shepard cumulative vocab 1-7 (complete) Flashcards
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36883133 | malign | (v) slander, criticize, smear, libel; (adj) harmful, hurtful, damaging, destructive | 0 | |
36883134 | prodigious | (adj) remarkable, exceptional, impressive, phenomenal; huge, vast, copious, giant, enormous, profuse | 1 | |
36883135 | daunt | (v) intimidate, deter, discourage, overwhelm | 2 | |
36883136 | clemency | (n) mercy, leniency, forgiveness, pity, compassion | 3 | |
36883137 | encomium | (n) praise, tribute, accolade, compliment | 4 | |
36883138 | expedient | (n) device, means, maneuver: (adj) convenient, practical, beneficial; fitting, appropriate, advisable | 5 | |
36883139 | alacrity | : (n) eagerness, enthusiasm, quickness, speed, promptness | 6 | |
36883140 | disapprobation | : (n) disapproval, censure, criticism, rejection, condemnation | 7 | |
36883141 | inured | (adj) accustomed, hardened, habituated | 8 | |
36883142 | concupiscence | a strong physical desire, lust | 9 | |
36883143 | intrepid | (adj) fearless, bold, brave, courageous, valiant, resolute, audacious | 10 | |
36883144 | abet | (v) assist, help, support, back, : encourage, incite, put up to | 11 | |
36883145 | infallible | perfect, foolproof, reliable, fail-safe, waterproof | 12 | |
36883146 | precipitate | (adj) impulsive, impetuous, sudden, rash; (v) hasten, cause, occasion, | 13 | |
36883147 | nettle | (v) annoy, irritate, grate on one's nerves, vex, exasperate | 14 | |
36883148 | ignominious | : (adj) nefarious, reprehensible, disgraceful, shameful | 15 | |
36883149 | inundate | : (v) overwhelm, flood, deluge, swamp | 16 | |
36883150 | potent | (adj) powerful, compelling, persuasive, effective | 17 | |
36883151 | providence | (n) fate, chance, luck, outside influence, divine intervention, destiny | 18 | |
36883152 | junta | : (n) military rule, stratocracy, government by army | 19 | |
36883153 | temperance | (n) restraint, self-control, reasoned action | 20 | |
36883154 | promulgate | (v) proclaim, disseminate, announce, publicize, declare | 21 | |
36883155 | circumspect | (adj) cautious, judicious, prudent | 22 | |
36883156 | puissance | (n) power, might, strength, force | 23 | |
36883157 | Eschew | shun, avoid, disdain | 24 | |
36883158 | Laudable | praiseworthy, commendable, valiant, admirable, couragous | 25 | |
36883159 | Laconic | Brief, concise, economical | 26 | |
36883160 | odious | deplorable, appalling, horrible | 27 | |
36883161 | Iniquity | wickedness, immorality, crime, vice | 28 | |
36883162 | Posterity | descendants, offspring, children | 29 | |
36883163 | Beguile | entice, mesmerize, fool, charm | 30 | |
36883164 | Fervid | passionate, impassioned, intense | 31 | |
36883165 | Tumult | clamor, commotion, turmoil, mayehm | 32 | |
36883166 | Sagacious | wise, perceptive | 33 | |
36883167 | Erudition | scholarship, sophistication | 34 | |
36883168 | Tacit | implicit, implied, unstated but understood | 35 | |
36883169 | eminent | well known, distinguished, prominent | 36 | |
36883170 | Vehement | passionate, intense, violent | 37 | |
36883171 | Encroach | trespass, intrude | 38 | |
36883172 | Countenance | tolerate, allow, (n) expression, face | 39 | |
36883173 | Insolent | impudent, disrespectful, rude | 40 | |
36883174 | Suffuse | premeate, saturate, fill | 41 | |
36883175 | feign | fake, simulate | 42 | |
36883176 | Profound | insightful, deep, meaningful | 43 | |
36883177 | Copious | abundant, plentiful, profuse, numerous | 44 | |
36883178 | Assiduous | diligent, industrious | 45 | |
36883179 | Juxtaposition | conjunction, cembination | 46 | |
36883180 | Inchoate | unclear, tentative, undeveloped | 47 | |
36883181 | callous | Heinous, uncaring, ruthless | 48 | |
36883182 | Obsequious | flattering, submissive, sycophantic | 49 | |
36883183 | Riposte | reply, retort, wisecrack | 50 | |
36883184 | Frenetic | frantic, hectic, chaotic | 51 | |
36883185 | Solace | comfort, relief | 52 | |
36883186 | Speculation | conjecture, assumption, theory, guesswork | 53 | |
36883187 | Importune | plead, annoy, harass, pester | 54 | |
36883188 | Approbate | affirm, approve, praise, aknowledge | 55 | |
36883189 | Adumbrate | foreshadow, prefigure indistinctly | 56 | |
36883190 | Repudiate | Disown, abjure | 57 | |
36883191 | Pithy | terse, brief, succinct, concise | 58 | |
36883192 | Expiate | compensate, recompense, redress | 59 | |
36883193 | Timorous | fearful, timid | 60 | |
36883194 | Portentous | pompous, arrogant, haughty or significant, fateful, ominous | 61 | |
36883195 | Divert | redirect, deflect, distract | 62 | |
36883196 | Ensue | result, arise | 63 | |
36883197 | acrimony | bitterness, irascibility, wrath, rudeness :-( | 64 | |
36883198 | loquacious | talkative, chatty, verbose, garrulous | 65 | |
36883199 | levity | humor, cheerfulness, flippancy | 66 | |
36883200 | admonish | reprove, reprimand, chide, scold, caution | 67 | |
36883201 | propriety | decorum, respectability, modesty, correctness, appropriateness | 68 | |
36883202 | enmity | animosity, rancor, loathing, malice | 69 | |
36883203 | lugubrious | sad, melancholy, depressing, somber | 70 | |
36883204 | candid | direct, frank, honest, forthright, sincere, uncensored | 71 | |
36883205 | predicament | dilemma, quandary, mess, jam | 72 | |
36883206 | tawdry | cheap, sleazy, gaudy | 73 | |
36883207 | Imbue | instill, fill, saturate, permeate | 74 | |
36883208 | Lascivious | licentious, lustful, immoral | 75 | |
36883209 | Transcendental | concerned with a pror basis of knowledge, exalted or mystical | 76 | |
36883210 | Insidious | sinister, subtle, sly, cunning | 77 | |
36883211 | Lassitude | lethargy, weakness, indolence | 78 | |
36883212 | Salutary | helpful, beneficial, productive | 79 | |
36883213 | Coda | postscript, addendum, afterthought | 80 | |
36883214 | Periphery | margin, border, edge, boundary | 81 | |
36883215 | Propinquity | proximity, vicinity; concurrence or kinship | 82 | |
36883216 | Execrated | cursed or denounced, to declare as evil or detestable | 83 | |
36883217 | Presage | foreshadow, portend, foretell, predict | 84 | |
36883218 | Stigmata | mark or brand, a sign of disease, Christs wounds | 85 | |
36883219 | Accede | approve, approach, consent, assent | 86 | |
36883220 | Refractory | stubborn, unmanageable, immune, insusceptible | 87 | |
36883221 | Noxious | pernicious, harmful, corrupting, destructive | 88 | |
36883222 | Rancor | enmitiy, ill-will, hostility, abhorrence | 89 | |
36883223 | Inane | bana, empty, prosaic, vampid, asinine, ludicrous | 90 | |
36883224 | Turpitude | wickedness, depravity, inherent baseness of character | 91 | |
36883225 | Pedagogy | the art, science or pfrofession of teaching | 92 | |
36883226 | Dexterity | adroitness, mental skill or quickness, eas in use of hands | 93 | |
36956319 | Fiasco | disaster, Debacle, flop, ignominy, disgrace, humiliation | 94 | |
36956320 | Coquetry | a flirtatious act or attitude | 95 | |
36956321 | insinuate | imply, suggest, intimate; ingratiate yourself, wheedle (Wheedle: to persuade someone.) | 96 | |
36956322 | Pedant | a male school teacher; one who is exacting and perfectionist in the minutiae of knowledge, one who parades his learning | 97 | |
36956323 | Piquant | hot, spicy, tangy, sharp | 98 | |
36986202 | Auspicious | favorable, promising, fortunate, propitious, good | 99 | |
40220063 | Bereft | to deprive of something, desolate | 100 | |
40220064 | sonorous | producing a full, deep ritch sound, resonate | 101 | |
40220065 | reticence | reluctance, reserved, unwillingness | 102 | |
40220066 | renunciation | denial, abandonment // acceptance | 103 | |
40220067 | Benignant | kind, gentle, gracious, favorable, beneficial // cruel, pernicious | 104 | |
40220068 | Indefatigable | untriring, inexhaustible, unrelenting // enervated | 105 | |
40220069 | Craven | cowardly, gutless, timorous. pusillanimous // brave | 106 | |
40220070 | Spectral | ghostly, haunted, supernatural, phantom | 107 | |
40220071 | Solipsism | Philosophical theory of the self as the only knowable reality | 108 | |
40220072 | Panoply | arrary, myriad, countless, numerous // few | 109 | |
40220073 | Apotheosis | glorification, deification, elevate to a transcendent position | 110 | |
40220074 | Solecism | mistake, faux pas, error in grammar or etiquette | 111 | |
40220075 | Trepidation | fear, apprehensiveness, alarm, dread | 112 | |
40220076 | Truculent | pugnacious, scathing, belligerent, violent | 113 | |
40220077 | Calumny | slander, falsehoods about someone (Not Malign) | 114 | |
40220078 | Snivel | whine, complain, sniffle | 115 | |
40220079 | Canny | Wily, smart, shrewd, frugal in spending | 116 | |
40220080 | Sedulous | industrious, assiduous, persevering // lackadaisical | 117 | |
40220081 | Elucidate | enlighten, clarify, shine a light upon | 118 | |
40220082 | Insouciant | nonchalant, cavalier, unconcerned | 119 | |
40220083 | Polemic | diatribe, tirade, a controversy or argument, especially one that is a refutation of or an attack upon a specified opinion, doctrine, or the like. The term can refer to the person who is engaged in the argument. | 120 | |
40220084 | Unctuous | greasy or oily, sycophantic or groveling | 121 | |
40220085 | Chasten | punish or chastise, censure, reprimand, castigate | 122 | |
40220086 | Estrange | alienate, disaffect , push away or separate from | 123 | |
40220087 | Ruminate | ponder, consider, think, meditate, reflect | 124 | |
42292735 | Redolent | aromatic, fragrant, scented, malodorous | 125 | |
42292736 | Cajole | coax, wheedle, entice, inveigle | 126 | |
42292737 | Efface | to eliminate or make indistinct, to make oneself, modestly inconspicuous | 127 | |
42292738 | Intrinsic | innate, inherent, native, essential, built-in | 128 | |
42292739 | Brusque | curt or abrupt in nature, gruff, brisk | 129 | |
42292740 | Ennui | world wearines, boredom | 130 | |
42292741 | Peremptory | authoritative, absolute, dogmatic, dictatorial | 131 | |
42292742 | Abate | stop, halt, subside, decrease | 132 | |
42292743 | Menagerie | a diverse group, zoo | 133 | |
42292744 | Banal | hackneyed, trite, prosac, dull, clichéd | 134 | |
42292745 | Intimation | suggestion, hint, allusion, insinuation | 135 | |
42292746 | Largesse | munificence, generosity, bounty, charity | 136 | |
42292747 | Obviate | prevent, preclude, avert, hinder | 137 | |
42292748 | Soporific | hypnotic, heavy, sleep-inducing, dull, monotonous | 138 | |
42292749 | Rapt | engrossed, absorbed, ethralled, captivated | 139 | |
42292750 | Purge | cleanse, clean, rid, eliminate, eradicate; pardon, exonerate, excuse | 140 | |
42292751 | Miscreant | troublemaker, scoundrel, malefactor, reprobate, villain | 141 | |
42292752 | Desultory | aimless, random, haphazard, indiscriminate | 142 | |
42292753 | Throng | crowd, horde, mob; crowd, pack, jam, inundate | 143 | |
42292754 | Facetious | intended as humorous or funny, but usually illy, inappropriate, teasing | 144 | |
42292755 | Rubicund | rosy or reddish tint to the skin | 145 | |
42292756 | Disgruntled | dissatisfied, unhappy, irritated, peeved | 146 | |
42292757 | Draconian | extremely harsh or severe, unjust | 147 | |
42292758 | Amiable | friendly, sociable, genial, affable | 148 | |
42292759 | Wane | diminish, decrease, fade, decline | 149 | |
45154963 | fain | happily, preferably' eager, compelled to as in forced by obligation // unwillingly; halfhearted | 150 | |
45154964 | recondite | obscure, abstruse, complex, hidden // obviouse, clear, apparent, evident, understandable | 151 | |
45154965 | warrant | merit or deserve, demand, guarantee, affirm, assure | 152 | |
45154966 | fastidious | finicky or picky, fussy, painstaking //easygoing, careless, slapdash | 153 | |
45154967 | vitriolic | spiteful, venomous, acerbic, vicious, caustic// kind, mild, soothing | 154 | |
45154968 | limpid | clear and transparent, lucid; unworried, calm, composed // confused, incoherent; worried, irrational, insane | 155 | |
45154969 | untenable | indefensible, weak, invalid, flawed//defensible, valid, bona fide, convincing, compelling | 156 | |
45154970 | esoteric | obscure, arcane, cryptic, mysterious// knowable, fathomable // beatin yo meat | 157 | |
45154971 | vicissitude | unexpected changes, fortunes | 158 | |
45154972 | zeitgeist | the ideas prevalent in a period or place, the spirit of the age | 159 | |
45154973 | gamut | full range, length, extent, breath | 160 | |
45154974 | ineluctable | unavoidable, inescapable, ordained, inexorable, unavoidable // unnecessary, preventable | 161 | |
45154975 | nexus | connection, link, center, focus // edge periphery, fringe | 162 | |
45154976 | surmise | guess, deduce, infer, construe, postulate, assume// to know absolutely | 163 | |
45154977 | malinger | shirk, feign illness, play hooky// accept, attend, take on, assume | 164 | |
45154978 | harbinger | portent, omen, forerunner, herald // afterthought, epilogue | 165 | |
45154979 | hiatus | gap, pause, break, lull, interval //continuance, extension, persistence | 166 | |
45154980 | plaintive | mournful, nostalgic, melancholic, sad, lamenting // cheerful, happy, merry, celebratory, festive, congratulatory | 167 | |
45154981 | spectral | ghostly, phantom, haunted, supernatural// natural, earthly, mundane | 168 | |
45154982 | bemuse | confuse, bewilder, puzzle, perplex, muddle // clarify, enlighten, elucidate | 169 | |
45154983 | imperious | domineering, authoritative, arrogant, haughty // subservient, submissive, meek, docile | 170 | |
45154984 | sophistry | flawed method of argumentation, faulty logic or reasoning that appears good, but is only clever and dishonest | 171 | |
45154985 | tirade | outburst, diatribe rant, invective // encomium | 172 | |
45154986 | lurid | garish, gaudy, vivid, loud, explicit, sensational, shocking // bland, decorous, restrained, proper, appropriate | 173 | |
45154987 | vociferous | voluble, enthusiastic, raucous, strident, noisy // soft, measured, mellifluous, gentile | 174 |