APW Flashcards
Ch. 1 vocab
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207790955 | Nomad | A person (people) who move from place to place following game. | 0 | |
207790956 | Obsidian | A black, shiny, brittle rock that usually shatters in thin layers. | 1 | |
207790957 | Oracle Bones | A group of inscribed bones and shells used for divination | 2 | |
207790958 | Paleolithic | The old stone age, marked by tools made of chipped bone and wood. | 3 | |
207790959 | Pastorialism | A lifestyle characterized by raising animals, a nomadic lifestyle | 4 | |
207790960 | Patriarchal | A society with a rigid and definite social class / order. | 5 | |
207790961 | Pharaoh | The title of an ancient Egyptian king. | 6 | |
207790962 | Pictograph | A record consisting of pictures and symbols. Ex. Cave drawings. | 7 | |
207790963 | Polytheism | The belief in more than one god. | 8 | |
207790964 | Samsara | The belief in a series of rebirths, each time as a different moral creature. | 9 | |
207790965 | Sati | A ritual requiring a widow to burn herself on her deceased husband's funeral pyre. | 10 | |
207790966 | Savannah | A plain characterized by grasslands. | 11 | |
207790967 | Self-sufficient | Able to support onesself, independent, not relying on anyone else. | 12 | |
207790968 | Varna | Hindu for cast (social class). | 13 | |
207790969 | Vedas | The entire body of Hindu sacred writings. | 14 | |
207790970 | Veneration | The state of being venerated; a feeling of awe, respect, ect. | 15 | |
207790971 | Zoroastrianism | an Iranian religion; belief in the existence of a supreme deity, Ahura Mazda, and in a cosmic struggle between a spirit of good, Spenta Mainyu, and a spirit of evil, Angra Mainyu. | 16 |