APW Unit 5 Vocab Flashcards
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112931554 | lateen sail | triangular sail invention, better sailing | 0 | |
112931555 | astrolabe | device using sun to determine latitude | 1 | |
112931556 | volta do mar | return through the sea" rout from Canaries to Portugal | 2 | |
112931557 | Dom Henrique | Prince Henry of Portugal, conquered Moroccan Port --- Ceuta | 3 | |
112931558 | Sao Jorge de Mina | trading posts in modern Ghana, exchanged Euro horses, leather, textiles, metal for gold & slaves | 4 | |
112931559 | Bartolemeu Dias | went around cape of good hope | 5 | |
112931560 | Vasco de Gama | went around Africa to India | 6 | |
112931561 | Cristoforo Colombo | sailed west looking for asia, hit the americas | 7 | |
112931562 | Martin Behaim | german cartographer; earliest globe | 8 | |
112931563 | Ferdinand Magellan | circumnavigated the earth | 9 | |
112931564 | northwest passage | passage between europe and asia, was never found | 10 | |
112931565 | Francis Drake | scouted west coast of north america | 11 | |
112931566 | James Cook | British guy who mapped out a lot of the pacific | 12 | |
112931567 | Afonso d'Alboquerque | commanded the Portuguese in 1500's and tried to control trade in the Indian Ocean | 13 | |
112931568 | Goa | capital of Portuguese colonies in Asia until 20th century | 14 | |
112931569 | Melaka | the dutch conquered _____ in 1641, (in malaysia) | 15 | |
112931570 | joint-stock company | 2 powerful _________ private merchants give money to these companies to allow them to explore | 16 | |
112931571 | Lopez de Legazpi | spanard who took control of Philippines for trade benefits and to advance Christianity | 17 | |
112931572 | Mindanao | was a southern island that the spanish did not control | 18 | |
112931573 | Jan Pieterszoon Coen | he founded Batavia on the island of Java, established a spice trade monopoly for the VOC | 19 | |
112931574 | Seven years War | world wide conflict, commercial and political rivalries caused it, stemmed the British Hegemony | 20 | |
112931575 | Columbian Exchange | spread of disease and exchange of goods to america | 21 | |
112931576 | smallpox | introduced to Americas, devistating population drops | 22 | |
112931577 | African Slave Trade | Atlantic, transoceanic trade, Euro firearms and goods for slaves to western hemisphere | 23 | |
112931578 | Manila Galleons | Spanish, sleek, fast, heavily armed ships w/large cargo, bo b/w Manila-Acapulco | 24 | |
112931579 | Martin Luther | started protestant reformation, wrote 95 theses | 25 | |
112931580 | Henry VIII | he severed relations with the pope for not letting him divorce, this started the Anglican Church | 26 | |
112931581 | John Calvin | preached predestination | 27 | |
112931582 | Council of Trent | catholic reformation, dealt with doctrine and reform | 28 | |
112931583 | Ignatius of Loyola | he founded the society fo jesus, sought to extend the reformed roman church | 29 | |
112931584 | St. Teresa of Avila | she was a mystic of Spain, founded strict order of nuns, often experienced visions | 30 | |
112931585 | witch-hunting | witchcraft becomes scapegoat for all misfortune, most were women, most condemned until 1700 | 31 | |
112931586 | Spanish Armada | king philip II of spain tried to force England to return to Catholocism | 32 | |
112931587 | Thirty Years War | 1618, holy roman emperor tried to force his bohemina subjects to roman cath, other parties joined | 33 | |
112931588 | Charles V | his empire stritched from vienna to cuzco, peru | 34 | |
112931589 | Spanish Inquisition | accuse people of heresy, Fernando and Isabel 1478, deterred Protestant Reformation | 35 | |
112931590 | Charles I | son of james I, guilty of treason, | 36 | |
112931591 | absolutism | type of government that assigned all authority to the monarcy, based on theoretical foundation known as 'Devine Right' | 37 | |
112931592 | Louis XIV | absolute monarch in 17th century france, persecuted huguenots, waged costly wars, and contributed to eventual tax problems due to his lavish spending | 38 | |
112931593 | Versailles | center for european culture and art, Louis XIV moved capital here | 39 | |
112931594 | Peace of Westphalia | this treaty ended the Thirty Years War in 1648. It allowed each German state to determine its ownn religious affiliation | 40 | |
112931595 | balance of power | keeping one state from dominating others, froming coalitions to keep states in check | 41 | |
112931596 | urbanization | rabid growth because centers of government, commerce, and industry | 42 | |
112931597 | putting -out system | efforts to organize industrial productions, products made in countryside, sold in market | 43 | |
112931598 | Adam Smith | Scottish philosopher, 18th centruy, society will prosper when individuals pursue own economic interests | 44 | |
112931599 | Nicolaus Copernicus | commissioned to make new calendar for Polish priest (centered around sun) | 45 | |
112931600 | Galileo Galilei | used telescope to support heliocentric universe, was forced to "take back everything he said" | 46 | |
112931601 | Isaac Newton | gravity, creates calculus, physics | 47 | |
112931602 | Voltaire | satirist, Franois-Marie Arouet, resulted in censorship, Candide | 48 | |
112931603 | Deism | this belief acknowledged the existence of God but denied supernatural Christian teachings, It claimed that God made the universe but does not intervene in day to day events | 49 | |
112931604 | Dona Marina | Aztec woman who acted as translator for Hernan Cortes in his conquest of Mexico. She learned Mayan and Spanish and also knew Nahuatl | 50 | |
112931605 | Tainos aka Arawaks | Most prominent people in the Caribbean. 1st to interact w/ Euros. Interested in trade w/ Spanish | 51 | |
112931606 | Encomienda | Labor systems that gave Spanish right to make Native Americans work for them for little pay and long hours | 52 | |
112931607 | Hernan Cortes | Led 450 soldiers to Mexico in 1519, took over Tenochtitlan and murdered Montezuma | 53 | |
112931608 | Francisco Pizzaro | Spanish dude took over Incan Cuzco in 1530, then Incas became under Spanish control | 54 | |
112931609 | Audencias | Courts created by Spanish to overlook viceroys. Had the right to speak directly to the king | 55 | |
112931610 | Treaty of Tordesillas | Pope sponsored this agreement between Spain and Portugal (1494) to divide the world so that Africa and Asia would be Portugese and the Americas would be Spanish | 56 | |
112931611 | Pedro Alvares Cabral | Portugese mariner who claimed Brazil in 1500. Dispatched a governer to oversee affairs there | 57 | |
112931612 | Peninsulares | Immigrants in Latin America who were born in Spain or Portugal. Highest social class in latin america | 58 | |
112931613 | Creoles | People born in Americas w/ Iberian heritage | 59 | |
112931614 | Mestizos | People with Spanish and Native American heritage | 60 | |
112931615 | Mulattoes/Zambos | People with African and Spanish/Native American heritage | 61 | |
112931616 | Potosi | Richest silver mine in the Andes. Spanish forced Native. A's to work dat $#%! | 62 | |
112931617 | Quinto | Spanish gov's claimed 20% of silver production in Spanish colonies | 63 | |
112931618 | Repartimiento | Labor system replaced ecomienda in 1500s made N. A's work on farms or mines and they couldn't be kept for more than a few weeks and were supposed to be paid fairly | 64 | |
112931619 | Engenhos | A plantation or estate dedicated to the production of sugar in Brazil | 65 | |
112931620 | Benardino de Sahagun | Fransiscan missionary in Mexico preserved N.A. culture before Spanish came | 66 | |
112931621 | Botany Bay | Site on eastern coast of Australia where James Cook went to. Then British made it prison colony | 67 | |
112931622 | Chamorro | Natives of Guam and Marian Islands who got owned by Spanish brought smallpox | 68 |