Chapter 30 AP World History Flashcards
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59712229 | appeasement | the practice of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war | 0 | |
59712230 | total war | the practice of channeling a nation's entire resources into a war effort | 1 | |
59712231 | Balfour Declaration | British document that promised land in Palestine as homeland for Jews, ignored by the Arabs (Palestinians) | 2 | |
59712232 | zionism | a policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine | 3 | |
59712233 | Holocaust | the Nazi program of exterminating Jews under Hitler, the program of cruel, brutal, inhumane acts enforced against Jews | 4 | |
59712234 | genocide | systematic killing of a racial or cultural group; ex: the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide (Turks) | 5 | |
59712235 | anti-semitism | prejudice and hatred against Jews | 6 | |
59712236 | "The Final Solution" | the Nazi cover up name for their inhumane plan to exterminate the Jews | 7 | |
59712237 | Blitzkrieg | fight a quick and surprising war, "lightning war", used by the Germans against the Poland in WWII | 8 | |
59712238 | Anschluss | Hitler's annexation and combination of Germany and Austria | 9 | |
59712239 | Tehran Conference | a meeting between the USA, Britain, and the USSR, called in order to create an agreement to open a second battlefront in Europe | 10 | |
59712240 | Yalta Conference | a meeting between the USA, Britain, and the USSR, called in order to disarm Germany and divide it into four zones of occupation | 11 | |
59712241 | Potsdam Conference | a meeting between the USA, Britain, and the USSR, called in order to announce Potsdam Declaration included the provision Japanese unconditional surrender of Japan or face prompt and utter destruction | 12 | |
59712242 | United Nations | an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security, replaced the League of Nations established in WWI | 13 | |
59712243 | Atlantic Charter | a published statement established by the United States and Britain that outlined the world after WWII | 14 | |
59712244 | PLO | a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine | 15 | |
59712245 | decolonization | the action of changing from colonial to independent status | 16 | |
59712246 | self-determination | the ability of a government to determine their own course by the way of their free will | 17 | |
59712247 | Indian National Congress | a movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government, self-determination | 18 | |
59712248 | Amritsar Massacre | the massacre at Amritsar where British troops fired, killing hundreds of Indians who gathered together for a public meeting | 19 | |
59712249 | Quit India Movement | the mass civil disobedience campaign that began in the summer of 1942 to end British control of India, passive resistance | 20 | |
59712250 | Muslim League | an organization formed by Muslims in 1906 to protect their interests against British rule | 21 | |
59712251 | Kenya African Union | Leading nationalist party in Kenya; adopted nonviolent approach to ending British control in the 1950s | 22 | |
59712252 | Secret Army Organization | the organization of French settlers in Algeria; led guerrilla war following independence during the 1960s; assaults directed against Arabs, Berbers, and French who advocated independence | 23 | |
59712253 | Afrikaner National Party | the majority party in the all-white South African legislature after 1948; advocated complete independence from Britain; favored a rigid system of racial segregation called apartheid | 24 | |
59712254 | apartheid | a social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against non-whites | 25 | |
59712255 | Adolf Hitler | German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945), leader of the Third Reich, mentally disturbed, committed suicide, largely violated the Treaty of Versailles | 26 | |
59712256 | Joseph Stalin | Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition (1879-1953) | 27 | |
59712257 | Tojo | Japanese army officer who initiated the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and who assumed dictatorial control of Japan during World War II, he was subsequently tried and executed as a war criminal (1884-1948) | 28 | |
59712258 | Hirohito | emperor of Japan who renounced his divinity and became a constitutional monarch after Japan surrendered at the end of World War II (1901-1989) | 29 | |
59712259 | Winston Churchill | British statesman and leader during World War II | 30 | |
59712260 | Harry S. Truman | elected Vice President in Roosevelt's 4th term, became 33rd President of the United States on Roosevelt's death in 1945 and was elected President in 1948; authorized the use of atomic bombs against Japan (1884-1972) | 31 | |
59712261 | Mohandas Gandhi | a 20th century, western educated Indian elite who helped lead his country to independence by using nonviolent resistance to colonial rule, civil disobedience | 32 | |
59712262 | Muhammad Ali Jinnah | Indian statesman who was the founder of Pakistan as a Muslim state (1876-1948), a leader of the Muslim League | 33 | |
59712263 | Jawaharlal Nehru | was the first prime minister of the Republic of India from 1947 to 1964 (1889-1964) | 34 | |
59712264 | Jomo Kenyatta | a nationalist leader who fought to end oppressive laws against Africans; later became the first Prime Minister of Kenya | 35 | |
59712265 | Kwame Nkrumah | the founder of Ghana's independence movement and Ghana's first President, used non-violent acts | 36 | |
59712266 | Nelson Mandela | South African statesman who was released from prison to become the nation's first democratically elected president in 1994 (born in 1918) | 37 | |
59712267 | intifada | an uprising by Palestinian Arabs (in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) against Israel in the late 1980s and again in 2000, the first intifada ended when Israel granted limited autonomy to the Palestine National Authority in 1993 | 38 |