AP world unit 2 vocab (ch. 5-7) Flashcards
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93758762 | Roman Republic | the period from 507 to 31 BCE, during which Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic Roman Senate. | 0 | |
93758763 | Roman Senate | A council whose members were the heads of wealthy, landowning families. | 1 | |
93758764 | patron/client relationship | in ancient Rome, a fundamental social relationship in which a wealthy and powerful individual provided legal and economic protection and assistance to men of lesser status and means, and in return the clients supported the political careers and economic interests of their patron. | 2 | |
93758765 | Roman Principate | a term used to characterize Roman government in the first three centuries CE, based on the ambiguous title "princeps" adopted by Augustus to conceal his military dictatorship. | 3 | |
93758766 | Augustus | honorific name of Octavian, founder of the Roman Principate, the military dictatorship that replaced the failing rule of th Roman Senate. after defeating all rivals, between 31 BCE and 14 CE, he laid the groundwork for several centuries of stability and prosperity in the Roman Empire. | 4 | |
93758767 | equites | in ancient Italy, prosperous landowners second in wealth and status to the senatorial aristocracy. the roman emperors allied with this group to counterbalance the influence of the old aristocracy and used the equites to staff the imperial civil service. | 5 | |
93758768 | pax romana | connoted the stability and prosperity that Roman rule brought to the lands of the Roman Empire in the first 2 centures CE. the movement of people and trade goods along roman roads and safe seas allowed for the spread of cultural practices, technologies, and religious ideas. | 6 | |
93758769 | romanization | the process by which the Latin language and Roman culture became dominant in the western provinces of the Roman Empire. it brought political and economic advantages as well as the allure of Roman success. | 7 | |
93758770 | Jesus | a Jew from Galilee in northern Israel who sought to reform Jewish beliefs and practices. was executed as a revolutionary by the Romans. became central figure in Christianity. | 8 | |
93758771 | Paul | a Jew from Anatolia, initially persecuted the followers of Jesus, but became a Christian. traveled and preached the religion and established churches. began the process by which Christianity separated from Judaism. | 9 | |
93758772 | aqueduct | a conduit, either elevated or underground, using gravity to carry water from a souce to a location that needed it | 10 | |
93758773 | third-century crisis | the political, military, and economic turmoil that beset the Roman Empire during much of the third century CE: frequent changes of ruler, civil wars, barbarian invasions, decline of urban centers, and near-destruction of long distance commerce and the monetary economy. | 11 | |
93758774 | Constantine | Roman emperor. after reuniting the Roman Empire, he moved the capital to Constantinople and made Christianity a favored religion. | 12 | |
93758775 | Byzantine Empire | the eastern portion of the Roman Empire from the 4th century onward. The empire fell to the Ottomans in 1453. | 13 | |
93758776 | Qin | a people and state in the Wei Valley of eastern China that conquered rival states and created the first Chinese empire. | 14 | |
93758777 | Shi Huangdi | founder of the short-lived Qin dynasty and creator of the Chinese empire. ruthless conquests of rival states, standardization of practices, and forcible organization of labor for military and engineering tasks. his tomb, with its army of life-size terracotta soldiers, has been partially excavated. | 15 | |
93758778 | Han | the ethnic Chinese people who originated in the Yellow River Valley and spread throughout regions of China suitable for agriculture or it means the dynasty of emperors | 16 | |
93758779 | Chang'an | city in the Wei Valley in eastern China. it became the capital of the Qin and early han Empires. its main features were imitated in the cities and towns that sprang up throughout the Han Empire. | 17 | |
93758780 | gentry | in china, the class of prosperous families, next in wealth below the rural aristocrats, from which the emperors drew their administrative personnel. respected for their education and expertise, became a privileged group and made the govt. more responsible and efficient. | 18 | |
93758781 | Silk Road | caravan routes connecting China and the Middle East across Central asia and Iran. | 19 | |
93758782 | Parthians | Iranian ruling dynasty between ca. 250 B.C.E. and 226 CE. | 20 | |
93758783 | Sasanid Empire | Iranian empire, established ca. 226, with a capital in Ctesiphon, Mesopotamia. these emperors established Zoroastrianism as the state religion. Islamic Arab armies overthrew the empire ca. 640. | 21 | |
93758784 | stirrup | Device for securing a horseman's feet, enabling him to wield weapons more effectively. first evidence of the use of these was among the Kushan people of northern Afghanistan in approximately the first century CE. | 22 | |
93758785 | Indian Ocean Maritime System | in premodern times, a network of seaports, trade routes, and maritime culture linking countries on the rim of the Indian ocean from Africa to Indonesia. | 23 | |
93758786 | trans-Saharan caravan routes | trading network lining north Africa with sub-Saharan Africa across the Sahara. | 24 | |
93758787 | Sahel | belt south of the Sahara; literally "coastland" in Arabic. transition to trade | 25 | |
93758788 | sub-Saharan Africa | portion of the African continent lying south of the Sahara. with dramatically different environments. | 26 | |
93758789 | steppes | treeless plains, especially the high, flat expanses of northern Eurasia, which usually have little rain and are covered with coarse grass. they are good lands for nomads and their herds. living on these promoted the breeding of horses and the development of military skills that were essential to the rise of the Mongol Empire. | 27 | |
93758790 | savanna | tropical or subtropical grassland, either treeless or with occasional clumps of trees. most extensive in sub-Saharan Africa but also present in South America. | 28 | |
93758791 | tropical rain forest | high-precipitation forest zones of the Americas, Africa, and Asia lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. | 29 | |
93758792 | "great traditions" | historians' term for a literate, well-institutionalized complex of religious and social beliefs and practices adhered to by diverse societies over a broad geographical area. | 30 | |
93758793 | "small traditions" | historians' term for a localized, usually nonliterate, set of customs and beliefs adhered to by a single society. | 31 | |
93758794 | Bantu | collective name of a large group of sub-Saharan African languages and of the peoples speaking these languages. | 32 | |
93758795 | Armenia | one of the earliest Christian kingdoms, situated in eastern Anatolia and the western Caucasus and occupied by speakers of this language. | 33 | |
93758796 | Ethiopia | east African highland nation lying east of the Nile River. | 34 | |
93758797 | Vedas | Early Indian sacred "knowledge" long preserved an communicated orally by Brahmin priests and eventually written down. these religious texts are our main source of information about the Vedic period | 35 | |
93758798 | Gupta Empire | a powerful Indian state based, like its Mauryan predecessor, on a capital at Pataliputra in the Ganges Valley. It controlled most of the Indian subcontinent through a combination of military force and its prestige as a center of sophisticated culture. | 36 | |
93758799 | varna | the four major social divisions: Brahmin priest, warrior/administrators, merchants/farmers, and laborers. | 37 | |
93758800 | Mauryan Empire | the first state to unify most of the Indian subcontinent. founded by Chandragupta. from its capital at Pataliputra in the Ganges Valley, it grew wealthy from taxes on agriculture, iron mining, and control of trade routes. | 38 | |
93758801 | funan | An early complex society in Southeast Asia between the first and sixth centuries C.E. It was centered in the rich rice-growing region of southern Vietnam, and it controlled the passage of trade across the Malaysian isthmus. | 39 | |
93758802 | jati | regional groups of people who have a common occupational sphere, and who marry, eat, and generally interact with other members of their group. | 40 | |
93758803 | moksha | The Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths. There are various avenues such as physical discipline, meditation, and acts of devotion to the gods, by which the spirit can distance itself from desire for the things of this world and be merged with the divine force that animates the universe. | 41 | |
93758804 | Mahayana Buddhism | "Great Vehicle" branch of Buddhism followed in China, Japan, and Central Asia. The focus is on reverence for Buddha and for Bodhisattvas. | 42 | |
93758805 | Theravada Buddhism | "way of the elders" branch of Buddhism followed in Sri Lanka and much of South east Asia. Remains close to the original principles set forth by the Buddha, it downplays the importance of gods and emphasizes austerity and the individual's search for enlightenment. | 43 | |
93758806 | Hinduism | a wide variety of beliefs and ritual practices that have developed in the Indian subcontinent since antiquity. It has roots in ancient Vedic, Buddhist, and south Indian religious concepts and practices. It spread along the trade routes to Southeast Asia. | 44 | |
93758807 | Ashoka | Third ruler of the Mauryan empire in India. he converted to Buddhism and broadcast his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars, the earliest surviving Indian writing. | 45 | |
93758808 | Mahabharata | a vast epic chronicling the events leading up to a cataclysmic battle between related kinship groups in early India. it includes the Bhagavad-Gita, the most important work of Indian sacred literature. | 46 | |
93758809 | Bhagavad-Gita | the most important work of Indian sacred literature, a dialogue between the great warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna on duty and the fate of the spirit. | 47 | |
93758810 | Tamil Kingdoms | The kingdoms of southern India, inhabited primarily by speakers of Dravidian languages, which developed in partial isolation, and somewhat differently, from the Aryan north. they produced epics, poetry, and performance arts. these religious beliefs were merged into the Hindu synthesis. | 48 | |
93758811 | theater-state | a state that acquires prestige and power by developing attractive cultural forms and staging elaborate public ceremonies to attract and bind subjects to the center. (Gupta Empire) | 49 | |
93758812 | Malay peoples | A designation for peoples originating in south China and Southeast Asia who settled the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, and the Philippines, then spread eastward across the islands of the Pacific Ocean and west to Madagascar. | 50 | |
93758813 | monsoon | seasonal winds in the Indian Ocean caused by the differences in temperature between the rapidly heating and cooling landmasses of Africa and Asia and the slowly changing ocean waters. | 51 | |
93758814 | karma | the residue of deeds performed in past and present lives that adheres to a spirit and determines what form it will assume in its next life cycle. used by the elite to encourage people to accept their social position and do their duty. | 52 | |
93758815 | Buddha | an Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama, who renounced his wealth and social position. After becoming enlightened, he enunciated the principles of Buddhism. | 53 |