Glossary of Congressional Terms Flashcards
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48241379 | Absolute majority | the vote requiring the majority of all the house rather than the majority of all the members present. | |
48241380 | Act | a bill passed and signed as a law by the president or rejected by his veto. A bill can also act as a law if the president does not act over it within 10 days, and the Congress has not adjourn at that time. A bill can also act as a law if it is passed by at least by one house and engrossed. | |
48241381 | Adjourn for more than Three Days | Neither house can adjourn without the approval of the other house. | |
48241382 | Adjournment Sine Die | Final adjournment of an annual session. The sine die precludes the Congress from meeting again until the next session. | |
48241383 | Adjournment to Day and Time certain | It is an adjournment that fixes the time and date for the meeting of a house . That does not end the session of Congress. | |
48241384 | Advice and Consent | It is the Senate constitutional role in consenting or rejecting the president's nominations of executive/judicial offices and treaties. | |
48241385 | Amendment | a formal proposal to change a measure (bill, resolution..etc) to insert a text, strike out everything and replace it. | |
48241386 | Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute | It is an amendment which would replace a whole amendment. | |
48241387 | Annual authorization | legislation that authorize appropriation for a single fiscal year (for specific amount) | |
48241388 | Appeal | When a house or a committee overturn the ruling by majority vote. | |
48241389 | Apportionment | It is the allocations of members in each state, after the decennial census. | |
48241390 | Appropriation | a legislative language that permits a federal agency to incur payments and obligations from the Treasury (for specific purpose and a specific amount) /it is also the amount of money made available by such language. | |
48241391 | Authorization | a provision that begins or continues the activity and programs of a federal agency . It also sets the policies and restrictions, deals with organizational and administrative matters. | |
48241392 | Back door Spending authority | Authority to incur obligations that does not go through the normal appropriations process because it is provided in legislation other than appropriation acts | |
48241393 | Baseline | projection of the levels of the federal spending, revenues, budgetary surpluses, deficit considering the new laws and policies decisions | |
48241394 | Bills | Enacting laws. | |
48241395 | Bills and Resolutions introduced | Members present a measure by delivering it to a clerk in the chamber when their house is in session | |
48241396 | Bill and Resolutions referred | After a bill is introduced it is sent to one or more committees which have jurisdictions over the subject. | |
48241397 | Borrowing authority | Statutory authority that permits a federal agency to borrow money from public/ treasury to finance its operations | |
48241398 | Budget | Detailed statement of actual (or anticipated) revenue spending, expenditures during and accounting period. It also refers to the president's budget submissions to Congress) | |
48241399 | Budget Act | Common name for the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act of 1974 which : set the basic procedures for the current budget process, created Houses and and Senate budget committees and enacted procedures for reconciliations, deferrals and rescissions | |
48241400 | Budget and accounting Act of 1921 | The law that for the first time permits the president to submit to congress each year a budget for the entire federal government. | |
48241401 | Budget process | In congress (It is the setting of goals to make a budget then the implement of those goals in the revenues and spending), in the executive (formulation of the submission, submission in the Congress, defense before the committees and implementing sequestring,auditing to compile finally the budget data) | |
48241402 | Budget resolution | A concurrent resolution in which congress considers the federal budget financial features for the upcoming and several fiscal years. | |
48241403 | By Request | The designation indicating that a member introduced a measure on behalf of an executive agency, a private individual or an organization, he does not necessarily endorse it) | |
48241404 | Calendar | A list of measures or other matters that are eligible for a consideration on the floor (the house has 5 calendars, the Senate has 2 calendars) | |
48241405 | Calendar Wednesday | Is a House procedure that on Wednesdays committees can bring for floor consideration non priviledged measures they have reported | |
48241406 | Call of the calendar | Senate bills that are not brought for debate (by a motion, unanimous consent or unanimous consent agreement) are brought before the Senate for action when the calendar listing them is "called". | |
48241407 | Caucus | Common name for the official organization of each party in each house. It also refers to the organization of House of Democrats. | |
48241408 | Censure | It is the strongest condemnation of a member for misconduct short of expulsion. | |
48241409 | Chamber | The Capitol Room in which a house of Congress holds its session | |
48241410 | Christmas Bill | Bill adorned with amendments that do not relate with the subject of the bill. it benefits, inetrest groups, specific states or districts and individuals | |
48241411 | Classes of Senator | 33/34 senators elected (six years term) in the same general section | |
48241412 | Clean Bill | The revised version of a bill after a House committee amends it and assemble the amendments and was is left of the bill to create a new bill. | |
48241413 | Clerk of the House | an officer of the House of Representatives in charge of the administrative support of the legislative process | |
48241414 | Cloture | A Senate procedure that limits the consideration of a pending proposal for 30 hours to end a filibuster | |
48241415 | Code of Official Conduct | a House rule that ban certain action by House members, officers and employees. It requires them to adopt a behavior that "reflects the credibility" of the House and it aks them to adhere to th espirit of the House rules and its committees. | |
48241416 | College of Cardinals | Popular terms for the subcommittee chairmen of the appropriations committee; reflecting their influence over the appropriation measures | |
48241417 | Committee | a panel of members elected or appointed to perform some services or functions for its parents body. Four types of committees: standing, select, joint and the Committee of the Whole | |
48241418 | Committee of the Whole | Common name for the committee of the whole House on the State of the Union consisting of all members of the House. | |
48241419 | Committee veto | Procedure that requires an executive department or agency to submit proposed policies, programs or actions to designated committees for review before implementing them | |
48241420 | Concurrent resolution | resolution that requires approval of both houses is not sent to the president for a signaturw= it is not a law. It concerns only internal affairs in Congress | |
48241421 | Conference | Formal meeting between members representing each house to reconcile (find a compromise) Senate and House differences over a measure. It also refers to the organization of Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and the Republicans in the House. | |
48241422 | Confirmation | It is the approval before appointment | |
48241423 | Congressional Records | Daily, printed and substantially verbatim account of proceedings in both houses chambers | |
48241424 | Congressional Terms of office | The term starts on January 3rd following the general election (2years for representatives and 6years for senators) | |
48241425 | Continuing resolution | a joint resolution that permits a federal agency to continue its program by giving it funds at the beginning of a new fiscal year, if the appropriation has not been enacted yet. | |
48241426 | Contract authority | Permits a federal agency to obligate money prior to actually having the funds in hand | |
48241427 | Controllable expenditures | Federal spending that is permitted but not mandated by existing legislation authorization law (so it might be adjusted by congressional action) | |
48241428 | Correcting recorded votes | Members are prohibited to change their votes after the announcement of the vote result is made but they are allowed to change their vote by unanimous consent immediately after the announcement of the results | |
48241429 | Corrections calendars | they are corrections in the calendar that members make when they place a bill reported favorably by a committee that repeals regulations that are judged excessive or unecessary | |
48241430 | Current services Estimates | Executive branch estimates of the anticipated costs of federal programs and operations in the future fiscal years and assuming no change in existing law | |
48241431 | Custody of papers | possession of engrossed measures and certain basic documents that the two houses produce as they try to resolve their differences over the measure |