AP World History Semester 1 Vocab Flashcards
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112182944 | Paleoanthropologist | A student of the earliest humans and the setting in which they lived | 0 | |
112182945 | Myth | An interpretive story of the past that cannot be verified historically but has a deep moral message | 1 | |
112182946 | Caste | A heirarchical ordering of people into groups, fixed from birth, based on their inherited ritual status and determining whom they may marry and with whom they may eat | 2 | |
112182947 | Teleology | The philosophical study of final causes or purposes. Teleology refers especially to any system that interprets nature or the universe as having a design or purpose. IT ahs been used to provide evidence for the existence of God | 3 | |
112182948 | Homo Erectus | The most widespread of all prehistoric hominids, and the most similar to humans. Evolved about 2 million years ago and became extinct 100,000 years ago | 4 | |
112182949 | Paradigm | A model of reality representing one viewpoint | 5 | |
112182950 | radiocarbon dating | A method of dating artifacts by measuring their radioactive carbon. Useful for objects 40,000-70,000 years old | 6 | |
112182951 | Thermoluminescence | A method of dating burnt flint by measuring electrons in it from 50,000-3000,000 years ago, or of burnt pottery from the last 10,000 years | 7 | |
112182952 | Exogamy | The practice by which a person is compelled to choose a marital partner from outside his or her own group or clan , the opposite of endogamy, the choice of partner from within the group. Often the outside group from which the partner is to be chosen is specified | 8 | |
112182953 | Shaman | A person capable of entering into trances and believed to be endowed with supernatural powers | 9 | |
112182954 | Neolithic | New Stone Age | 10 | |
112182955 | Innovation | Inventions made independently rather than spread through clans | 11 | |
112182956 | Diffusion | The spread of ideas, objects, or traits from one culture to another | 12 | |
112182957 | Ziggurat | A temple tower of ancient Mesopotamia, constructed of square or rectangular terraces of diminishign size, usually with a shrine on top built of blue enamel bricks, the color of the sky | 13 | |
112182958 | Bas relief | The design projects only slightlyl from the background and the outlines are not undercut | 14 | |
112182959 | Pictogram | A picture representing an object or concept | 15 | |
112182960 | Cuneigorm | A writing system of wedge-shaped marks made by pressing stylus into clay | 16 | |
112182961 | Polis | The city-state of Ancient Greece | 17 | |
112182962 | hieroglyphs | The characters in a writing system based on the use of pictograms or ideograms | 18 | |
112182963 | zimbabwes | Stone-walled enclosures or buildings built during the African Iron Age | 19 | |
112182964 | Hegemony | The predominance of one unit over the other in a group, for example one state in a confederation | 20 | |
112182965 | Balance of power | prevention of one state or country from being too dominant | 21 | |
112182966 | Satrapy | A province or colony in the Persian empire ruled by a satrap or governor | 22 | |
112182967 | Agora | A central feature of ancient Greek town planning | 23 | |
112182968 | Deme | A rural district or village in ancient Greece | 24 | |
112182969 | Hoplite | A heavily armed foot soldier of Greece | 25 | |
112182970 | Sophist | Someone who gave instruction for a certain fee | 26 | |
112182971 | Realpolitik | A german term meaning practical politics | 27 | |
112182972 | Ecumene | A greek word referring to the inhabited world and designating a distinct cultural-historical community | 28 | |
112182973 | Pax Romana | The "Roman Peace" that is the state of comparative concord prevailing withthin the boundaries of the Roman Empire | 29 | |
112182974 | Republic | A state that is not ruled by a hereditary leader but by a peron appointed under the constitution | 30 | |
112182975 | Centuries | The smallest units of the Roman army | 31 | |
112182976 | Quaestor | A junior official in Rome. | 32 | |
112182977 | Consul | Supreme civil and military authority in Roman government | 33 | |
112182978 | Tribune | A plebian officer elected by them and charged to protect their lives and property | 34 | |
112182979 | Plebeian | A citizen of ancient Rome who was not a member of the privileged patrician class | 35 | |
112182980 | Paterfamilias | The head of the family or household in Roman law | 36 | |
112182981 | Triumvate | An unofficial coalition between Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus | 37 | |
112182982 | Praetor | Position finally appointed to administer the increasing number of provinces | 38 | |
112182983 | Monophysites | The supporters of a doctrine in the early church that helf that the incarnate Christ possessed a single, wholly divine nature | 39 | |
112182984 | Themes | Large military districts that formed buffer zones in the areas most valuable to the Muslim invasion | 40 | |
112182985 | Iconoclast | An "image-breaker" or a person who rejects the veneration of icons | 41 | |
112182986 | Legalism | Pessimistic view of human nature and believed that social harmony could only be attained through strong government control | 42 | |
112182987 | Sinicization | The adoption and absorption by foreign peoples of Chinese language, customs, and culture | 43 | |
112182988 | Assimilation | Different ethnic groups lose their distinctive cultural identity through contact with the dominant culture of a society | 44 | |
112182989 | Indo-Aryan | A sub-group of the Indo-Iranian branch of teh Indo-European group of languages | 45 | |
112182990 | Janapada | A large political district in India | 46 | |
112182991 | Guild | A sworn association of people who gather for some common purpose, usually economic | 47 | |
112182992 | Tribals | The aboriginal peoples of the Indian sub-continent, who are outside the caste system and live seperately from society | 48 | |
112182993 | Mantra | A formula of utterances of words and sounds that are believed to possess spiritual power | 49 | |
112182994 | Mandala | A symbolic circular diagram of complex geometric design used as an instrument of meditation | 50 | |
112182995 | Syllabary | A writing system in which each symbol represents the syllable of a word | 51 | |
112182996 | ideogram | A character or figure in a writing system in which the idea of a thing is represented rather than its name | 52 | |
112182997 | TaNaKn | Hebrew books of the bible | 53 | |
112182998 | Diaspora | A dispersion of people | 54 | |
112182999 | Sacrament | A rite or ritual that is an outward sign of a spiritual grace conveyed by the believer | 55 | |
112183000 | Eucharist | The central sacrament and act of worship in the Christian church | 56 | |
112183001 | Christmas | Celebrating the birth of Christ | 57 | |
112183002 | Easter | Celebrating the resurrection of Christ | 58 | |
112183003 | Pentecost | This festival commemorates the descent of the holy spirit on the Apostles of Christ and begin their teaching mission | 59 | |
112183004 | Neoplatonic | Plato's theory of the "One" | 60 | |
112183005 | Umma | The community of believers in Islam, which transcends ethnic and political boundaries | 61 | |
112183006 | Dar-al-Islam | The land of Islam or the territories in which Islam and its religious laws may be freely practiced | 62 | |
112183007 | Hijra | The "migration" of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina | 63 | |
112183008 | Caliph | The spiritual head and temporal ruler of the Muslim community | 64 | |
112183009 | Imam | A title for a person whose leadership or example is to followed | 65 | |
112183010 | Mahdi | According to the Islamic tradition, a messianic leader will appear to restore justice, truth, and religion for a brief period before the Day of Judgement | 66 | |
112183011 | Ulama | The theologians and legal experts of Islam | 67 | |
112183012 | Sufi | A member of one of othe orders practicing mystical forms of worship | 68 | |
112183013 | Hadith | Traditional records of the deeds and utterances of the prophet Muhammad | 69 | |
112183014 | Tariqa | In Islam a generic term meaning "path" referring to the doctrines and methods of mysticism and esoterism | 70 | |
112183015 | helicentric | System in which the sun is at the center of the solar system | 71 | |
112183016 | Free market economy | System in which the means of production are largely privately owned and there is no government control | 72 | |
112183017 | Supply and demand | The relationship between the amount of a commodity that producers are able and willing to sell and the quantity that consumers can afford and wish to buy | 73 | |
112183018 | Sahel | "Shore"- the northern and southern edges of the Sahara desert | 74 | |
112183019 | Lateen | A triangular sail affixed to a long yard or crossbar at an angle of about 45 degrees to the mast, with the other free corner secured near the stern | 75 | |
112183021 | yurts | A portable dwelling used by the nomaidc people of Central Asia, consisting of a tentlike structure | 76 | |
112183023 | Guild | A sworn association of people who gather for some common purpose. | 77 | |
112183025 | Humanism | A term applied to the intellectual movement initiated in Western Europe in the 14th century | 78 | |
112183027 | Capitalism | Private or corporate ownership of the mean sof production and by private control over decisions of prices | 79 | |
112183029 | Mercantilism | An economic policy pursued by many European nations between the 16th and 18th centuries. Strengthen nations economic power by stockpiling bullion | 80 | |
112183031 | Laissez-faire | An economic policy of non-interference by government in the working of the market and the economic affairs of individuals | 81 | |
112183033 | monopoly | The exclusive control over the production or supply of particular commodity or service for which there is no substitute | 82 | |
112183034 | encomienda | A concession from the Spanish crown to the colonist, giving him permission to exact tribute from a specified number of Indians living in a certain area | 83 | |
112183035 | repartimiento | A system by which the Spanish crown allowed colonists to employ Indians for forced labor | 84 | |
112183036 | mita | A system of forced labor in Peru, begun under Inca rule, by which Indian communities were required to contribute | 85 | |
112183037 | hacienda | A large rural estate in Spanish America, originating with Spanish colonization in the 16th century | 86 | |
112183038 | indulgences | The remission from the punishments of an absolved sin, obtainable through good works or special prayers and granted by the Church through the merits of Christ | 87 | |
112183039 | ninety-five theses | Luther's exposition of his beliefs and his differences with the Catholic church, posted publicly as a challenge to church authority | 88 | |
112183040 | Bourse | Stock exchange | 89 | |
112183041 | Huguenot | Any protestants in France in the 16th and 17th centuries | 90 | |
112183042 | Balance of power | IN international relations, a policy that aims to secure peace by preventing any one state or alignment of states from becoming too dominant | 91 | |
112183043 | Asiento | A contract between the Spanish crown and a private individual or sovereign power, giving the latter exclusive rights to import a stipulated number of slaves into the Spanish American colonies in exchange for a fee | 92 | |
112183044 | Serf | An agricultural worker or peasant bound to the land and legally dependent on the lord. | 93 | |
112183045 | enlightened despotism | A benevolent form of absolutism, a system of government in which the ruler has absolute rights over his or her subjects | 94 | |
112183046 | shogun | The military dictator of Japan, a hereditary title heald by three families between 1192 and 1867 | 95 | |
112183047 | Sumurai | A member of the warrior class of feudal Japan, who became vassals of the daimyo | 96 | |
112183048 | Chonin | City merchants and their collective class. During the Tokugawa shogunate this class grew in wealth, power, and sophistication | 97 | |
112183049 | Dominance | The imposition of alien government through force, as opposed to hegemony | 98 |