Capitulo II - La Salud
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37055718 | las edades | ages | |
37055719 | la niñez | childhood | |
37055720 | la pubertad | puberty | |
37055721 | la juventud | youth | |
37055722 | la adolescencia | adolescence | |
37055723 | la madurez | maturity | |
37055724 | la vejez | old age | |
37055725 | los desastres | disasters | |
37055726 | atropellar | to trample | |
37055727 | caer | to fall down | |
37055728 | chocar | to crash | |
37055729 | el cochebombas | car bomb | |
37055730 | el corte | notch / nick | |
37055731 | el diluvio | flood | |
37055732 | la epidemia | epidemic | |
37055733 | el huracán | hurricane | |
37055734 | matar | to kill | |
37055735 | la peste | plague | |
37055736 | tropezar | to trip | |
37055737 | las enfermedades | diseases | |
37055738 | la gripe | flu | |
37055739 | la neumonía | pneumonia | |
37055740 | las paperas | mumps | |
37055741 | el resfriado | cold | |
37055742 | la rubéola | rubella | |
37055743 | el sarampión | measles | |
37055744 | el SIDA | AIDS | |
37055745 | la varicela | chickenpox | |
37055746 | la viruela | smallpox | |
37055747 | los medicamentos | medicines | |
37055748 | la aspirina | aspirin | |
37055749 | las drogas | drugs | |
37055750 | el jarabe | syrup | |
37055751 | el linimento | liniment | |
37055752 | las medicina | medicine | |
37055753 | atender | to help / to assist | |
37055754 | aprovechar | take advantage of | |
37055755 | brotar | to sprout | |
37055756 | mejorar | to improve | |
37055757 | quebrar | to break | |
37055758 | la inyección | injection, shot | |
37055759 | la novocaina | novocaine | |
37055760 | escupir | to spit | |
37055761 | la saliva | spit | |
37055762 | la aguja | needle | |
37055763 | el escupidor | spitter | |
37055764 | aguda | sharp, acute | |
37055765 | la sangre | blood | |
37055766 | las encias | gums | |
37055767 | la muela | molar | |
37055768 | el diente | tooth | |
37055769 | sacar | to take out | |
37055770 | las caries | cavities | |
37055771 | pulir | to polish | |
37055772 | la fresa | drill | |
37055773 | taladrar | to drill | |
38581324 | el doctor | doctor | |
38581325 | el enfermo | sick person | |
38581326 | el especialista | specialist | |
38581327 | el experto | expert | |
38581328 | el herido | injured / wounded person | |
38589399 | el matasanos | bad doctor / quack | |
38589400 | el medico | doctor | |
38589401 | el minusvalido | disabled / handicapped | |
38589402 | el paciente | patient | |
38589403 | el pediatra | pediatrician | |
38589404 | el psicologo | psychologist | |
38589405 | el psiquiatra | psychiatrist | |
38589406 | el tecnico | technician | |
38589407 | el terapeuta | therapist | |
38589408 | la victima | victim | |
38589409 | el estres | stress | |
38589410 | agitado | agitated | |
38589411 | ansiar | to long for / to yearn for | |
38589412 | asustar | to frighten / to scare | |
38589413 | aterrorizar | to terrify | |
38589414 | el llanto | cry / wail | |
38589415 | llorar | to weep / to cry / to whine | |
38589416 | el lloriqueo | whining / whimpering | |
38589417 | el panico | panic | |
38589418 | preocuparse | to worry | |
38589419 | quejarse | to complain | |
38589420 | temblar | to tremble / to shake / to shiver | |
38589421 | la tension | blood pressure | |
38589422 | la terapia | therapy | |
38589423 | el abuso | abuse | |
38589424 | aconsejar | to advise, to counsel | |
38589425 | ajustarse | to adjust | |
38589426 | el apoyo | support | |
38589427 | calmar | to calm | |
38589428 | el consejo | advice | |
38589429 | el tranquilizante | tranquilizer | |
38589430 | el tratamiento | treatment | |
38589431 | la violacion | violation / rape | |
38589432 | las celulas | cells | |
38589433 | la cicatriz | scar | |
38589434 | la espinilla | blackhead / pimple | |
38589435 | la glandula | gland | |
38589436 | el grano | pimple / zit | |
38589437 | la grasa | fat | |
38589438 | la hormona | hormone | |
38589439 | la lesion | wound / injury | |
38589440 | la magulladura | bruise | |
38589441 | el nervio | nerve | |
38589442 | el nodulo | nodule | |
38589443 | el poro | pore | |
38589444 | la quemadura | burn | |
38589445 | el quiste | cyst | |
38589446 | el rasguno | scratch | |
38589447 | la roncha | wheal | |
38589448 | sebaceo | sebaceous | |
38589449 | la alergia | allergy | |
38589450 | fumar | to smoke | |
38589451 | herir | to harm / to hurt / to wound | |
38589452 | el mordisco | bite | |
38589453 | la picadura | sting | |
38589454 | el peligro | danger | |
38589455 | el cancer | cancer | |
38589456 | el catarro | chest congestion / head cold | |
38589457 | la congestion | congestion | |
38589458 | desmayarse | to faint | |
38589459 | el dolor | pain / ache | |
38589460 | estornudar | to sneeze | |
38589461 | fallecer | to die | |
38589462 | la fiebre | fever | |
38589463 | la fractura | fracture / break | |
38589464 | el hipo | hiccup | |
38589465 | la incapacidad | disability | |
38589466 | el infarto | heart attack | |
38589467 | el insomnio | insomnia | |
38589468 | el muerto | dead person | |
38589469 | padecer | to suffer | |
38589470 | la nausea | nausea | |
38589471 | palpitar | to palpitate / to beat | |
38589472 | recurrir | to appeal to / to resort to | |
38589473 | el catarro | common cold | |
38589474 | romper | to break | |
38589475 | torcer | to twist / to sprain | |
38589476 | el tiron | cramp / pull | |
38589477 | aliviarse | to relieve / to alleviate | |
38589478 | consultar | to consult / to check | |
38589479 | cuidar | to take care of | |
38589480 | la curacion | cure | |
38589481 | descansar | to rest | |
38589482 | dormir | to sleep | |
38589483 | la energia | energy | |
38589484 | enyesar | to put in a cast | |
38589485 | la higiene | hygiene | |
38589486 | el masaje | massage | |
38589487 | las muletas | crutches |