Lang Vocab 2011-2012
Terms : Hide Images [1]
197032064 | delineate | describe with accuracy or in detail | |
197032065 | inequity | injustice | |
197032066 | indolence | inclination to laziness | |
197032067 | convoluted | intricate | |
197032068 | supercilious | haughty, snobbish | |
198038470 | stasis | stoppage, slowing | |
198038471 | narcissism | love of one's self or body | |
198038472 | pundit | a critic or learned man | |
198038473 | dionysian | one with nature | |
198038474 | apollonian | controlling nature | |
200995458 | allegory | extended metaphor | |
200995459 | erudition | bookish learning | |
200995460 | non sequitur | does not follow | |
200995461 | aesthetics | philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty | |
200995462 | efficacious | having the power to produce the desired effect; effective | |
203134185 | foible | flaw | |
203134186 | histrionic | overly dramatic | |
203134187 | bellicose | inclined to quarrel | |
203134188 | exacerbate | irritate or make worse | |
203134189 | analogy | a comparison made to show such a similarity | |
210707185 | mitigate | to make milder | |
210707186 | languish | to lose or lack vitality | |
210707187 | austere | cleverly simple | |
210707188 | taciturn | tightly lipped | |
210707189 | naivete | irony resulting from innocence | |
210707190 | loquacity | talkativeness | |
210707191 | analogous | partially similar | |
210707192 | excoriate | harshly criticizing | |
210707193 | reticence | disposition to silence | |
210707194 | anaphora | repitition of a group of words at the beginning of successive clauses | |
215604566 | mellifluous | pleasing | |
215604567 | querulous | peevish or complaining | |
215604568 | ignoble | of low position or reputation | |
215604569 | vitriolic | hostile or caustic | |
215604570 | motif | a dominant, recurring theme | |
223299172 | incendiary | tending to stir up strife | |
223299173 | arcane | mysteriously secret | |
223299174 | mundane | dull, routine | |
223299175 | cavalier | off hand | |
223299176 | euphemism | milder expression for something | |
225352683 | anomaly | irregularity | |
225352684 | pallid | pale | |
225352685 | culpable | deserving blame | |
225352686 | plethora | glut, oversupply | |
225352687 | paradox | a statement that appears contradictory but upon closer inspection proves true | |
238121878 | augment | to increase | |
238121879 | daughty | valiant, brave | |
238121880 | vignette | short character sketch | |
238121881 | impugn | to oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity | |
238121882 | syllogism | reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two propositions | |
248192697 | alacrity | cheerful readiness | |
248192698 | insidious | sly, sneaky | |
248192699 | surly | sullen, resentfully silent | |
248192700 | decrepit | weakened by age or infirmity | |
248192701 | satire | making fun in order to effect a change | |
248192702 | sinecure | position requiring little effort but having much prestige/profit | |
248192703 | palpable | that can be touched or felt | |
248192704 | prosaic | factual like | |
248192705 | befuddle | to confuse or make drunk | |
248192706 | parody | imitates a literary work in a lowly, comical way | |
286374146 | malodorous | bad smell | |
286374147 | colloquial | of familiar language | |
286374148 | didactic | designed to teach | |
286374149 | oblique | indirect, not straightforward | |
286374150 | forlorn | miserable | |
286374151 | spurious | false, fake | |
286374152 | ephemeral | lasting a short time | |
286374153 | prodigious | amazing, astonishing, vast | |
286374154 | ingenuity | cleverness, inventiveness | |
286374155 | chastise | rebuke or reprimand severely | |
298225969 | derogatory | insulting | |
298225970 | subjugate | to subdue or vanquish | |
298225971 | pejorative | belittling | |
298225972 | usury | lending money at an exorbitant rate | |
298225973 | transient | of short duration | |
298230544 | disdain | scorn or contempt | |
298230545 | ambiguous | unclear | |
298230546 | fervent | impassioned | |
298230547 | tout | to praise or publicize loudly | |
298230548 | compunction | an anxiety resulting from the awareness of guilt | |
313040510 | Vacillate | to flucuate | |
313040511 | Decry | to express strong disapproval | |
313040512 | Trepidation | fear or anxiety | |
313040513 | Ruminate | meditate or ponder | |
313040514 | Disparage | criticize or belittle | |
313040515 | Acquiesce | to agree | |
313040516 | Acumen | quickness | |
313040517 | Catharsis | refreshing release of emotional tension | |
313040518 | Chicanery | deception by trickery | |
313040519 | Boon | benefit or blessing | |
318968109 | fealty | faithfulness, allegiance | |
318968110 | patois | regional dialect | |
318968111 | penultimate | next to last | |
318968112 | red herring | a false, diversionary clue | |
318968113 | deus ex machina | contrived device used at the end of the story to tie everything up in a nice neat little bow | |
318968114 | litote | understatement in which the negation of the opposite is used | |
318968115 | nefarious | wicked | |
318968116 | in media res | the technique of starting a story in the middle then using flashback to tell what happened earlier | |
318968117 | homily | "sermon", but more informally, it can include any serious talk, speech, or lecture involving moral or spiritual advice | |
318968118 | invective | an emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language |