AP world history....chapter 1 quiz Flashcards
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207196504 | homo sapiens sapiens | the newest human breed that all humans are decended from | 0 | |
207196505 | What is the Neolithic Age? When? Characteristics? | "New Stone Age." event that occured during this time ended the Old Stone Age. occured between 6000 and 4000 BCE. agriculture invented, cities created | 1 | |
207196506 | Neolithic Revolution | New Stone Age between 8000 and 5000 BCE. adaptation of agriculture. domestication of plants and animals | 2 | |
207196507 | hunting and gathering | way people got food before the adaptation of agriculture | 3 | |
207196508 | Bronze Age and when | time when bronze tools were first introduced in the middle east. 4000 to 1500 BCE | 4 | |
207196509 | civilization | societies distinguished by reliance on agriculture, ability to produce food surpluses, and exsistence of nonfarming cities, as well as merchant and manufacturing groups | 5 | |
207196510 | cuneiform | writing developed by the sumerians using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets | 6 | |
207196511 | nomads | people who moved from place to place in search of food, water, and shelter | 7 | |
207196512 | Mesopotamia :( | the civilizations that arose in Tigris- Euphrates river valleys. rich, fertile soil for planting. farmers skilled in agriculture and bronze-work | 8 | |
207196513 | Sumerians | people who lived in mesopotamia. developed a cuneiform alphabet, statues, science of astronomy, system of numbers | 9 | |
207196514 | ziggurat | massive tower associated with mesopotamian temple complexes | 10 | |
207196515 | Babylonians | extended their empire and helped bring civilization to other parts of the Middle East | 11 | |
207196516 | Hammurabi | Babylonian king who is best known for his code of law, which is the first one ever written down | 12 | |
207196517 | pharaoh | title of a king of ancient Egypt | 13 | |
207196518 | pyramids | monumental architecture typical of ancient Egypt, used as tombs for pharaohs | 14 | |
207196519 | Kush | African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile c.1000 BCE; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries | 15 | |
207196520 | Indus River. Where? characteristics of civilization there 2500 BCE | runs through Himalayas, empties in Arabian Sea. large cities, some had running water | 16 | |
207196521 | Harrappa & Mohenjo Daro | large cities in the Indus River valley, houses had running water | 17 | |
207196522 | Huanghe River. where? characteristics of civilization | China. isolated, subject of later Chinese legends | 18 | |
207196523 | ideographic symbols | pictographic characters grouped together to create new concepts, typical Chinese writing | 19 | |
207196524 | Phoenicians | civilization on shores of Mediterranean. simplified alphabet to 22 letters. improved Egyptian numbering system. set up colonies in Europe and North Africa | 20 | |
207196525 | Mandate of Heaven | divine source for political legitimacy of Chinese rulers | 21 | |
207196526 | monotheism | exclusive worship of a single god | 22 |