Unit 2 Time Periods Flashcards
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243450749 | the invasion and conquest of Achamenids by Alexander | 334 - 330 BCE | 0 | |
243450750 | Life of Siddhartha (Buddha) | 563 - 483 BCE | 1 | |
243450751 | Persian Wars | 500 - 479 BCE | 2 | |
243450752 | Era of Qin Dynasty | 221 - 207 BCE | 3 | |
243450753 | Era of Han Dynasty | 25 - 220 CE | 4 | |
243450754 | Era of Gypta Dynasty | 320 - 550 CE | 5 | |
243450755 | the Collapse of Han Dynasty | 220 CE | 6 | |
243450756 | reign of Darius the Great | 521-486 BCE | 7 | |
243450757 | the spread of Buddhism and Hinduism to SE Asia | 3rd century BCE | 8 | |
243450758 | Warring States Period | 403 - 221 BCE | 9 | |
243450759 | Era of the Classical Greek poleis | 800 - 338 BCE | 10 | |
243450760 | the Rule of Augustus | 31 BCE - 14 CE | 11 | |
243450761 | the traditional founding of Rome | 753 BCE | 12 | |
243450762 | the Collapse of Western Roman Empire | 476 BCE | 13 | |
243450763 | the spread of Christianity to the Mediterranean Basin and SW Asia | 2nd century BCE | 14 | |
243450764 | the spread of Buddhism to China | 1st century BCE | 15 | |
243450765 | the Legalization of Christianity in the Roman empire | 313 CE | 16 | |
243450766 | Era of Mauryan Dynasty | 321 - 185 BCE | 17 | |
243450767 | Life of Confucius | 551 - 479 BCE | 18 | |
243450768 | the establishment of the Roman Republic | 509 BCE | 19 |