AP Spanish: Triangulo - Chapter 5 - El Ocio
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14130151 | cerámica | pottery | |
14130152 | cuadro | picture | |
14130153 | disco | record | |
14130154 | la moneda | coin | |
14130155 | muñeca | doll | |
14130156 | sello | stamp | |
14130157 | tarjeta de deportes | sportscards(trading cards) | |
14130158 | colleccionar | to collect | |
14130159 | ir de camping | to go camping | |
14130160 | botiquín de medicinas | medicine cabinet | |
14130161 | campista | camper | |
14130162 | equipaje | luggage | |
14130163 | fogata | campfire | |
14130164 | intemperie | bad weather | |
14130165 | montañero | mountain climber | |
14130166 | tienda de campaña | tent | |
14130167 | motivos | reasons | |
14130168 | calmarse | to calm down | |
14130169 | descansar | to rest | |
14130170 | entretenerse | to entertain, amuse | |
14130171 | reír a carcajadas | to laugh out loud | |
14130172 | ir al cine | to go to a movie theater | |
14130173 | filmado | filmed | |
14130174 | el film | film | |
14130175 | pantalla | screen, monitor | |
14130176 | ir al teatro | to go to the theater | |
14130177 | butacas | arm chair, good seats (theater) | |
14130178 | estreno | debut | |
14130179 | guión | script | |
14130180 | ir a un concierto | to go to a concert | |
14130181 | disco compacto | compact disc | |
14130182 | disco de vinilo | vinyl disk | |
14130183 | guitarra | guitar | |
14130184 | grabación | recording | |
14130185 | grabar | to record | |
14130186 | tocar un instrumento | to play an instrument | |
14130187 | buscar aventuras | to look for adventures | |
14130188 | cazar perdices | to hunt partidges | |
14130189 | dar una caminata | to take a walk | |
14130190 | esbozar dibujos | to sketch drawings | |
14130191 | hacer una cadena de flores | to make a flower chain | |
14130192 | ir a una fiesta | to go to a party | |
14130193 | jugar al boliche | to bowl | |
14130194 | jugar al escondite | to play hide & seek | |
14130195 | jugar a la rayuela | to play hopscotch | |
14130196 | leer tiras cómicas | to read comics | |
14130197 | montar en bicicleta | to ride a bike | |
14130198 | advertir | to warn | |
14130199 | afiches | posters | |
14130200 | aguardar | to expect | |
14130201 | aplazar | to postpone, defer | |
14130202 | aportar | to bring, contribute | |
14130203 | arrancar | to pull out, tear off | |
14130204 | arrugar | to wrinkle | |
14130205 | comprobar | to prove | |
14130206 | cotidiano | daily (everyday, c) | |
14130207 | desarrollo | development | |
14130208 | destellos | sparkle | |
14130209 | destacar | to emphasize | |
14130210 | disponible | available; disposable | |
14130211 | entablar | to begin | |
14130212 | gatillo | trigger | |
14130213 | onírico | dream like | |
14130214 | refunfuñar | to grumble | |
14130215 | risueño | smiling | |
14130216 | silbar | to whistle | |
14130217 | dibujar | to draw | |
14130218 | ir de camping | to go camping | |
14130219 | jugar al ajedrez | to play chess | |
14130220 | tejer un suéter | to knit a sweater | |
14130221 | pasearse | to stroll, to take a walk | |
14130222 | montar a caballo | to ride a horse | |
14130223 | participar en el tiro al arco | to participate in archery | |
14130224 | accesories | extra stuff | |
14130225 | pincil y lienzo | paint brush and canvas | |
14130226 | tienda y mochila | tent and backpack | |
14130227 | tabla y pienza | board and piece | |
14130228 | aguja e hilo | needle and thread | |
14130229 | bastón | walking stick, cane | |
14130230 | riendas y bocado | reins and bit | |
14130231 | arco y flechas | bow and arrows | |
14130232 | resultados | results | |
14130233 | tener placer estético | to have aesthetic pleasure | |
14130234 | apreciar el medio ambiente | to appreciate the environment | |
14130235 | divertirse | to enjoy oneself | |
14130236 | regalarle algo a alguien | to give something to someone | |
14130237 | renovarse | to renew, to rennovate | |
14130238 | aliviar el estrés | to relieve stress | |
14130239 | evitar al aburrimiento | to avoid boredom |