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31460107 | squander | spend thoughtlessly | |
31460108 | trellises | structures used for supporting vines and creeping plants | |
31460109 | asunder | into parts or pieces | |
31460110 | premonition | an early warning about a future event | |
31460111 | jovial | full of or showing high-spirited merriment | |
31460112 | corrugated | shaped into alternating parallel grooves and ridges | |
31460113 | vestry | a room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held | |
31460114 | neapolitan | of or relating to or characteristic of Naples or its people | |
31460115 | languor | a feeling of lack of interest or energy | |
31460116 | supple | make pliant and flexible | |
31460117 | urbanely | elegantly | |
31460118 | admit | declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of | |
31460119 | iniquitous | characterized by iniquity | |
31460120 | importuned | to plead or urge irksomely, often persistently | |
31460121 | malady | impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism | |
31460122 | indices | signs; indications; Ex. indices of a student's potential; CF. index: something that reveals or indicates; sign; Ex. cost-of-living index | |
31460123 | stultified | crippled; useless | |
31460124 | lucid | (of language) transparently clear | |
31460125 | ardour | feelings of great warmth and intensity | |
31460126 | simoom | a violent hot sand-laden wind on the deserts of Arabia and North Africa | |
31460127 | surly | inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace | |
31460128 | wantonness | the quality of being lewd and lascivious | |
31460129 | reproach | disgrace or shame | |
31460130 | conflagration | a very intense and uncontrolled fire | |
31460131 | absolve | to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt | |
31460132 | contrite | feeling regret for a fault or offence | |
31460133 | obstinately | in a stubborn unregenerate manner | |
31460134 | gloat | malicious satisfaction | |
31460135 | fervour | feelings of great warmth and intensity | |
31460136 | pining | a feeling of deep longing | |
31460137 | plenipotentiary | invested with full power. | |
31460138 | harbinger | something that indicates what is to come; a forerunner | |
31460139 | penitent | feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds | |
31460140 | ciborium | freestanding canopy to cover altar; vessel for holding eucharistic bread | |
31460141 | beatific | experiencing or bestowing celestial joy | |
31460142 | supererogation | Performing more than is required by duty, obligation, or need. | |
31460143 | piety | devoutness; reverence for God; ADJ. pious | |
31460144 | repugnance | extreme dislike | |
31460145 | canticle | a hymn derived from the Bible | |
31460146 | dubitative | mood signifying doubt or incertitude | |
31460147 | paraclete | A.k.a., Holy Spirit. advocate, defender, or consoler. | |
31460148 | uncouth | crude | |
31460149 | dapple | Mottled or spotted marking, as on a horse's coat | |
31460150 | nebulous | lacking definite form or limits | |
31460151 | subterfuge | a deceptive stratagem or device | |
31460152 | cerements | clothes placed on a deceased individual | |
31460153 | brackish | having an unpleasant (somewhat salty) taste; nauseating | |
31460154 | wane | a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number) | |
31460155 | rapture | a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion | |
31460156 | pith | the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience | |
31460157 | exhortation | A speech or discourse that encourages, incites, or earnestly advises; urging; a communication intended to urge or persuade the recipients to take some action | |
31460158 | discreet | marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint; judicious | |
31460159 | pomp | a showy or dignified display | |
31460160 | vesture | something that covers or cloaks like a garment | |
31460161 | certitude | the state of being certain of the truth or rightness of something | |
31460162 | goatee | a small chin beard trimmed to a point | |
31460163 | orthodox | adhering to what is commonly accepted | |
31460164 | seraphim | A celestial being having three pairs of wings, or the first of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology. http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/seraph | |
31460165 | eucharistic | pertaining to the Lord's supper | |
31460166 | ardent | characterized by intense emotion | |
31460167 | stolid | having or revealing little emotion or sensibility | |
31460168 | sonorously | capable of giving sound | |
31460169 | denaries | ancient Roman silver coins | |
31460170 | soutane | a long cassock with buttons down the front | |
31460171 | tallow | hard fat rendered from sheep or cattle used to make soap, candles, and lubricants | |
31460172 | schisms | division | |
31460173 | irresolutely | in an undecided way | |
31460174 | artificer | a person who is skillful or clever in devising ways of making things; inventor | |
31460175 | pavan | a stately court dance of the 16th and 17th centuries | |
31460176 | suffused | filled or covered by something; overspread with | |
31460177 | chalice | drinking cup or goblet | |
31460178 | quays | artificial landing place for loading and unloading ships | |
31460179 | mirth | gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter | |
31460180 | matriculation | admission to a group (especially a college or university) | |
31460181 | farrow | the production of a litter of pigs | |
31460182 | doddering | feeble-minded from age; senile | |
31460183 | eugenics | the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating) | |
31460184 | esthetic | concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste | |
31460185 | per aspera ad astra | "through hardships to the stars" ---- From Seneca the Younger. Motto of NASA and the South African Air Force. A common variant, ad astra per aspera ("to the stars through hardships"), is the state motto of Kansas. Ad Astra ("To the Stars") is the title of a magazine published by the National Space Society. De Profundis Ad Astra ("From the depths to the stars.") is the motto of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. |