War World II Flashcards
history terms.
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56213688 | Axis powers | Italy (Mussolini), Japan (Tojo), Germany (Hitler) | 0 | |
56213689 | Tojo | Japan minister of war (real leader), is a strong nationalist | 1 | |
56213690 | Hirohito | Japanese war lord | 2 | |
56213691 | Nazi | National socialists | 3 | |
56213692 | Franco | Fascist general ruling Spain | 4 | |
56213693 | totalitarian | rise of dictatorship in Europe, one person has total control | 5 | |
56213694 | Allied Powers | United States, Russia, Britian | 6 | |
56213695 | Ethiopia | Italy attacked Ethiopia in 1935 | 7 | |
56213696 | Manchuria | Jappan attacks manchuria in 1931 | 8 | |
56213697 | Versailles | This treaty is one of the causes of WWII because it made the Germans want revenge. | 9 | |
56213698 | Third Reich | The Nazi state, which replaced the Weimar Republic | 10 | |
56213699 | Atlantic Charter | between rossevelt and Churchil, they agree they shared goals in opposing Hitler and his allies. | 11 | |
56213700 | non-Agression pact | A pact made between Hitler and Stalin. Hitler agreed not to attack Russia if they don't stop Hitler. (Germany and Russia) | 12 | |
56213701 | Dunkirk | The miricle of Dunkirk. One of Hitler's mistake. Decided to wait for the whole Luftwaffe and so the Britsh soldiers were able to escape with help of every local ship. | 13 | |
56213702 | Vichy France | The part of France that was unoccupied. | 14 | |
56213703 | Neutrality Acts | prevented u.S from being draw into war. These acts also showed Americans isolationism | 15 | |
56213704 | Cash and Carry | countries at war were allowed to purchase American goods as long as paid cash and picked up orders in American ports | 16 | |
56213705 | Lend lease Act | U.S could send weapons to Great Britian regardless to pay. | 17 | |
56213706 | Selective Service Act '40 | was the first peacetime conscription (it was the draft) | 18 | |
56213707 | Blitkrieg | its is the lightning war, used when Germany attacked Poland | 19 | |
56213708 | luftwaff | Germany airplanes, or thier airforce | 20 | |
56213709 | final solution | where the nazis wanted to kill the Jews faster, they opened six new camps with gas chambers. Also they wanted to wipe out all jews, gypsies, maentally deficient people | 21 | |
56213710 | Appeasement | occured at the Munich Conference, they appeased Hitler because he said he was done. | 22 | |
56213711 | Quarantine speech | F.D.R's speech when Japan invaded China, he said they need to help peace loving countries to quarantine aggresive nations | 23 | |
56213712 | Kristallnact | "night of brocken glass", night of Nov. 9 & 10 anti-Jewish riots broke out and destroyed Jewish shops. | 24 | |
56213713 | Maginot Line | Frenchs maginot line was their defense line, it was easy to get around | 25 | |
56213714 | Fascism | a system of goverment that stressed glory of state | 26 | |
56213715 | Stalin | was the dictator of the Soviet Union. He was a communist | 27 | |
56213716 | "A date which will live in infamy" | Roosevelts speech on Pearl Harbor | 28 | |
56213717 | retooling / mobilization | Ford and and workers of willow run and other consumber good factories were converted to the production of war supplies | 29 | |
56213718 | Smith Connally Act | The Act allowed the federal government to seize and operate industries threatened by or under strikes that would interfere with war production. It also prohibited unions from making contributions in federal election | 30 | |
56213719 | WAAC | women who joined services that helped with the war | 31 | |
56213720 | Churchill | churchill and Roosevelt made an agreement. Churchill is also the leader of England (britian) | 32 | |
56213721 | Stalingrad | the turning point in WWII. | 33 | |
56213722 | Sicily/Anzio | invaded Italy and they landed on the seafron resort anzio, here they freed trap soilders | 34 | |
56213723 | Eisenhower | Operation Torch was led by Eisenhower. SAC - supreme Allie commander | 35 | |
56213724 | MacArthur | was an American general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army. He officially accepted Japan's surrender on September 2, 1945, and oversaw the occupation of Japan from 1945 to 1951. | 36 | |
56213725 | D-day / Normandy | it was on June 6, 1944, it was the assult hopefully to win the war | 37 | |
56213726 | Battle of the Bulge | Hitlers last attempt to attack, gave everything he had | 38 | |
56213727 | OPA | The Office of Price Administration (OPA) was in charge of rationing consumer goods such as sugar, coffee, shoes, household appliances, and other goods during World War II. ration books | 39 | |
56213728 | Nisei | First generation american but are japanese | 40 | |
56213729 | Enola Gay | The air craft that carried the atomic bomb for Hiroshima | 41 | |
56213730 | Rationing | had coupons for foods, they rationed all the supplies so had enough for the army | 42 | |
56213731 | Victory Gardens | people grew own | 43 | |
56213732 | Duce | means the leader in Italy | 44 | |
56213733 | RAF | royal air force, britians | 45 | |
56213734 | Anti-semitism | people anti jews | 46 | |
56213735 | holocaust | the jewish genocide | 47 | |
56213736 | FDR | the president during the great depression and War World II, served four terms total of 8 years. | 48 | |
56213737 | Rosie the Riveter | an icon to show that women can take charge. Icon for women to join services to help with the war | 49 | |
56213738 | Bracero | a chance for mexican workers to work temporaily | 50 | |
56213739 | zoot suit riots | white sailors fought with mexican american youths | 51 | |
56213740 | Manzanar | one of the ten camps where Japanese Americans were imprisioned during the war | 52 | |
56213741 | sonar / radar | two new detection devices | 53 | |
56213742 | Rommel | was the Germen general known as the "desert fox". he led German against British for North Africa | 54 | |
56213743 | Aushwitz | was a concentraction camp | 55 | |
56213744 | island hopping | helped campaign? | 56 | |
56213745 | Iwo Jima | where Americans struggled to raise the American flag (in japan) | 57 | |
56213746 | Kamikaze | a piolet who did three missions...they commited suicide? | 58 | |
56213747 | Code Talkers | the code we talked in, we deciphered germans code (Enigma) but they could not decipher ours it was Navajo | 59 | |
56213748 | Tuskegee Airmen | were the African Americans who fought during invastion of Sicily | 60 | |
56213749 | Midway | battle of Midway agains Japan, all based on aircraft | 61 | |
56213750 | 'unconditional surrender' | we gave the term to the Japanese...idk wat else also they wanted unconditional surrender with the Axis Powers | 62 | |
56213751 | Yalta | where they decided to divide Germany into 4 sections | 63 | |
56213752 | Nuremburg | where they Nazis were tried for their crimes | 64 | |
56213753 | "crimes against humanity" | what the Nazis were charged for | 65 | |
56213754 | Aryan | What hitler said germens decended from and they are the supreme race | 66 | |
56213755 | Truman | vice president, became president after Roosevelt's death in April 1945 | 67 | |
56213756 | UN | United Nations, 50 countries agreed. it was meant to encourage cooperation among nations and to prevent future wars. | 68 | |
56213757 | Okinawa | a battle Japan lost and kept fighting anyways | 69 | |
56213758 | Hiroshima | was the location where U.s. dropped the atomic bomb | 70 | |
56213759 | Nagasaki | the second bomb in Japan | 71 | |
56213760 | Casablanca Conference | Conference with Roosevelt and Churchill, Stalin couldn't make it, decided they needed a unconditional surrender for the Axis Powers. | 72 | |
56213761 | Potsdamn Conference | the conference where decided to drop the bomb on Hiroshima | 73 | |
56213762 | Marshall Plan | was plan to help rebuild recovery in Europe after war to make sure they won't be tempted join communist | 74 | |
56213763 | Manhattan Project | project to build the atomic bombs | 75 | |
56213764 | Oppenheimer | was the first to make the atomic bomb, he was Germen | 76 | |
56213765 | Rhineland | easy win for Germany | 77 | |
56213766 | Mein Kamf | Hitlers book called My stuggle, it talked bout his political vides | 78 | |
56213767 | Anschluss | Hitler wanted Austria to join Germany | 79 | |
56213768 | Sudentenland | Hitler went after it next, in end they annexed it w/o consent of Czechoslovakia | 80 | |
56213769 | sitzrieg | phony war | 81 | |
56213770 | Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgiam, France | all contolled by Germany | 82 | |
56213771 | Battle of Britian | Germany looses against Britians RAF | 83 | |
56213772 | 50 Destroyers | gives to Britian for bases in Bermuda | 84 | |
56213773 | Marshall | army chief of staff, ensured soldiers were well equipped and prop. trained | 85 | |
56213774 | Bismark | gian ship, pride of German fleet, Britian sunk it in 1941 | 86 |