Biology - Ch. 5
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rain, snow, sleet or fog with a pH below 5.6; causes the deterioration of forests, lakes, statues and buildings | ||
variety of life in an area; usually measured as the number of species that live in an area | ||
different environmental cnditions that occur along the boundries of an ecosystem | ||
a species in which the number of individuals falls so low that extinction is possible | ||
nonnative species in an area; make take over niches of native species in an area and eventually replace them | ||
the disappearance of a species when the last of its members dies | ||
damage to a habitat by air, water and land pollution | ||
separation of wilderness areas from each other; may cause problems for organisms that need large areas for food or mating | ||
layer of the atmosphere that helps to protect living organisms on Earth's surface from damaging doses of ultraviolet radiation from the sun | ||
when the population of a species is likely to become endangered | ||
when members of a species are held by people in zoos or other conservation facilities | ||
field of biology that studies methods and implements plans to protect biodiversity | ||
natural strips of land that allow the migration of organisms from one wilderness area to another | ||
parts of the environment that are useful or necessary for living organisms | ||
programs that release organisms into an area where their species once lived in hopes of reestablishing naturally reproducing populations | ||
philosophy that promotes letting people use resources in wilderness areas in ways that will not damage the ecosystem |