WHAP Chapters 9 -11 Flashcards
The Questions are the definitions :) sorry for any typos. anyone in the group can fix them.
Have fun!....haha
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112986864 | the empire's conquest of the Ottoman Empire and its inclusion of all of the middle east. | The significance of the Byzantine Empire did not include this: | 0 | |
112986865 | they produced different versions of christianity, culturally as well as organizationally seperate. | What represents a difference between the spread of civilization in Eastern and western Europe? | 1 | |
112986866 | Constantinople. | The capital of the Byzantine Empire and its commercial center was located at... | 2 | |
112986867 | Hagia Sophia. | What was the great church built in Constantinople.... | 3 | |
112986868 | Justininan. | What eastern emperor was responsible for the attempted restoration of a united Roman Empire 533? | 4 | |
112986869 | the permanent addition of Rome to the Byzantine Empire. | This was not an outcome of Justinian's wars of reqonquest... | 5 | |
112986870 | Arab Muslims. | After the 7th centurey, what group posed the greatest threat to the eastern frontiers of the Byzantine? | 6 | |
112986871 | the position of small farmers in the empire ws weakened as a result of heavy taxation, resulting in greater aritocratic estates. | Which of the following was a result of the conflict between the byzantine Empire and the Arab muslims? | 7 | |
112986872 | both bureacracies were open to talented commoners not just arisocrats. | In which of the following ways were the byzantine bureacracy and the chinese bureacracy similar? | 8 | |
112986873 | Constantinople controlled the economy and grew to enormous size, but other cities were relitively small. | Which of the following statements concerning urbanization within the byzantine empire is most correct? | 9 | |
112986874 | luxury products, such as silk, cloth, and carpets. | What were the primary exports of the Byzantine Empire? | 10 | |
112986875 | Hellenism. | Byzantine cultural life centered on secular traditions of... | 11 | |
112986876 | the religious the Iconoclastic controversy. | The religious controversy over the use of religious images in worship that broke out in the 8th century was called... | 12 | |
112986877 | the Seljuk Turks. | In the 11th century, what group of people seized most of the Asiatic provinces of the Byzantine Empire? | 13 | |
112986878 | Cyril and Methodius. | What two missionaries were responsible for the creation of a written script for Slavic language? | 14 | |
112986879 | Middle Ages. | The post classical period in western history between the fall of the Roman empire and the 15th century is refferd to as the... | 15 | |
112986880 | vikings. | Who were the scandinavian Invaders who disrupted the development of durable political institutions in the mideval west until the 10th century? | 16 | |
112986881 | with few literate people concentrated in monestaries, little was archived other than copying older manuscripts. | Which of the following statements concerning the intellectual activity of the mideval west prior to the 8th century is most accurate? | 17 | |
112986882 | it was technologically sophisticated. | This is not true about the manourial system... | 18 | |
112986883 | a techonological innovation, a plow that allowed deeper turning of the soil. | A moldboard was... | 19 | |
112986884 | Clovis. | What frankish king was responsible for the conversion of his people to christianity in ored to gain a vague domination over the Franks? | 20 | |
112986885 | Carolingian. | What dynasty took over the Frankish monarchy in the 8th century? | 21 | |
112986886 | many monasteries helped improve the cultivation of the land. | Which of the following was not a benefit of the monastic movement in western Europe? | 22 | |
112986887 | the rule of the Holy Roman Emperors became increasingly hollow, because they did not build a solid monarchy from regional foundations. | Which of the following statements concerning the Holy Roman Emperors after the 10th sentury is most accurate? | 23 | |
112986888 | Feudalism. | Relationships between members of the military elite based on a reciprocal exchange of land for military service and loyalty were called... | 24 | |
112986889 | vassals. | The members of the militay elite who recieved land in return for militay service in the lands of the greater lords were called... | 25 | |
112986890 | English Feudal monarchy was introduced abruptly following 1066, while French Feudal monarchy developed more slowly. | How did the introduction of feudal monarchy into England compare to the political experience of France? | 26 | |
112986891 | Iceland and Greenland. | Which of the following areas was not one of the regions into which expansion from western Europe took place? | 27 | |
112986892 | Saint Francis and St Clare. | The reforming monastic orders founded in assisi in the 13th century were created by... | 28 | |
112986893 | constantinople. | The fourth crusade was manipulated by merchants in venice, who turned it into an attack on... | 29 | |
112986894 | scholasticism. | Because of its base in the universities of western Europe, the dominant mideval philosophical approach was reffered to as... | 30 | |
112986895 | monotheistic practices. | Which of the following was not a characteristic of American civilizations during the post classical period? | 31 | |
112986896 | as the givers of civilization. | How did the Aztecs view the cultural achievements of the Toltecs? | 32 | |
112986897 | city-states. | In the period shortly after the arrival of the Aztecs in the valley of Mexico, what was the nature of the political organization of the region? | 33 | |
112986898 | the abandonment of human sacrifice. | What did not occur as a result of the Aztec rise to power? | 34 | |
112986899 | the Aztec state redistributed many goods recieved as a tribute and there was a specialized merchant classl. | What was the nature of the Aztec economy? | 35 | |
112986900 | In the Andean zones, a number of relatively large states continued to be important rather than the breakdown of power that wsa typical of Mesoamerica. | What was the primary difference in the political situation between the mesoamerican and the Andean zones following the breakup of the classical states? | 36 | |
112986901 | all political power and titles went to the ruler's successor, but his wealth was kept in the hands of the male descendents to support the cult of the dead inca's mummy. | What was the Inca practice of split inheritance? | 37 |