The Earth and its Peoples: Chapter 2 Flashcards
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210438799 | Loess | Yellowish-brown dust that makes a fertile soil | 0 | |
210438800 | Shang | First dynasty of China that is on written records (1750-1045 B.C.) | 1 | |
210438801 | Zhou | Overtook Shang in north China and created the Mandate of Heaven (1045-221 B.C.) | 2 | |
210438802 | Mandate of Heaven | Validated the institution of the monarchy by connecting politics and religion | 3 | |
210438803 | Confucius | Chinese philosopher, Kongzi, who introduced the idea of Confucianism | 4 | |
210438804 | Daoism | Urged withdrawal from the empty formalities, rigid hierarchy, and distractions of Chinese society | 5 | |
210438805 | yin/yang | Nature of male and female roles in the natural order | 6 | |
210438806 | Kush | An Egyptian name for Nubia, the region alongside The Nile River south of Egypt. | 7 | |
210438807 | Meroe | Capital of a flourishing kingdom in southern Nubia from the fourth century B.C.E. to the fourth century C.E. | 8 | |
210438808 | Celts | People sharing common linguistic and cultural features that originated in Central Europe in the first half of the first millennium | 9 | |
210438809 | Druids | The class of religious experts who conducted rituals and preserved sacred lore among some ancient Celtic people | 10 | |
210438810 | Olmec | The first Mesoamerican civilization. Between ca. 1200 and 400 B.C.E., the Olmec people of central Mexico created a vibrant civilization that included intensive agriculture, wide-ranging trade, ceremonial centers and monumental construction | 11 | |
210438811 | Chavin | The first major urban civilization in South America (900-2500 B.C.E. | 12 | |
210438812 | llama | A hoofed animal indigenous to the Andes Mountains in South America. | 13 |