§upa - Jeopardy Terms - 1 - Prehistoric Flashcards
List of Jeopardy Terms for AP World History
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9354581 | Prehistory | Period of the human past before writing was invented in 3000 B.C.E. | 0 | |
9354582 | History | The story of the human past | 1 | |
9354583 | Writing | Development that separates prehistory from recorded history | 2 | |
9354584 | Legends | Folktales that explain the past | 3 | |
9354585 | Culture | The way of life of a people | 4 | |
9354586 | Population | The number of people who live in a given area | 5 | |
9354587 | Historian | Person who studies the human past | 6 | |
9354588 | Geography | The study of people, their environments, and their resources | 7 | |
9354589 | Geologist | Scientist who studies the Earth | 8 | |
9354590 | Archaeologist | Scientist who studies the remains of ancient peoples and civilizations | 9 | |
9354591 | Civilization | Society centered around cities | 10 | |
9354592 | Artifact | Any surviving object made by early people | 11 | |
9354593 | Ice Age | Period when the northern continents were buried under ice and snow | 12 | |
9354594 | B.C. | Before the birth of Christ | 13 | |
9354595 | A.D. | Anno Domini, the years after the birth of Christ | 14 | |
9354596 | Stone Age | First period of human history | 15 | |
9354597 | Common Era | What C.E. stands for | 16 | |
9354598 | Before Common Era | What B.C.E. stands for | 17 | |
9354599 | Glaciers | Huge, slowly moving masses of ice and snow | 18 | |
9354600 | Eon | Exceptionally long period of time | 19 | |
9354601 | Era | Period of time figured from some particular date | 20 | |
9354602 | Africa | Continent where the earliest humanlike remains have been found | 21 | |
9354603 | Neanderthal | Muscular prehistoric people who were not ancestors of modern humans | 22 | |
9354604 | Cro-Magnon | Prehistoric people who closely remembered modern humans | 23 | |
9354605 | Posture | Characteristic that allowed humans to use their hands freely | 24 | |
9354606 | Language | Skill that allowed humans to pass along knowledge | 25 | |
9354607 | Large Brain | Characteristic that allowed humans to store and use more information than animals | 26 | |
9354608 | Heavy Jaw | One of the facial characteristics that made a Neanderthal different from a Cro-Magnon | 27 | |
9354609 | Homo Habilis | "Skillful Human" | 28 | |
9354610 | Homo Erectus | "Upright Human" | 29 | |
9354611 | Homo Sapien | "Wise Human" | 30 | |
9354612 | Hunting and Gathering | Earliest Paleolithic ways of getting food | 31 | |
9354613 | Tool | A shaped stone | 32 | |
9354614 | Animal Skin | Earliest clothing material | 33 | |
9354615 | Fire | Resource used both for cooking and as a weapon | 34 | |
9354616 | Caves | Neanderthal shelters | 35 | |
9354617 | Mammoth | Huge wooly creature; often hunted | 36 | |
9354618 | Burial | How Neanderthals disposed of their dead | 37 | |
9354619 | Cave Paintings | Prehistoric wall art | 38 | |
9354620 | Farming and Herding | Neolithic ways of seuring food | 39 | |
9354621 | Villages | New, Neolithic living arrangement | 40 | |
9354622 | Pottery | Neolithic invention used for cooking and food storage | 41 | |
9354623 | Cloth | Neolithic clothing material | 42 | |
9354624 | Clan | Large, extended kinship unit | 43 | |
9354625 | Excavation | Digging into the earth to find ancient remains | 44 | |
9354626 | Decipher | To decode an ancient language | 45 | |
9354627 | Research | Careful hunting for facts or evidence | 46 | |
9354628 | Theory | Idea about how something happened | 47 | |
9354629 | To Date | To determine how old a historical find is | 48 | |
9354630 | Philologist | Scientist who studies languages and written records | 49 | |
9354631 | Anthropologist | Scientist who studies the origin and development of human beings | 50 | |
9354632 | Patrilineal | Term for father-related society | 51 | |
9354633 | Matrilineal | Term for mother-related society | 52 | |
9354634 | Paleontologist | Scientist who studies fossilized remains of early life | 53 | |
9354635 | Paleolithic Age | Old Stone Age | 54 | |
9354636 | Neolithic Age | New Stone Age | 55 | |
9354637 | Millenium | Period of 1000 years | 56 | |
9354638 | Tree Rings | These were formerly used to date archaeological sites | 57 | |
9354639 | C-14 | Radioactive elements used to date ancient objects | 58 | |
9354640 | Neolithic Revolution | The shift from food hunting and gathering to food producing | 59 | |
9354641 | 3000 B.C.E. | When the Stone Age ended | 60 | |
9354642 | 8000 B.C.E. | When the Neolithic Age began | 61 | |
9354643 | 2.5 million - 8000 B.C.E. | Years of the Paleolithic Age | 62 | |
9354644 | 8000 B.C.E. | When the last Ice Age ended | 63 | |
9354645 | Java Man | Prehistoric dweller on a Southeast Asian Island | 64 | |
9354646 | Peking Man | Prehistoric dweller of China | 65 | |
9354647 | 100000 years ago | When Homo Sapiens emerged | 66 | |
9354648 | 40000 years ago | When Cro-Magnon people emerged | 67 | |
9354649 | Skin | The color of this depended on the climate where people lived | 68 | |
9354650 | Aborigines | People who have lived in Australia since prehistoric times | 69 | |
9354651 | Lucy | A 3.5 million-year-old female humanlike skeleton found in Ethiopia | 70 | |
9354652 | Neander | River in western Germany where Neanderthal remains were first found | 71 | |
9354653 | Hominids | Term for creatures that walk upright | 72 | |
9354654 | Metal | Neolithic material that began to replace stone | 73 | |
9354655 | Wheel | Neolithic invention that was the basis of transportation | 74 | |
9354656 | Loom | Neolithic invention that was a machine to weave cloth | 75 | |
9354657 | Straw or Dung | Material mixed with clay to produce pottery | 76 | |
9354658 | Nomads | People who wandered from place to place, as Old Stone Age people did | 77 | |
9354659 | Obsidian | Hardened lava from volcanoes; used as mirrors | 78 | |
9354660 | Chipping | Methods of shaping stone in the Old Stone Age | 79 | |
9354661 | Grinding | Method of shaping stone in the New Stone Age | 80 | |
9354662 | Life after Death | Neanderthal religious belief about death | 81 | |
9354663 | Dog | First domesticated animal | 82 | |
9354664 | Pastoralism | Mobile way of life that depended on large herds of livestock | 83 |