlands, assassinated by Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II | ||
Imperial law that prohibited all Calvinist worship and restored Catholic ownership of land seized by the Protestant Princes of the Reformation. | ||
Phase of the 30 years war begining when Gustavus Adolphus got involved, Lutherans and Scandinavians helped the Protestants. Mostly fought in the German states(killed 1/3 of the population) | ||
Swedish King and Lutheran who won victories for the German Protestants in the Thirty Years War and lost his life in one of the battles. | ||
Ended the thirty years war granted recognition to Calvinism, France and Sweden got land from the HRE, the Netherlands and Switzerland become official countries, Germany was destroyed which delayed unification of Germany, Habsburgs are controlling family. |