AP US Ch 13
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the possible deal between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay to make sure they win and Adams ended up getting elected and Clay became his vice president | ||
one of the candidates for the election of 1824 who was from Massachusetts and was very smart and experienced | ||
one of the candidates for the election of 1824 who was from Kentucky who was gallant and was also known as Harry of the West | ||
one of the candidates for the election of 1824 who was from Georgia was a very able candidate | ||
one of the candidates for the election of 1824 who was from Tennessee who was the hero of New Orleans | ||
a dishonest man who was made collector of customs at the port of New York and ended up being the first person to steal 1 million dollars from the government | ||
a tariff that had really high duties on imports with Southerners opposing it | ||
a free black man who led the slave rebellion in 1822 in Charleston which was ultimately started by the Missouri Compromise and the anxieties that went with it | ||
the secret writer of the South Carolina Exposition which was a pamphlet that was written in protest to the Tariff of Abominations | ||
a tariff that was passed by Congress in 1832 which did not meet what the southerners were asking for and seemed rather permanent which they did not like | ||
a compromise bill that would slowly reduce 10 percent of the Tariff of 1832 over 8 years | ||
a bill that is also known as bloody bill to the South Carolinians which gave the president permission to use the army and the navy to collect duties on federal tariffs | ||
a society that was made to make the Indians more civilized and become Christian which was made in 1787 and many of them sent missionaries to the Indian villages | ||
a group of Indian tribes made up of the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and the Seminoles | ||
a Supreme Court case that was trying to fight how the state of Georgia had made its own jurisdiction over the Cherokee Indians and told them that their tribal council was illegal but Andrew Jackson would not accept the court's decision because he wanted to move them to get their land | ||
an act passed by Congress in 1830 which made all Indian tribes be made to move east of the Mississippi River | ||
a group made in 1836 to communicate between the Americans and the Indians | ||
the forced march of the Cherokee Indians and many others to the new Indian designated Territory | ||
a war that last from 1835- 1842 between the Seminole Indians and the Americans with 1,500 people killed and the Indian leader taken by the American commander with the Indians loosing in the end | ||
the president of the Bank of the United States who had a large amount of unconstitutional power over the financial affairs of the country he was also called Czar Nicolas I | ||
a war between Andrew Jackson and Congress over if the Nation Bank should renew its charter and he ended up vetoing the bank anyway | ||
a new political party who did not like the secrecy and influence of the Masons and very quickly became a big force in New York and New England and they did not like Andrew Jackson | ||
a panic that was caused when Nicholas Biddle tried to keep the national bank going even though its charter was going to end soon by him calling in bank loans and trying to show its importance and if it was gone the crisis that would happen | ||
a decree that made it so that all public land had to be purchased with metallic money rather than paper money | ||
a political party that came together at first to pass a motion against Andrew Jackson in the Senate and grew into a large group that considered themselves to be conservative | ||
Andrew Jackson's successor and the 8th president of the United States who was the first to be born in the U.S. and he faced many challenges during his presidency that were left over from Jackson's | ||
a bill that was made that put federal money in private banks and keeping the government out of the banking system with an independent treasury | ||
when the independent treasury was finally made but was repealed only a year later by the Whigs who did not like it in the first place | ||
a man who was given the responsibility by a new regime in Mexico City to bring 300 families to the large amount of land that they gave him or Texas where he had to establish the catholic religion and Mexicanize them | ||
a leader among the pioneer people who went to Texas who was also the ex-governor of Tennessee | ||
the dictator in Mexico who pretty much started a fight in Texas and threw Stephan Austin in prison | ||
where the battle between Santa Anna and the Americans took place where they would not surrender and they ended whipping them out | ||
where the Americans were surrounded and they surrendered but were still killed because they were considered to be pirates | ||
the united candidate for the Whig party who was from Ohio and was believed to be able to get the most votes and he was best known for his success at the battle of Tippecanoe and the Battle of Thames | ||
a man from Virginia who was later made the vice president for William Henry Harrison |