APW Unit 10 acronyms Flashcards
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156807708 | MAD (Mutually Assured Descruction) | describes primary deterrent to nuclear strikes during Cold War | 0 | |
156807709 | SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) | regional alliance that aimed to stop spread of communism in Asia. Members were Aus, FR. NZ Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, UK and USA. | 1 | |
156807710 | NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) | association set up for defense fo major W European and N American states against threat from USSR | 2 | |
156807711 | FLN (Front de Liberation Nationale) | movement in algeria that used guerrilla warfare ot oust French control in 1950's | 3 | |
156807712 | SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) | negotiations betw USA and USSR to reduce rate of nuclear arms buildup | 4 | |
156807713 | START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks) | phase in US-Soviet peace discussions, negotiations to reduce number of nuclear weapons | 5 | |
156807714 | INF (Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty) | agreement betw US and USSR to eliminate all ground based nuclar missiles in europe that could only hit euro targets | 6 | |
156807715 | PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) | political party that dominated Mex politics fom 30's-90's | 7 | |
156807716 | PDR (Democratic Revolutionary Party) | opposition party which challenged PRI's dominance in Mexican politics. Cuauhtemoc Cardenas emerged as leater in 1990's | 8 | |
156807717 | ANC (African National Congress) | organization formed by non-white South Africans to oppose white rule, resisted rule of apartheid | 9 | |
156807718 | PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) | Arab organization dedicated to restoring the state of Palestine nd destruction of the state of Israel. | 10 | |
156807719 | LDC (Less Developed Country) | characterized by low per capita income and little industrial development | 11 | |
156807720 | NIEO (New International Economic Order) | organization created by a coalition of deveoping nations which called for a more just allocation of global wealth | 12 | |
156807721 | NIC (Newly Industrialized Countries) | includes small contries such as Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan which have created strong export-driven economies that have challenged tratidonal economic powers such as japan since 1980's | 13 | |
156807722 | OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) | oil producer cartel started in 1960 by oil producing states. | 14 | |
156807723 | GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) | agreement igned by the representatives of 23 noncommunist nations in 1947 to promote unrestricted global trade | 15 | |
156807724 | WTO (World Trade Organization) | group that took over the activities of GATT in 1995 | 16 | |
156807725 | ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) | regional trade alliance established in 1967 by foreign ministers of Thailand, malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Philippines. Goals to accelerate economic progress and prmote political stability in SE Asia | 17 | |
156807726 | EC (European Community) | european political and econ alliance formed to expand trade, reduce competiton, and abolish restrictive trading practices | 18 | |
156807727 | EU (European Union) | became successor to European Community | 19 | |
156807728 | NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association) | USA, Canada, and Mexico creaated a free trade zone in 1993 with the intention of eventually extending membership to allnoncommunist countriees in the americas. | 20 | |
156807729 | OAS (Organization of American States) | founded in 1948 to replace Pan-American union, aims are to maintain peace and solidariy within Western Hemisphere and facilitae social and econ development in Latin America | 21 | |
156807730 | OAU (Organization of African Unity) | association established to eradicate colonialism, and improve economic, cultural, and political cooperation in Africa | 22 | |
156807731 | NOW (National Organization of Women) | organization created in USA to promoted legal and professional equality of women | 23 | |
156807732 | ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) | proposed amendment to US constitution to require gender equality in courts and workplace. | 24 | |
156807733 | WHO (World Health Organization) | a special agency for the United Nations that has worked to improve the health of those in LDC's | 25 | |
156807734 | NGO (Nongovernmental International Organizations) | organiztions that are able to take on problems that do not respect territorial boundaries and are beyond the reach of national gvts, Red Cross is an example | 26 | |
156807735 | UN (United Nations) | association of nation-states that became the successor to the LON after WWII | 27 |