AP World History-Rome Flashcards
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220329673 | Paul of Tarsus | -55 CE Roman guards transported prisoner from port of Caesarea of Palestine to city of Rome -Party boarded ship with grain and 276 passengers -Ship encountered severe storm -For 2 weeks crew and passengers worked to keep the ship afloat -Ship eventually reached the island of Malta where the storm waves destroyed the ship -Most of the people survived including Paul who spent 3 months on Malta before getting on another ship to Rome | 0 | |
220329674 | Christianity | -Sect of Judaism accepted only by few people who believed Jesus of Nazareth was savior of the Jewish Community -mid first century CE Christianity attracted many converts throughout the Mediterranean basin -Paul was a devote Jew from Anatolia who accepted Christian teachings and became a missionary looking for converts from outside as well as inside the Jewish community -Crowd of Paul's enemies attacked him in Jerusalem when he promoted Christianity -Disturbance became so big that Roman imperial government authorities intervened to restore order | 1 | |
220329675 | Roman Empire | -Established close links between other Mediterranean regions -As they conquered other lands the Romans enabled merchants, missionaries, and others to travel throughout the Mediterranean basin and parts of southwest Asia -The early Christians encountered harsh opposition and persecution from Roman officials -Eventually Christianity became official religion of the Roman empire | 2 | |
220329676 | Kingdom to Republic | - Founded in 8th century BCE the city of Roman was originally a small state ruled by a single king -In the late 6th century BCE the city's aristocrats ended the monarchy and created a republic -The Roman republic survived for more than 500 years -Rome was dominant power in Mediterranean basin | 3 | |
220329677 | Romulus and Remus | -Twins-Almost did not survive infancy because their evil uncle abandoned them by the flooded Tiber river expecting them to drown or die from exposure -She-wolf found them and nursed them to health -In 753 BCE Romulus founded Rome and established himself as the first king | 4 | |
220329678 | Etruscans | -Italy underwent rapid political and economic development -dynamic people who dominated much of Italy between the 8th and 5th centuries BCE -Migrated to Italy from Anatolia -Built thriving cities and established political and economic alliances between their settlements -Manufactured high-quality bronze and iron goods and worked gold and silver into jewelry -Etruscan merchants drew a large volume of traffic to Rome | 5 | |
221169101 | Establishment of Republic | -509 BCE Roman nobility got rid of the last Etruscan king -Replaced with aristocratic republic | 6 | |
221169102 | Roman Forum | -Political and civic center filled with temples and public buildings where leading citizens tended to government business | 7 | |
221169103 | Consuls | -Elected by an assembly dominated be hereditary aristocrats and wealthy classes (Patricians) -Senate advised the consuls and ratified all major decisions -Constant tension between the wealthy classes and the common people (Plebeians) | 8 | |
221169104 | Conflicts between Patricians and Plebeians | -Relations between the classes became strained that the plebeians threatened to secede from Rome and establish a rival settlement -The patricians granted plebeians the right to elect officials (tribunes) who represented their interests in the Roman government -Originally plebeians chose 2 tribunes but then that changed to 10 -Problems continued to rise and eventually broadened to the base of political participation -In early 5th century Plebeians threatened to secede Plebeians were granted right to elect Tribunes -2-10 tribunes elected -Had power to intervene in politics -Given veto power | 9 | |
222147812 | The legend | -Aeneas, a refugee from Troy, escapes during the Trojan War -Migrates to Italy - and Remus were left by the Tiber River to die -"Suckled" by a she-wolf -753 B.C.E. Romulus founded the city of Rome and became the first king | 10 | |
222147813 | The real story | -Indo-European origins -Adopted agriculture -Tribal structure of society | 11 | |
222147814 | The Etruscans | -Lived in Italy 8th-5th centuries B.C.E. -Probably from Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) -Built cities -Declined -Greeks attacked at sea -Gauls attacked on land | 12 | |
222147815 | Kingdom of Rome | -Influenced by Etruscans -Monarchy like Etruscans -Many of the first kings were Etruscans -Provided paved streets, public buildings, defensive walls -Rome was well-situated for trade -Easy access to Mediterranean via Tiber River -Protected because it was not on the coast | 13 | |
222147816 | Roman Republic | -509 B.C.E. Etruscan king deposed -Aristocratic republic created -Built public Forum -Government -2 consuls (presidents) -Elected by Patricians -Served 1 year terms -Senate -All early leaders were wealthy Patricians | 14 | |
222147817 | Roman Republic Expansion | -Established military colonies -Often exempted conquered peoples from taxation -Allowed self-rule in a lot of regions -Had right to trade / marry Roman citizens -Possibility of gaining citizenship -Had to provide soldier | 15 | |
222147818 | Punic Wars | -264 - 146 B.C.E. -First Punic War 264-241 BCE -Fought over Sicily -Rome won -Second Punic War 218 BCE -General Hannibal attacked from North -Crossed Alps on elephants -Had to return to Carthage - Rome won -Third Punic War 149 - 146 BCE -Rome attacked/ Burned Carthage -Rome Won | 16 | |
222147819 | Imperial Expansion and Domestic Problems | -Acquired lands fell to wealthy -Elites organized plantations known as LATIFUNDIAS -Enjoyed economies of scale (Think Wal-Mart) -Gracchi Brothers -Tiberius and Gaius -Worked to limit individual landholding -Both were assassinated | 17 | |
222147820 | Civil War | -Generals recruited their own private armies from landless & urban poor -Men were intensely loyal to generals, who fed them -In 87 BCE Gaius Marius (who advocated redistribution of land) marched on Rome Sulla, an aristocrat, gained control after his death -Killed 10,000 people during his reign of terror -Conservative government weakened power of the poor | 18 | |
222147821 | Julius Caeser | -Nephew of Marius -Liberal, favored social reform -Led Roman army in conquering Gaul (France) -In 46 B.C.E. he named himself Dictator for life -Centralized power -Redistributed land to his men and supporters -Large-scale building projects for employment -Extended Roman citizenship to imperial provinces -Was attacked and killed in 44 B.C.E. in the forum | 19 | |
222147822 | Augustus | -13 years of civil unrest after Caesar's death -Octavian (Augustus) was the nephew/son of Caesar -Defeated Marc Antony & Cleopatra in 31 B.C.E. -Ruled for 45 years | 20 | |
222147823 | Augustus' Government | -Monarchy disguised as a republic -Centralized political and military power -Kept traditional offices -Allowed elites to participate in government -Reorganized government -Standing army loyal to him -Appointed people loyal to him -Head of everything in government | 21 | |
222147824 | Effects of Expansion | -Sparsely populated areas quickly grew w/ Roman soldiers, merchants, diplomats and governors -Stimulated local economies -Cities emerged -Paris -London -Toledo | 22 | |
222147825 | Pax Romana | -Within Roman boundaries, long era of peace -1st century C.E. - middle of 3rd century C.E. -Facilitated trade and communication | 23 | |
222147826 | Roman Roads | -Deep roads -Curbs -Drainage -Paved w/ stone -Large enough for 2 way traffic -Milestones -Stations for couriers | 24 | |
222147827 | Roman Law | -Twelve Tables -450 B.C.E. -Argued: -Defendant innocent until proven guilty -Defendants could challenge accusers before a judge -Unfair laws should be repealed | 25 | |
222147828 | Trade and Agriculture | -Greece -Olives and vines -Syria & Palestine -Fruits, nuts, wool -Gaul -Grain, copper, vines Italy -Pottery, glassware, bronze | 26 | |
222147829 | Mediterranean Trade | -Roman military and naval power protected Mediterranean Sea -Called it "Mare nostrum" -"Our Sea" | 27 | |
222147830 | City of Rome | -Statues, pools, monuments -Temples, bathhouses, public buildings -Aqueducts brought in fresh water -Underground sewers | 28 | |
222147831 | Entertainment | -Circuses -Oval structures for chariot races -Circus Maximus sat 250,000 people -Colosseum -Gladiators -Humans & wild animals | 29 | |
222147832 | Pater Families | -Patriarchal tradition of eldest male ruling family -Women had some power within the home, especially in wealthy families -Pater Familias had authority to: -Arrange marriages -Punish family members -Sell relatives into slavery -Execute family | 30 | |
222147833 | "Bread and Circuses" 1st Century B.C.E. | -Many poor farmers moved into city -Often unemployed, they would riot or join personal armies -Imperial authorities tried to distract them with "Bread and Circuses" -Subsidized grain -Spectacular entertainment | 31 | |
222147834 | Slavery in Roman Empire | -2nd Century C.E. 1/3 of population of Roman empire enslaved -Spartacus led the most famous slave rebellion in 73 B.C.E. -Chained together to work on Latifundia -Conditions better in the cities -House slaves -Tutors Some urban slaves manumitted at age 30 | 32 | |
222147835 | Roman Religions | -Influenced by the Greeks -Renamed Greek gods / goddesses -Stoicism -Cicero followed Stoic values -Individuals must live in accordance w/ nature and reason -Religions of Salvation -Sense of purpose and optimism for the future | 33 | |
222147836 | Mithaism | -Zoroastrian mythical god -Identified w/ sun and light -Romans redeveloped Mithras as a god of strength, courage and discipline -Popular among military -Beliefs -Human life divine -Moral behavior -Rewarded w/ reunion w/ Mithras for believers | 34 | |
222147837 | Cult of Isis | -Allowed both men and women followers -Most popular religion of salvation prior to Christianity -Egyptian goddess was benevolent and protective | 35 | |
222147838 | Jews and the Empire | -From 10th century B.C.E. -Jews were first monotheistic religion -Only recognized Yahweh as divine -Refused to worship any other gods, emperors, etc. | 36 | |
222147839 | The Essenes | -A sect of Judaism -Wrote the "Dead Sea Scrolls," discovered in 1947 -Strict moral code -Baptism by water -Community meals -Searched for a savior | 37 | |
222147840 | Jesus of Nazarth | -A Jew -Peaceful, taught devotion to God and love for fellow man -Alarmed Romans because he taught "the kingdom of God is at hand" -Executed around 30 C.E. -Became more popular after death -"Christ" means "anointed one" | 38 | |
222147841 | Christianity | -Paul of Tarsus was disciple of Jesus -Appealed his case -Traveled to spread the word of Jesus -Argued that faith must come before individual or family | 39 |