Religions-AP World History Flashcards
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33298761 | Pope | The head of the Catholic church. | 0 | |
33298762 | Patriarch | The head of the Eastern Orthodox church. | 1 | |
33298763 | Muslim | One who "submits to the will of Allah." | 2 | |
33298764 | Rosh Hashana | Jewish New Year | 3 | |
33298765 | Judaism, Christianity, Islam | The three main monotheistic religions in chronological order. | 4 | |
33298766 | simony | The buying and selling of any church office. | 5 | |
33298767 | Peter | He is considered the first Pope. | 6 | |
33298768 | Sheva, Vishnu, Brahma | The three main gods of Hinduism. | 7 | |
33298769 | Brahman | The universal spirit in Hinduism. | 8 | |
33298770 | Confucianism | This religion believes in 5 constant relationships and upkeeping the greater good. | 9 | |
33298771 | Varna | This word means color, and is another name for the Cast system with the Aryans being at the top. | 10 | |
33298772 | Theravada and Mahayana | The main branches of Buddhism. | 11 | |
33298773 | Sunni and Shi'a | The main branches of Islam. | 12 | |
33298774 | Sunni | The less conservative of the two main branches of Islam. | 13 | |
33298775 | Shi'a | The more conservative of the two main branches of Islam. | 14 | |
33298776 | Gabriel | The angel that revealed himself to Muhammad over a 23 year period. | 15 | |
33298777 | Once | Profession of faith made by Muslims. Must be done _______ time(s). | 16 | |
33298778 | Prayer | Must be done five times a day by Muslims. | 17 | |
33298779 | 2.5% | Percentage of income that must be given to charity by Muslims. | 18 | |
33298780 | Ramadan | A month of fasting in Islam. | 19 | |
33298781 | Hajj | A pilgrimage to Mecca made by Muslims at least once. | 20 | |
33298782 | Hinduism | The oldest religion still practiced today. | 21 | |
33298783 | Varna/Cast system | System that determined marriage, education, and where a person could live. | 22 | |
33298784 | Jati | Subgroups within the Cast, based on job of the head of the household. | 23 | |
33298785 | Brahma | The creator. | 24 | |
33298786 | Vishnu | The preserver. | 25 | |
33298787 | Sheva | The destroyer. | 26 | |
33298788 | Ganesha | The elephant god (of good fortune). | 27 | |
33298789 | atman | The soul-self that belongs to Brahman. | 28 | |
33298790 | Samsara | Reincarnation. | 29 | |
33298791 | Karma | What you do in this life affects the next. | 30 | |
33298792 | Unlimited | Number of times one can be reincarnated in Hinduism. | 31 | |
33298793 | Dahrma | Religious and ethical duties. (Goal of life in Hinduism) | 32 | |
33298794 | Artha | Wealth and power. (Goal of life in Hinduism) | 33 | |
33298795 | Kama | Physical pleasure. (Goal of life in Hinduism) | 34 | |
33298796 | Moksha | Become good enough to escape rebirth, and become at one with the universal spirit. | 35 | |
33298797 | 4 Stages of Life (Hindu) | Youthful study and celibasy, householder, reflect beyond daily activities, meditation and preparation for death. | 36 | |
33298798 | Yoga | Meditation. | 37 | |
33298799 | Ahimsa | Nonviolence to all living things. | 38 | |
33298800 | No | Can people convert to Hinduism? | 39 | |
33298801 | Ganges River | Toxic river that sick people are dipped into. | 40 | |
33298802 | Rigveda | Main sacred text of Hinduism. | 41 | |
33298803 | Buddhism | Religion started by Siddhartha Gautama, a member of the elite and carefully brought up. | 42 | |
33298804 | Buddha | "Enlightened one," thought to be a reincarnation of another enlightened human, who came back to continue. | 43 | |
33298805 | 4 Noble Truths | Suffering exists; suffering is caused by desire; to end suffering, end desire; to end desire, follow the eight fold path. | 44 | |
33298806 | 8 Fold Path | Right view, right thought, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindedness, right meditation. | 45 | |
33298807 | 5 Precipts | Do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not be unchased, do not take anything that clouds the mind. | 46 | |
33298808 | Nirvana | Escape from the cycle of rebirth. | 47 | |
33298809 | Tripitaka | The sacred text of Buddhists. | 48 | |
33298810 | Yahweh | The word for God in Judaism. | 49 | |
33298811 | Torah | Sacred text of Jews. | 50 | |
33298812 | 3 Branches of Judaism | Reform group, conservative, orthodox | 51 | |
33298813 | Hanukkah | A holiday in remembrance of the victory in a battle. | 52 | |
33298814 | Yom Kippur | Day of atonement, holy day of fasting and atonement for sins. | 53 | |
33298815 | Christianity | Based on the ways and life of Jesus Christ. | 54 | |
33298816 | Roman Catholic | First formal church in Christianity. | 55 | |
33298817 | Martin Luther | First leader of the Eastern Orthodox church. | 56 | |
33298818 | Bible | Sacred text of Christians. | 57 | |
33298819 | 7 Sacraments | Holy Communion, marriage, baptism, last rights, holy orders, confession, confirmation. | 58 | |
33298820 | Protestants | This group only accepts Baptism and Communion as sacraments. | 59 | |
33298821 | Islam | Religion based on the teachings of the Profit Muhammad. | 60 | |
33298822 | Qu'ran | Holy text of Muslims. | 61 |