AP world dates Flashcards
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64942394 | 3500 BCE | Civilization arises in Mesopotamia | 0 | |
64942395 | 3000 BCE | Hinduism being practiced in India | 1 | |
64942396 | 483 BCE | Siddhartha Gautama dies | 2 | |
64942397 | 0-40 CE | Life of Jesus | 3 | |
64942398 | 500 CE | End of Roman Empire/Start Feudal West Europe | 4 | |
64942399 | 632 | Death of Muhammad | 5 | |
64942400 | 750 | Fall of Umayyad Dynasty and Rise of Abbassid Islamic Empire | 6 | |
64942401 | 900 | Ghana kings convert to Islam in West Africa | 7 | |
64942402 | 1095 | First Crusade: Europeans go to West Asia to re-conquer Holy Lands | 8 | |
64942403 | 1250-1350 | Mongol Empire: 4 Khannates = Russia, Persia, Central Asia, China | 9 | |
64942404 | 1300-1500 | Italian Renaissance | 10 | |
64942405 | 1324 | Mali King (Mansa Musa) makes pilgrimage to Mecca | 11 | |
64942406 | 1405-1433 | Voyages of Admiral Zheng He on Indian Ocean | 12 | |
64942407 | 1453 | Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks | 13 | |
64942408 | 1492 | Spain Unifies, Columbus, Start of Columbian Exchange, Moors driven out | 14 | |
64942409 | 1506 | Kongo King converts to Christianity | 15 | |
64942410 | 1519 | Arrival of Conquistadors in Mexico | 16 | |
64942411 | 1600 | British East India Company trading in India | 17 | |
64942412 | 1607 | Founding of Jamestown and start of slaves being brought to N. America | 18 | |
64942413 | 1644 | Rise of Qing Dynasty in China | 19 | |
64942414 | 1765 | James Watt perfects the steam Engine | 20 | |
64942415 | 1776 | American Revolution | 21 | |
64942416 | 1789 | French Revolution Begins | 22 | |
64942417 | 1807 | Slave trade abolished in Britain (1808 = U.S., 1814 = France) | 23 | |
64942418 | 1812 | Napoleon invades Russia in the Winter | 24 | |
64942419 | 1833 | Slavery abolished in Britain (1848 = France, 1865 = U.S.) | 25 | |
64942420 | 1843 | Treaty of Nanjing ends the Opium Wars between Britain and China | 26 | |
64942421 | 1848 | Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx (Early years of German industry) | 27 | |
64942422 | 1857 | Start of direct British rule in India, after the Sepoy Mutiny | 28 | |
64942423 | 1868 | Meiji Restoration in Japan | 29 | |
64942424 | 1884-5 | Berlin Conference to decide rules for dividing Africa | 30 | |
64942425 | 1914-1919 | WWI | 31 | |
64942426 | 1939-1945 | WWII | 32 | |
64942427 | 1947 | Indian Independence | 33 | |
64942428 | 1948 | Creation of State of Israel (Britain pulls out of Middle East) | 34 | |
64942429 | 1949 | Communist Revolution in China | 35 | |
64942430 | 1950 | Start of Korea War | 36 | |
64942431 | 1955 | Bandung Conference where emerging nations declare Non-alignment | 37 | |
64942432 | 1960 | "The Year of Africa" when many African nations gain independence | 38 | |
64942433 | 1961 | Construction of Berlin Wall | 39 | |
64942434 | 1990 | Fall of Communism in Russia and East Europe | 40 |