Years 600-1450, Unit 2 Test Flashcards
Unit 2 of AP World History w/ Lasher.
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95321964 | When was the middle ages? | 500-1300 | 0 | |
95321965 | Middle ages also known as | the dark ages | 1 | |
95321966 | Why are communities destroyed during the Middle Ages | too much war for learning | 2 | |
95321967 | Who defeated the Muslims in the Battle of Tours? | Karl Martell | 3 | |
95321968 | Charlemagne AKA | Charles the Great | 4 | |
95321969 | Charlemagne leader of which Empire? | Carolignian Empire | 5 | |
95321970 | What did Charlemagne do? | Spread forced Christianity, re-esablished Rome with a strong efficient government. | 6 | |
95321971 | The Treaty of Verdun did what? | Split Europe in 3 | 7 | |
95321972 | Where were the Vikings, Norsemen, and Muslims from in 700-1000? | Vikings, Northern Norsemen, France (normans) muslims, Spain, southern europe | 8 | |
95321973 | Feudalism is what kind of government? | Decentralized | 9 | |
95321974 | Define a serf | A peasant bound to land: they are not free. | 10 | |
95321975 | Feudalism also known as? | Manorialism | 11 | |
95321976 | Describe the feudal system | King recieves land from God King gives land to lords because he can't govern all of it himself Lord distributes land to vassals Knights are beneath vassals Artisans/peasants/serfs are bottom of system. | 12 | |
95321977 | What is the difference between a manor and a fief? | Manor - lord's estate Fief - vassal's estate | 13 | |
95321978 | What were the mutual obligations between the king and lords whom the king gave land? | King offers protection and lords loyalty; serfs owe taxes in the form of crops and 40 days service | 14 | |
95321979 | Who was Eleanor of Aquitane? | The "Grandmother of Europe", mother of King Richard I and King John, she held the spotlight, wielding power over the most important men of her time. promoted the songs of troubadours and the ideals of courtly love | 15 | |
95321980 | What were the powers of the Church in Medieval Europe? | -Had their laws/courts -Excommunication | 16 | |
95321981 | What were the Nuns & Monks responsible for during Medieval Europe? | -housing/hospitals -preservation of learning | 17 | |
95321982 | What are sacraments? | Sacred rights of the church | 18 | |
95321983 | Define tithe. | a tax of the church, 1/10th of a person's income | 19 | |
95321984 | What is papal supremacy? | authority over rulers | 20 | |
95321985 | What is excommunication? | no sacraments or burial | 21 | |
95321986 | What is an interdict? | An entire town is cut off from Church services and rituals. | 22 | |
95321987 | What were the Cluniac Reforms? | The church, not the state, choose officials | 23 | |
95321988 | What is simony? | The selling of church offices | 24 | |
95321989 | Define anti-semitism | prejudices against Jews | 25 | |
95321990 | 1000-1300 marks which period of time? | The High Middle ages, life begins to improve | 26 | |
95321991 | What happened during the Agricultural Revolution during the High Middle Ages? | inventions of the plow, harness, windmill, and 3-field system. increased food production leads to increased population. larger population increases trade. | 27 | |
95321992 | What happened during the Commercial Revolution during the High Middle Ages? | New ways of doing business: fairs money banks usury. middle class is created. guilds are created: higher quality goods cities grow & become centers of trade less serfs & tenant farmers paternerships & insurance are used | 28 | |
95327208 | Name the difference between friars and monks. | Monks live in monestaries and pray. They copy manuscripts. They live a solitary life. Friars preach to people and travel. They serve the community and nurse the sick. | 29 | |
95327209 | In 800 Charlemagne revived what? | Learning. | 30 | |
95327210 | Who led the Battle of Hastings in 1066? | William the Conqueror | 31 | |
95327211 | The Magna Carta was signed when? | 1215 | 32 | |
95327212 | The Black death occurred in Europe when? | 1347-1350 | 33 | |
95327213 | Global loss was how much from the black death? | 40% loss | 34 | |
95327214 | The Magna Carta did what? | limited royal power; extended rights to nobility and their heirs forever | 35 | |
95327215 | What was the Doomsday Book & who had it created? | a complete census | 36 | |
95327216 | What was the 1122 Compromise? | Emperors grant land to Bishops but Popes get to choose bishops & grant them spiritual power | 37 | |
95327217 | What becomes very powerful in the 1200s, and what begins to decline? | The Church, the power of the pope | 38 | |
95327218 | What was the 1054 Schism? | Between the Western and Eastern Church. Latin was Rome, the universal church, emphasis on Christmas because of Festival of Lights, light of Jesus. Greek was Constantinople, "true" church, Orthodox, emphasis on Easter. | 39 | |
95327219 | What happened during the 4th Crusade? | Catholics conquer Constantinople. Venetians plunder Constantinople. It marks the beginning of the decline of the Byzantine Empire | 40 | |
95327220 | Where does the plague begin? | China, trade brings it eastward. | 41 | |
95327221 | What is the situation between the Church, Nobility, and King in England and France? | England shares power with the Magna Carta & create the right to be consulted for taxes. France has no parliament. | 42 | |
95327222 | What was a result of the Crusades and the Turks VS Christians? | 1. Hatred of different religions begins 2. Change in social structure 3. opens Europe to the rest of the world -- begin recovery 4. Church begins to lose credibility at end of medieval period | 43 | |
95330828 | When does the Byzantine empire fall? | 1453 AD | 44 | |
95330829 | Byzantium contains which important city? | Constantinople | 45 | |
95330830 | Greco-Roman ideas contain what? | engineering, arts, architecture, medicine, science, literature, philosophy, and laws. | 46 | |
95330831 | Describe Justinian and Theodora's reign. | Byzantine empire reached greatest extent but bankrupt treasury. Builds Hagia Sophia. His code, Justinian's code, sets up a commission to collect, revise, and organize all laws of Roman empire. His absolute power combines political authority with spiritual authority: patriarchal power. | 47 | |
95330832 | Byzantine is an adjective meaning what? | complex & secretive schemes, intrigue, deceit, & violence to gain power | 48 | |
95335661 | What is the major difference between Latin and Greek crosses? Which church is associated with which cross? | Latin crosses have the vertical part of the cross longer than the horizontal. It is associated with the Holy Roman Catholic church. Greek crosses are like +, equal in length. It is associated with the Greek Orthodox Church. | 49 | |
95335662 | What happened in 1453? | Western Europe Recovers & Renaissance begins. Constantinople falls to the Turks & becomes Istanbul. | 50 | |
95335663 | The Dnieper River is the border of what? | The Catholic and Orthodox Church | 51 | |
95335664 | In 863, The Greek monks adopt Greek alphabet to translate the Bible into the Slavic alphabet called what? | Cyrillic Alphabet | 52 | |
95335665 | Why does Kiev decline as the Byzantine Empire declines? | It is close to Byzantine Empire | 53 | |
95335666 | Who is Genghis Khan? | the "World Emperor", united Mongols | 54 | |
95335667 | Why did Russians call their leaders the Czar? | Czar means like Caesar | 55 | |
95335668 | How did Mongols influence later rulers? | absolute power is a model for later rulers | 56 | |
95335669 | Mongol Rule cut off ___________ just as they were making rapid advances in the arts and sciences, but allowed trade in ______. | Russian contact with Western Europe; China | 57 | |
95680572 | Who was Ivan the III? | He was Ivan the Great, from 1462-1505. he limited the power of nobles and took the title of czar. | 58 | |
95680573 | What are some characteristics of the Mongols? | -subordination of women -strong centralized government -rule through terror -heavy taxes -serfdom increases | 59 | |
95680574 | Who was Ivan the IV? | Ivan the Terrible from 1547-1584. He centralized royal power, expanded territory, and forced serfs to stay on land. He introduced the oprichniki and used terror to maintain control. | 60 | |
95680575 | Hungary were what? | Huns. Not Slavic. | 61 | |
95680576 | Serbs were what. | Orthodox. | 62 | |
95680577 | Who was Muhammad? | The Muslim faith's messenger of God. | 63 | |
95680578 | What does Muslim mean? | One who submits | 64 | |
95680579 | What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? | 1. the creed, recite 3x "There is no God but allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah" 2. prayer 5x a day 3. almsgiving, charity to the poor 4. fasting during ramadan based on lunar calendar 5. pilgimage, HAJJ, journey to Mecca | 65 | |
95680580 | Why is Mecca significant? | Muslims believe it is the site of Abraham's 1st house of worship, the Kaoba. | 66 | |
95680581 | What are the Canterbury Tales? | a collection of stories during a pilgrimage | 67 | |
95680582 | Define the prophets of Jews, Christians, and Islam. | Jews -- moses, the 10 commandments. Christians -- Jesus Christ. Islam -- Muhammad the messenger. | 68 | |
95680583 | What is Jihad? | Effort in God's service | 69 | |
95680584 | What is the Quaran? | The sacred book of Islam, direct unchangeable word of God | 70 | |
95680585 | What is the Sharia? | Islamic system of Law | 71 | |
95680586 | Who was Muhammad's successor? | Abu Bakar | 72 | |
95680587 | Islam spreads to which empires? | Byzantine, Persian, Spain. | 73 | |
95680588 | Why can Islam easily conquer the Byzantine and Persian empires? | They had been rivals and their constant fighting wore the military down. The citizens of those empires welcomed the Arabs | 74 | |
95680589 | What kind of warfare did the Arabs have? | camel & horse cavalry, bold & efficient. fast warfare | 75 | |
95680590 | Why did so many warriors agree to fight for the spread of Islam? | certainty of paradise for those who fell in battle | 76 | |
95680591 | Did Muslims tolerate religions? | Yes, if they were "people of the book" (Jews and Christians), but they had to pay a tax to practice their religion. Atheists or other religions could convert or die. | 77 | |
95680592 | What is the difference between the Sunni's and the Shiites? | Sunnis are 90% of the Muslim population. They believe the caliph should be chosen by the Muslim community. They dominate most of the Muslim world. Shiites are 10% of the Muslim population. They believe only direct decendents of Muhammad should lead today's Muslims. Shiites dominate Iran. | 78 | |
95680593 | Who ends the Arab dominance in 750? | Abbassids founded by Abu Al-Abbas | 79 | |
95680594 | What was the Golden Age of Muslim civilization? | their trade network spaned Persia, Egypt, N. Africa, and Europe. They created the idea of bank checks, credit sales. They had social mobility. Art composed of detailed patterns and animals and people in NONreligious art. Learning: developed ideas of Greek philosophers which led to Europe's revival. Medicine: made great advances, created an encyclopedia of all known diseases and diagnoses. | 80 | |
95680595 | When do Muslims enter India? | The Muslim Turks enter in the 1100's and set up the Delhi Sultanate. | 81 | |
95680596 | Does the Delhi sultanate allow Hinduism? | Yes. But many Hindu's convert to Islam. | 82 | |
95680597 | What is the new language created when Muslims are in India? | Urdu | 83 | |
95680598 | What happens to Buddhism when Muslims are in India? | it is almost completely obliterated because Muslims have opposite religious views | 84 | |
95680599 | Which religion birthed from Hinduism and Islam? | Sikhism. Ideas of brotherhood of man, unity of god, rejection of caste. | 85 | |
95680600 | When was Mughal India? | 3 CENTURIES AFTER THE MONGOLS | 86 | |
95680601 | Who was Akbar the Great? | Babur's grandon who created a strong centralized gov't in Mughal Dynasty. Marries a Hindu princess and allows Hindus to help rule. | 87 | |
95680602 | What happens after Akbar and his grandon die? | -religious toleration abandoned -heavy taxes -revolts -discontent grows | 88 | |
95680603 | Why were Arabs such good traders? | they were Bedouins which are nomads. Trade is natural to them | 89 | |
95680604 | A dome with a pointy top shaped like an onion is which civilization? | PERSIAN. It influences the Ottomans and Mughal Empires and Muslims. | 90 | |
95680605 | Who were the Ottoman Turks? | an empire during the age of the gunpowder empires. they had muskets and cannons. Suleiman the Magnificent is their ruler. | 91 | |
95680606 | Who renames Constantinople Istanbul? | The Sunni Muslims | 92 | |
95680607 | Where was the Safavid Empire? | Persia. | 93 | |
95680608 | Who ruled the Safavid Empire? | Shah Abbas the Great. centralized gov't with powerful military. | 94 | |
95680609 | What are the requisites for a golden age? | -peace -good ruler, strong governing -prosperity -TRADE | 95 | |
95680610 | Who is Ibn Rushd? | contributed in philosophy, based on Aristotle law astronomy medicine | 96 | |
95680611 | What is the world's largest desert, located in Africa? | the Sahara | 97 | |
95680612 | What is the savanna? | grassy plains, most Africans live there. | 98 | |
95680613 | What is a threat in Africa? | Tsetse fly. sleeping sickness. mosquitoes and malaria. | 99 | |
95680614 | What are problems Africa faces? | Deforestation of the rain forest. | 100 | |
95680615 | What ar ethe furnaces of Meroe | the area rich in iron ore in Nubia (Kush). they burned tons of lumber to generate iron, which led to deforestation and a decline of that civilization. | 101 | |
95680616 | What is the major migration of Africa? | the Bantu migrations. 500 BCE to 1500 AD. Movement from Niger River Area throughout Sub-Saharan Africa | 102 | |
95680617 | Bantu is the root language of how much of the African population? | 1/3 | 103 | |
95680618 | What religion were Arabs before they were Muslim? | Christian | 104 | |
95680619 | When did asians introduce camels? | 100-200 AD | 105 | |
95680620 | When did Islam spread throughout North Africa? | 600's | 106 | |
95680621 | What is the significant trade of salt and gold in Africa? | Salt from Taghaza mines in the Sahara is traded for gold in the savannah. They are traded at a 1:1 ratio. Salt is extremely valuable because it is necessary to keep hydrated. | 107 | |
95680622 | What does Ghana recieve from Mali? | Military Technology | 108 | |
95680623 | Who was called the "land of gold"? Hint: gold, G | Ghana | 109 | |
95680624 | Who begins the veiling of women in Muslim culture? | Assyrians | 110 | |
95680625 | Why doesn't Africa veil their women? | Women have greater power in Africa. They hold business and government positions in Ghana and in some cases have superior family roles. | 111 | |
95680626 | What became the largest West African state? | Songhai, with a strong centralized gov't. | 112 | |
95680627 | How does Islam spread? | Through trade | 113 | |
95680628 | In Hausa, what is most significant? | Women ruled; they had queens. Kano was their largest city. | 114 | |
95680629 | What is a major source of salt in Africa? | Taghaza salt mines. | 115 | |
95680630 | What is significant about Mansa Musa? | He was a great emperor who converted to Islam and based justice on the Quaran. He made his hajj with thousands of people and camels. The trip took more than a year. | 116 | |
95680631 | What is Timbuktu? | a great trading city and center of learning | 117 |