DHS AP Deportes
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80906588 | el árbitro | the referee | |
80906589 | el campeón | the champion (m.) | |
80906590 | la campeona | the champion (f.) | |
80906591 | el equipo | the team | |
80906592 | el puntaje | the score | |
80906593 | batear | to bat | |
80906594 | coger la pelota | to catch the ball (small) | |
80906595 | dar una patada | to kick (not "patear") | |
80906596 | patear | to kick (not "dar una patada") | |
80906597 | entrenar | to train | |
80906598 | el entrenador | the trainer (m.) | |
80906599 | la entrenadora | the trainer (f.) | |
80906600 | ganar el campeonato | to win the championship | |
80906601 | lanzar | to throw/to pitch (not "tirar") | |
80906602 | tirar | to throw (not "lanzar") | |
80906603 | el estadio | the stadium | |
80906604 | la cancha | the court / course (tenis, golf...) | |
80906605 | la pista | the track | |
80906606 | saltar | to jump | |
80906607 | el gimnasio | the gym | |
80906608 | hacer ejercicios aeróbicos | to do aerobic exercises | |
80906609 | los ejercicios de calentamiento | the warm-up exercises | |
80906610 | ponerse en forma | to get into shape | |
80906611 | practicar el boxeo | to practice boxing | |
80906612 | practicar la gimnasia | to practice gymnastics | |
80906613 | practicar la lucha libre | to practice wrestling | |
80906614 | sudar | to sweat | |
80906615 | el bate | the bat | |
80906616 | el guante | the glove | |
80906617 | la canasta | the basket | |
80906618 | el disco | the disk/the puck | |
80906619 | el marcador | the scoreboard | |
80906620 | el palo de golf | the golf club | |
80906621 | el palo de hockey | the hockey stick | |
80906622 | los patines de hielo | the ice skates | |
80906623 | el balón | the ball (soccer, basketball) | |
80906624 | la raqueta | the racket | |
80906625 | la red | the net | |
80906626 | la ropa deportiva | the sports clothing | |
80906627 | el bolsillo | the pocket | |
80906628 | el chaleco | the vest | |
80906629 | el cinturón | the belt | |
80906630 | el delantal | the apron | |
80906631 | la gorra | the cap | |
80906632 | la manga | the sleeve | |
80906633 | el casco | the helmet |