§upa - Jeopardy Terms - 16 - Europe: Feudalism, Church, & the Crusades Flashcards
A list of Jeopardy terms relating to Feudalism, the Church, and the Crusades of Europe
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12836156 | Manor | Medieval farming estate, including a village | 0 | |
12836157 | Castle | Noble's home and fortress made of stone | 1 | |
12836158 | Moat | Body of water that protected some castles | 2 | |
12836159 | Drawbridge | Heavy door of a castle that could be raised or lowered | 3 | |
12836160 | Code of Chivalry | Code of conduct developed for medieval knights | 4 | |
12836161 | Chess | Popular board game played by nobles and ladies | 5 | |
12836162 | Dungeon | Below-ground area where prisoners were kept in a castle | 6 | |
12836163 | Central Government | Political condition that favored the development of feudalism | 7 | |
12836164 | Military Aid, Service | Major obligation of a vassal to a lord | 8 | |
12836165 | Ransom | Payment owed by a vassal if the lord was captured in battle | 9 | |
12836166 | Tournaments | Mock battles, the great sport of feudal knights | 10 | |
12836167 | Joust | A fight between two armored knights on horseback | 11 | |
12836168 | Straw | Floor covering for a medieval manor house or castle | 12 | |
12836169 | Great Hall | Castle room where everyone lived and ate | 13 | |
12836170 | Fief | Grant of land | 14 | |
12836171 | Lord's Court | Body of vassals that decided legal cases | 15 | |
12836172 | Manor House | Wooden building built to provide protection to everyone on the lord's manor | 16 | |
12836173 | Palisade | High wooden fence that surrounded a noble's house | 17 | |
12836174 | Keep | Tall, strong tower of a castle | 18 | |
12836175 | Dowry | Payment given by a bride's family to the husband-to-be | 19 | |
12836176 | Fallow | Condition of a field left not planted every third year | 20 | |
12836177 | Lord | Person who granted land in exchange for military services | 21 | |
12836178 | Nobles | Class of people who were lords and vassals | 22 | |
12836179 | Peasants | People who farmed the land and provided services for nobles | 23 | |
12836180 | Serfs | Peasants who were bound to the land | 24 | |
12836181 | Knight | Noble warrior on horseback | 25 | |
12836182 | Kings | Weak rulers who granted land from royal estates to powerful lords | 26 | |
12836183 | Clergy | Class of medieval religious leaders | 27 | |
12836184 | Vassal | Lesser lord who held land in return for a pledge of services and loyalty | 28 | |
12836185 | Oldest Son | Legal possession and use of land passed to this person when a lord or vassal died. | 29 | |
12836186 | Freemen | Peasants who rented land from the lord | 30 | |
12836187 | Page | First stage of learning to be a knight, beginning at the age of seven | 31 | |
12836188 | Squire | A knight's assistant | 32 | |
12836189 | Charlemagne | The last strong king in Europe before feudalism developed | 33 | |
12836190 | Troubadours | Poet-musicians at feudal castles who sang about romantic love | 34 | |
12836191 | Minstrels | Wandering musical entertainers | 35 | |
12836192 | Artisans | Group of non-farming freemen necessary to village economy | 36 | |
12836193 | Bailiff | Manor official who made sure the peasants worked hard in the fields | 37 | |
12836194 | Chancellor | Head of a medieval university | 38 | |
12836195 | Poor, Sick | Manor people that the lord's lady was obligated to care for | 39 | |
12836196 | Lord | Person who kept one third of the manor's land for himself | 40 | |
12836197 | Church | Organization that provided the only stable central authority in medieval Europe | 41 | |
12836198 | Parish Priest | Local Church official | 42 | |
12836199 | Latin | Official language of the Church | 43 | |
12836200 | Pope | Spiritual head of the Church in western Europe | 44 | |
12836201 | Nunneries (Convents) | Religious communities of nuns | 45 | |
12836202 | Monasteries | Religious communities of monks | 46 | |
12836203 | Reading, Writing | Skills possessed by Church officials and very few other members of medieval society | 47 | |
12836204 | Cathedral | Large church headed by a bishop | 48 | |
12836205 | Burning at the Stake | Ultimate punishment for heresy | 49 | |
12836206 | Excommunication | Banishment from the Church | 50 | |
12836207 | Abbot | Head of a monastery | 51 | |
12836208 | Franciscans, Dominicans | Religious order dedicated to reform, whose members preached among the people | 52 | |
12836209 | Social Welfare | Responsibility taken over by the Church that benefited the less fortunate | 53 | |
12836210 | Canon Law | The laws of the Church | 54 | |
12836211 | (Spanish) Inquisition | The search for heresy by the Spanish Church | 55 | |
12836212 | Heresy | False doctrines or denial of the truth of dogma | 56 | |
12836213 | Tithe | Contributions of 10 percent of one's income to the Church | 57 | |
12836214 | Gregory the Great (I) | First pope to become a powerful earthly ruler | 58 | |
12836215 | Benedictine Rule | Set of standards to regulate lives of monks, developed around 530 | 59 | |
12836216 | Gregory VII | Pope who attempted to rid the Church of control by kings and feudal lords | 60 | |
12836217 | Concordat of Worms | Agreement of 1122 giving both the pope and the king a part in selecting bishops | 61 | |
12836218 | Simony | The buying and selling of Church positions | 62 | |
12836219 | Palestine | Land conquered by the Arabs that the crusaders sought to recapture | 63 | |
12836220 | Islam | Religion of the Arabs | 64 | |
12836221 | Seljuk Turks | Muslim people who took over the Holy Land from the Arabs | 65 | |
12836222 | Byzantine Empire | Empire that appealed to the pope for protection from the Turks | 66 | |
12836223 | Jerusalem | Holy city recaptured by the crusaders in 1099 | 67 | |
12836224 | Children's Crusade | Tragic crusade of 1212 | 68 | |
12836225 | (Pope) Urban II | Pope who called on the feudal lords to wage a holy war (a crusade) to regain the Holy Land | 69 | |
12836226 | "God Wills It" | War cry of the crusaders | 70 | |
12836227 | Red Cross | Emblem of the crusaders, sewn onto their tunics | 71 | |
12836228 | Debts, Taxes, Sins, Criminal Punishment | The things a crusader would be forgiven for or declared free from | 72 | |
12836229 | First Crusade | Crusade led by nobles that was successful | 73 | |
12836230 | Massacred the Inhabitants | What the crusaders did when they recaptured the holy city | 74 | |
12836231 | Richard the Lionheart of England, Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, Philip Augustus of France | The three kings who conducted the Third Crusade | 75 | |
12836232 | Saladin | Muslim leader who recaptured Jerusalem in 1187 | 76 | |
12836233 | Increased Power of Kings | Main political effect of the crusades | 77 | |
12836234 | Clermont | Site of Church council where the pope pleaded for a crusade | 78 | |
12836235 | Second Crusade | Crusade led by Louis VII of France and the Holy Emperor Conrad III; begun in 1147 | 79 | |
12836236 | Crusade of the Three Kings | Term for the Third Crusade, 1189-1192 | 80 | |
12836237 | (Pope) Innocent III | Pope who called for a Fourth Crusade in 1198 | 81 | |
12836238 | Constantinople | City looted by crusaders in 1204 | 82 |