Chapter 22 Flashcards
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152958208 | Nikita Khrushchev | a party secretary and premier of the USSR | 0 | |
152958209 | deStalinization | a process that led to reforms, such as loosening government censorship of the press, decentralization of economic decision-making, and reconstructing of the collective farms | 1 | |
152958210 | Mikhail Gorbachev | replaced Brezhneb; looked and acted more western and was open to more western style reforms | 2 | |
152958211 | Glasnost | openness; allowed more open discusion of poltical, social, and economical issues, as well as open critisism of the government | 3 | |
152958212 | Democratization | the process of creating a government elected by the people | 4 | |
152958213 | Perestroika | his most radicle and least succesful reform, tried to keep old soviet structure and tried to modernize from within | 5 | |
152958214 | Boris Yelstin | elected president of the Russian republic, and former politburo; member who lead protests against the KGB | 6 | |
152958215 | Vladimir Putin | president of USSR; set out to redefine Russias place in the world | 7 | |
152958216 | Containment | keeping communism from spreading | 8 | |
152958217 | Detente | peaceful coexistance of the soviet union | 9 | |
152958218 | Osama Bin Laden | head of the Al-qadea | 10 | |
152958219 | Al-qadea | international terrorist organization that claimed responsibilty for the attacks on Twin Towers | 11 | |
152958220 | Saddam Hussein | Iraqi leader who waged war against Iran | 12 | |
152958221 | Weapons of Mass Destruction | nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that can kill tens of thousands of people all at once | 13 | |
152958222 | Preemption | principle of attacking before being attacked | 14 | |
152958223 | Command Economy | no private ownership of property | 15 | |
152958224 | Deng Xiaoping | Chinese communist statesman (1904-1997) | 16 | |
152958225 | Socialist Market Economy | the gradual infusuion of capitalism while still retaining state control | 17 | |
152958226 | Household Responsibilty System | individual families take charge of the production and marketing of crops | 18 | |
152958227 | Private business | included urban co-ops, service organizations, and rural industries that largely operate as a capitalist enterprise | 19 | |
152958228 | Special economic zones | foriegn investers were given preferential tax rates and other incentives | 20 | |
152958229 | Tiananmen Crisis | spring 1989-demonstrations of students and intellectuals against inflation and corruption | 21 | |
152958230 | Supranational organizations | reflect the trend toward intergration | 22 | |
152958231 | Intergrations | a process that encourages states to pull their soverinty in order to gain political economic and social clout | 23 | |
152958232 | Globalization | an intergration of social, environmental, economic, and cultural actvities of nations that has resulted from increasing international contacts | 24 | |
152958233 | Fragmentation | a tendancy of people to base their loyalty on ethinicity, language, religion, or cultural identity | 25 | |
152958234 | world trade organization | organization of member states who have agreed to rules of world trade among nations | 26 | |
152958235 | World bank | focuses today on loaning money to low and middle income countries at modest interest rates | 27 | |
152958236 | european union | a regional organization that promises to redefine the meaning of sovierenty | 28 | |
152958237 | North American free trade agreement | its goal is to more closely intergrate the countries economies by eliminating tarriffs and reducing restrictions so that companies can expand into all countries freely | 29 | |
152958238 | more developed countries | those that have experienced industrialization | 30 | |
152958239 | less developed countries | those who have not experienced industrialization | 31 | |
152958240 | compressed modernity | repid economic and political change that transformed the coutnry into a stable nation with democratizing political institutions a growing economy and an expanding web of nongovernmental institutions | 32 | |
152958241 | modernization model | model showing britian was the first country to begin to develop its industry | 33 | |
152958242 | dependency theory | primary responsibility for global poverty on rich nations | 34 | |
152958243 | market economy | follow free market principles without government control | 35 | |
152958244 | mixed economy | allows significant control from central government | 36 | |
152958245 | marketization | a states creation of a market in which property, labor, goods, and services can all function in a competitive environment to determine their value | 37 | |
152958246 | privitization | the transfer of state owned property to private ownership | 38 | |
152958247 | megacities | metropolies in the world that have populations of more than 10 million | 39 | |
152958248 | demographic transition | change in a population from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates | 40 | |
152958249 | green revolution | a collection of new agricultural techniques; involved the use of new higher yeild seeds and expanded the use of fertilizers | 41 | |
152958250 | human rights movement | Changing the way society views the rights of all of its memebers including minorities, clients with terminal illness (euthenasia), pregnant women, and older adults. | 42 | |
152958251 | universal declaration of human rights | a document sponsereed by the UN and signed by the UNs grand assembly in 1948 | 43 | |
152958252 | nongovernmental organizations | Nonprofit international organizations devoted to investigating human rights abuses and providing humanitarian relief | 44 | |
152958253 | modernism | values that included secularism and emphases on reason, materialism, technology, bureaucracy, and emphases on freedom rather than collective equality | 45 | |
152958254 | post-modernism | set of values that emphasizes quality of life over concern with material gain | 46 | |
152958255 | cultural globalization | spread of western culture to other parts of the globe | 47 | |
152958256 | cultural imperialism | Domination of one culture over another by a deliberate policy or by economic or technological superiority | 48 | |
152958257 | global pop culture | allows many ordinary people access to dress, food, music, movies, and TV shows that reflect American culture | 49 | |
152958258 | nationalism | identities based in nationhood | 50 | |
152958259 | politicization of religion | the use of religious principles to promote political ends and vise versa | 51 | |
152958260 | stateless nations | people of a common identity without a coorisponding state organized by a central government | 52 |