Triángulo 1 TODO
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34473985 | sobras | leftovers | |
34473986 | darse asco | to make one feel disgusted/nauseated | |
34473987 | zaguán | foyer, vestibule | |
34473988 | archivo | file cabinet | |
34473989 | ropero | wardrobe | |
34473990 | rincones | corners (of walls) | |
34473991 | esquinas | street corners | |
34473992 | agújeros | holes | |
34473993 | grietas | cracks | |
34473994 | suelo | ground | |
34473995 | piso | floor | |
34473996 | cortar la leña | to cut wood | |
34473997 | fregar las ollas/los platos | to wash the pots/dishes | |
34473998 | planchar los pañuelos | to iron the clothes | |
34473999 | (un) piso amueblado | (a) furnished floor | |
34474000 | (una) sala amplia | (a) large living room | |
34474001 | climatizado/a | air conditioned | |
34474002 | (un) jardín urbano | (an) urban garden | |
34474003 | (una) vivienda de lujo | (a) luxury home | |
34474004 | enchufe | electrical outlet | |
34474005 | estufa | stove | |
34474006 | horno | oven | |
34474007 | ordenador | computer | |
34474008 | secadora | dryer | |
34474009 | caldo | broth | |
34474010 | guisado | stew | |
34474011 | fibra | fiber | |
34474012 | hierba | herb | |
34474013 | sacarina | saccharin | |
34474014 | bombones | candy/chocolate | |
34474015 | nata | cream | |
34474016 | tamaño | size (of clothing) | |
34474017 | agrio/a | sour | |
34474018 | apetecible | appealing | |
34474019 | higiénico/a | hygenic | |
34474020 | cocido/a | cooked | |
34474021 | crudo/a | raw | |
34474022 | apio | celery | |
34474023 | lechuga | lettuce | |
34474024 | rábanos | radish | |
34474025 | aceite | oil | |
34474026 | ajo | garlic | |
34474027 | hongos | mushrooms | |
34474028 | mantequilla/manteca | butter/butter(Argentina) | |
34474029 | (los) calamares | squid | |
34474030 | camarones/gambas | shrimp (c/g) | |
34474031 | mariscos | seafood | |
34474032 | pulpo | octopus | |
34474033 | trucha | trout | |
34474034 | pato | duck | |
34474035 | pechuga | chicken breast | |
34474036 | cerezas | cherries | |
34474037 | chuleta | pork chop | |
34474038 | (la) res | beef | |
34474039 | salchicha | sausage | |
34474040 | ternera | veal | |
34474041 | la mucama | maid | |
34474042 | el trapo | rag | |
34474043 | encima de | on top of | |
34474044 | cumplir | to fulfill | |
34474045 | hacerle falta | to need | |
34474046 | fuera del alcance | beyond the reach of | |
34474047 | el ama de casa | housewife | |
34474048 | el pecado | sin | |
34474049 | la cabra/el chivo | goat | |
34474050 | el guisado | stew | |
34474051 | meter en | to put into | |
34474052 | luchar | to wrestle | |
34474053 | el domador | tamer | |
34474054 | los seres humanos | human beings | |
34474055 | el camposanto | cemetary | |
34474056 | la fécula | starch | |
34474057 | de antemano | beforehand | |
34474058 | el esmero | care | |
34474059 | el umbral | thresh hold | |
34474060 | darse cuenta | to realize | |
34474061 | el despacho | study, office | |
34474062 | adjustar | to conform | |
34474063 | el mapuche | Indian from Chile | |
34474064 | a mediados | in the middle of | |
34474065 | guardar la linea | to watch one's figure | |
34474066 | toda indole | all types | |
34474067 | bartarse | to stuff oneself | |
34474068 | provenir de | to come from | |
34474069 | el avatar | reincarnation | |
34474070 | el cacique | chief | |
34474071 | amerindio/a | native american | |
34474072 | los porotos/los frijoles/las habichivelas | beans | |
34474073 | los ajies | chilies | |
34474074 | la chica | corn based drink | |
34474075 | el mate | tea | |
34474076 | la fogata | bonfire | |
34474077 | la consecha | harvest | |
34474078 | de veras | really | |
34474079 | elaborar | to process | |
34474080 | teñir | to dye | |
34474081 | debido al hecho | due to the fact | |
34474082 | las hebras | filaments | |
34474083 | triturar | to grind | |
34474084 | soltar | to release, to let go | |
34474085 | la hiedra | ivy | |
34474086 | las semillas | seeds | |
34474087 | los tallos | stems | |
34474088 | al azar | by chance | |
34474089 | no vale la pena | is not worth the trouble | |
34474090 | envidiar | to envy | |
34474091 | moler | to grind | |
34474092 | el cochinillo | young pig | |
34474093 | estar de acuerdo | to agree | |
34474094 | las bombachas | type of pant | |
34474095 | el polvo | dust | |
34474096 | insólito/a | unusal | |
34474097 | las ventajes | advantages | |
34474098 | pasado/a de moda | out of style | |
34474099 | el mostrador | counter | |
34474100 | la tintorería | dry cleaners | |
34474101 | quejarse | to complain | |
34474102 | los consejos | advice | |
34474103 | mudarse | to move | |
34474104 | la lavandería | laundromat | |
34474105 | perecedero/a | perishable | |
34474106 | humilde | humble | |
34474107 | las pajas/los solvetos | straw | |
34474108 | entretejido/a | interwoven | |
34474109 | ubicado/a | located | |
34474110 | la intemperie | the weather elements | |
34474111 | enterrar | to bury | |
34474112 | soler | to tend to; usually | |
34474113 | las peñas | rocks | |
34474114 | albergar | to give shelter | |
34474115 | brindar | to offer | |
34474116 | los pozos | wells | |
34474117 | las colchas | bedspreads | |
34474118 | de antano | in the past | |
34474119 | acarrear | to transport | |
34474120 | mudarse | to move | |
34474121 | el sotano | basement | |
34474122 | apretado/a | tight | |
34474123 | se hacen pedazos | are crumbling | |
34474124 | las recámaras | bedrooms | |
34474125 | disponer | to order | |
34474126 | tapar | to cover | |
34474127 | volador/a | flying | |
34474128 | el embutido | sausage | |
34474129 | en rodajas | in slices | |
34474130 | estropearse | to break down, go bad | |
34474131 | tener cabida | to have a valid place | |
34474132 | los huasos | Chilean cowboys | |
34474133 | platicar | to chat | |
34474134 | de pega/pegajoso/a | sticky | |
34474135 | a tiras | in strips | |
34474136 | a menudo | often | |
34474137 | batir | to beat (wings) | |
34474138 | voltear | to turn over | |
34474139 | molder | to grind | |
34474140 | la palanca | the gear shift | |
34474141 | ni un pepino ni un colmillo | nothing (a saying) |