AP Latin Vergil words used 6-11 times
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19763910 | Question | Answer | |
19763911 | absum | be away, be absent | |
19763912 | accedo | go to, accede | |
19763913 | accendo | kindle | |
19763914 | accingo | gird (on) | |
19763915 | acies | sharp edge; battle line | |
19763916 | scuo | sharpen | |
19763917 | adeo | (adv) to such a degree | |
19763918 | adeo | go to, visit | |
19763919 | aditus | approach, access | |
19763920 | adytum | shrine, inner sanctuary | |
19763921 | aeger | sick, weak | |
19763922 | aeneus | of bronze, brazen | |
19763923 | aequus | level, equal | |
19763924 | aer | air, fog | |
19763925 | aes | copper, bronze | |
19763926 | aestas | summer | |
19763927 | aestus | boiling, tide | |
19763928 | aeternus | eternal, everlasting | |
19763929 | aetherius | airy, ethereal | |
19763930 | aevum | age, eternity | |
19763931 | agger | mound, dike | |
19763932 | aggredior | approach, attack | |
19763933 | agito | agitate, drive | |
19763934 | albus | white | |
19763935 | alloquor | speak to, address | |
19763936 | almus | fostering, kindly | |
19763937 | ambo | both | |
19763938 | amens | mad, frantic, demented | |
19763939 | amnis | river, stream | |
19763940 | amplector | embrace, surround | |
19763941 | amplus | ample, spacious | |
19763942 | animus | spirit, mind | |
19763943 | appareo | appear | |
19763944 | apto | fit on, equip, adapt | |
19763945 | aqua | water | |
19763946 | arceo | confine, restrain | |
19763947 | arcus | bow, arch | |
19763948 | argentum | silver; money | |
19763949 | armo | arm, equip | |
19763950 | arrigo | raise (up), erect | |
19763951 | auctor | orinator, founder, author | |
19763952 | aufero | bear away, remove | |
19763953 | auspicium | omen, auspices | |
19763954 | avello | tear away, pluck off | |
19763955 | avus | grandfather, ancestor | |
19763956 | axis | axle, axis, chariot | |
19763957 | bos | bull, cow, ox; (pl.) cattle | |
19763958 | bracchium | (fore)arm | |
19763959 | brevis | short, brief | |
19763960 | caedes | killing, slaughter | |
19763961 | caedo | fell, kill | |
19763962 | caeruleus | dark blue, cerulean | |
19763963 | caestus | cestus, boxing glove | |
19763964 | cardo | pivot, hinge | |
19763965 | carmen | song, poem | |
19763966 | carpo | pluck | |
19763967 | castrum | fortress; (pl) camp | |
19763968 | cautes | crag, pointed rock | |
19763969 | certo | contend, fight | |
19763970 | cervix | neck | |
19763971 | ceterus | the other(s) | |
19763972 | ceu | just as, as if | |
19763973 | chorus | choral dance, band | |
19763974 | cieo | move, agitate | |
19763975 | citus | stirred up, swift | |
19763976 | claudo | close, shut | |
19763977 | clipeus | (round) shield | |
19763978 | coepi | have begun | |
19763979 | cognomen | (sur)name, cognomen | |
19763980 | cogo | collect, gather | |
19763981 | colligo | collect, gather | |
19763982 | collum | neck | |
19763983 | comitor | accumpany, attend | |
19763984 | committo | join, entrust, perform | |
19763985 | compello | hail, greet | |
19763986 | complector | embrace | |
19763987 | compleo | fill completely | |
19763988 | compono | put together, arrange | |
19763989 | concutio | shake, shatter | |
19763990 | conjugium | union, marriage | |
19763991 | conscius | conscious | |
19763992 | consilium | plan, counsel, council | |
19763993 | conspicio | catch sigh of, behold | |
19763994 | contendo | struggle, contend | |
19763995 | contingo | touch, happen (of) | |
19763996 | continuus | unbroken, continuous | |
19763997 | conubium | wedlock, marriage | |
19763998 | convello | tear to pieces, destroy | |
19763999 | convenio | come together, convene | |
19764000 | converto | turn about, change | |
19764001 | cornu | horn | |
19764002 | corona | crown, wreath | |
19764003 | creber | thick, frequent | |
19764004 | cruentus | bloody | |
19764005 | cruor | blood | |
19764006 | culmen | top, summit | |
19764007 | cupido | desire, eagerness | |
19764008 | curro | run | |
19764009 | curvus | bent, curved | |
19764010 | daps | banquet, feast | |
19764011 | decorus | becoming, adorned | |
19764012 | decus | beauty, glory | |
19764013 | defero | bear away, report | |
19764014 | de(j)icio | throw, cast (down) | |
19764015 | deligio | choose, select | |
19764016 | demens | distracted, demented | |
19764017 | demum | finally, at last | |
19764018 | densus | thick, dense | |
19764019 | descendo | climb down, descend | |
19764020 | dignus | worthy | |
19764021 | digredior | step away, depart | |
19764022 | disco | learn | |
19764023 | discrimen | crisis, risk | |
19764024 | diversus | different, diverse | |
19764025 | divinus | divine, goddess | |
19764026 | dominus | master, lord | |
19764027 | donec | until | |
19764028 | ductor | leader, guide | |
19764029 | dudum | already, now for a long time | |
19764030 | duo | two | |
19764031 | educo | lead forth | |
19764032 | effor | speak (out) | |
19764033 | effugio | flee (away), escape | |
19764034 | egregius | distinguished, uncommon | |
19764035 | elabor | slip (out), escape | |
19764036 | en | lo! behold! | |
19764037 | epulae | banquet, feast | |
19764038 | error | error, mistake | |
19764039 | eruo | cast out, overthrow | |
19764040 | evado | go forth, evade | |
19764041 | exanimus | lifeless, breathless | |
19764042 | excedo | go forth, withdraw | |
19764043 | excipio | take out, except | |
19764044 | excutio | shake (out, off) | |
19764045 | exigio | drive out, exact | |
19764046 | exorior | ris (up), appear | |
19764047 | expedio | extricate, disentangle | |
19764048 | exspecto | watch for, await, expect | |
19764049 | exstinguo | extinquish, destroy | |
19764050 | extemplo | immediately, suddenly | |
19764051 | exterreo | terrify, frighten | |
19764052 | exuo | put off, strip | |
19764053 | exuviae | spoils, armor | |
19764054 | facilis | easy (to do), facile | |
19764055 | fames | hunger, famine | |
19764056 | famulus | servant, house slave | |
19764057 | fastigium | slope, summit | |
19764058 | fatalis | fated, fatal | |
19764059 | fateor | admit, confess | |
19764060 | fatigo | weary, tire | |
19764061 | fauces | jaws, gullet | |
19764062 | felix | lucky, felicitous | |
19764063 | femina | female, woman | |
19764064 | ferio | smite, strike | |
19764065 | fingo | shape, invent | |
19764066 | fio | become | |
19764067 | flecto | bend, turn | |
19764068 | fleo | weep, (be)wail | |
19764069 | fletus | weeping, tears | |
19764070 | fluo | flow | |
19764071 | fluvius | stream, river | |
19764072 | foedo | defile, pollute | |
19764073 | foedus | treaty, league | |
19764074 | folium | leaf, foliage | |
19764075 | foris | door | |
19764076 | formido | dread, apprehension | |
19764077 | foveo | foster, protect | |
19764078 | frango | break, shatter | |
19764079 | frater | brother | |
19764080 | fremo | murmur, roar | |
19764081 | fretum | strait of water, sea | |
19764082 | frons | leaf, foliage, frond | |
19764083 | frons | forehead, front | |
19764084 | frustra | in vain, vainly | |
19764085 | fulgeo | gleam, flash | |
19764086 | fulmen | lightning, thunderbolt | |
19764087 | fulvus | yellow, tawny | |
19764088 | funis | rope, cable | |
19764089 | furiae | rage, fury | |
19764090 | galea | helmet | |
19764091 | gaudeo | rejoice | |
19764092 | gelidus | frosty, ice-cold, gelid | |
19764093 | gemo | groan, lament | |
19764094 | genu | knee | |
19764095 | germanus | own brother (sister) | |
19764096 | gigno | beget, bear | |
19764097 | glomero | collect, assemble | |
19764098 | gloria | glory, fame | |
19764099 | gradior | step, walk | |
19764100 | gradus | step, pace, grade | |
19764101 | gremium | lap, blosom | |
19764102 | gressus | step, walk | |
19764103 | habito | occupy, inhabit | |
19764104 | hasta | spear | |
19764105 | haurio | draw, drain | |
19764106 | herba | herb, grass | |
19764107 | hibernus | wintry | |
19764108 | hiems | winter; storm | |
19764109 | horridus | rough, fearful, horrid | |
19764110 | hospitium | hospitality, welcome | |
19764111 | humus | ground | |
19764112 | hymenaeus | hymen, god of marriage | |
19764113 | ictus | blow, stroke | |
19764114 | ignotus | unknown | |
19764115 | imber | rain(storm) | |
19764116 | immensus | boundless, immense | |
19764117 | immitto | send in, let go | |
19764118 | immotus | unmoved, immovable | |
19764119 | impius | impious, disloyal | |
19764120 | incedo | proceed, go in(to) | |
19764121 | incertus | uncertain | |
19764122 | includo | shut in, confine, include | |
19764123 | incumbo | lie on, lean on | |
19764124 | induo | put on, don | |
19764125 | infandus | unspeakable | |
19764126 | infero | bear in (against) | |
19764127 | infundo | pour (rush) in | |
19764128 | ingemino | redouble, repeat | |
19764129 | ingredior | step in, enter | |
19764130 | inimicus | (personal) enemy, hostile | |
19764131 | iniquus | unequal, unjust | |
19764132 | insequor | follow, pursue | |
19764133 | insideiase | ambush, treachery | |
19764134 | insons | innocent | |
19764135 | instauro | renew, refresh, restore | |
19764136 | instruo | arrange, plan | |
19764137 | insula | island | |
19764138 | intendo | strain, stretch | |
19764139 | interior | inner, interior | |
19764140 | intro | go within, enter | |
19764141 | intus | within | |
19764142 | invado | attack, invade | |
19764143 | invenio | come upon, find | |
19764144 | invideo | look on, envy, hate | |
19764145 | iste | that (of youra, contemptible) | |
19764146 | jacio | hurl, throw | |
19764147 | jus | right, justice, law | |
19764148 | juvencus | bullock, heifer | |
19764149 | juventa | youth | |
19764150 | juventus | youth | |
19764151 | lacrimo | shed tears, weep | |
19764152 | lacus | lake | |
19764153 | latex | fluid, liquid | |
19764154 | laurus | laurel | |
19764155 | levis | light, alight | |
19764156 | levo | lift, remove | |
19764157 | lex | law, rule | |
19764158 | libo | sip, pour a libration | |
19764159 | loco | place, locate | |
19764160 | longeavus | aged | |
19764161 | luctus | grief, mourning | |
19764162 | ludus | game; school | |
19764163 | luna | moon | |
19764164 | macto | sacrifice, offer | |
19764165 | magister | master, chief | |
19764166 | magnanimus | great-souled, magnanimous | |
19764167 | mando | hand over, commission | |
19764168 | memini | remember | |
19764169 | memor | mindful | |
19764170 | mergo | immerse, plunge | |
19764171 | meta | boundary, goal | |
19764172 | metuo | fear, dread | |
19764173 | mille | one thousand | |
19764174 | mirabilis | marvelous, wonderful | |
19764175 | miror | wonder at, marvel at | |
19764176 | misero | pity, commiserate | |
19764177 | molior | heap up, build | |
19764178 | moneo | advise, admonish | |
19764179 | monumentum | reminder, monument | |
19764180 | mortalis | mortal | |
19764181 | murmur | murmur(ing) | |
19764182 | nauta | sailor | |
19764183 | nefandus | unspeakable, wicked | |
19764184 | nefas | impiety, wickedness | |
19764185 | nego | deny, refuse | |
19764186 | nequiquam | in vain, vainly | |
19764187 | niger | black | |
19764188 | nihil | nothing | |
19764189 | nimius | excessive, too much | |
19764190 | longeavus | aged | |
19764191 | luctus | grief, mourning | |
19764192 | ludus | game; school | |
19764193 | luna | moon | |
19764194 | macto | sacrifice, offer | |
19764195 | magister | master, chief | |
19764196 | magnanimus | great-souled, magnanimous | |
19764197 | mando | hand over, commission | |
19764198 | memini | remember | |
19764199 | memor | mindful | |
19764200 | mergo | immerse, plunge | |
19764201 | meta | boundary, goal | |
19764202 | metuo | fear, dread | |
19764203 | mille | one thousand | |
19764204 | mirabilis | marvelous, wonderful | |
19764205 | miror | wonder at, marvel at | |
19764206 | misereo | pity, commiserate | |
19764207 | molior | heap up, build | |
19764208 | mollis | soft, gentle | |
19764209 | moneo | advise, admonish | |
19764210 | monumentum | reminder, monument | |
19764211 | mortalis | mortal | |
19764212 | murmur | murmur(ing) | |
19764213 | nauta | sailor | |
19764214 | nefandus | unspeakable, wicked | |
19764215 | nefas | impiety, wickedness | |
19764216 | nego | deny, refuse | |
19764217 | nequiquam | in vain, vainly | |
19764218 | niger | black | |
19764219 | nimius | excessive, too much | |
19764220 | nodus | knot, node | |
19764221 | nubilius | cloudy, misty | |
19764222 | nuntius | messenger, message | |
19764223 | nympha | nymph | |
19764224 | ob(j)icio | oppose, throw in the way | |
19764225 | obliviscor | forget | |
19764226 | obsideo | besiege, forget | |
19764227 | obstipesco | be amazed, stand agape | |
19764228 | occurro | run to meet, occur | |
19764229 | offero | present, offer | |
19764230 | olim | once, at that time | |
19764231 | omnipotens | omnipotent, all powerful, almighty | |
19764232 | onero | load, burden | |
19764233 | opacus | dark, obscure, opaque | |
19764234 | orior | arise, begin | |
19764235 | ostendo | show, stretch toward | |
19764236 | ostento | show, display | |
19764237 | ostium | mouth, entrance | |
19764238 | ovo | rejoice | |
19764239 | parco | spare | |
19764240 | pareo | obey | |
19764241 | pasco | feed (on), pasture | |
19764242 | passim | generally, everywhere | |
19764243 | pateo | lie open, extend | |
19764244 | patera | bowl, (liberation) cup | |
19764245 | pauci | few | |
19764246 | pax | peace | |
19764247 | pecus | cattle, flock | |
19764248 | pello | strike, drive | |
19764249 | pendeo | hang, be suspended | |
19764250 | penetralis | inner, interior; (n pl) shrine | |
19764251 | penitus | thoroughly, utterly | |
19764252 | perago | finish, accomplish | |
19764253 | pereo | perish, be lost | |
19764254 | perfero | bear (to the end), endure | |
19764255 | perficio | accomplish, perfect | |
19764256 | periculum | danger, peril | |
19764257 | pestis | plague, pestilence | |
19764258 | pharetra | quiver for arrows | |
19764259 | pingo | paint, depict, embroider | |
19764260 | pinguis | fat, rich | |
19764261 | pinna | feather, wing | |
19764262 | plausus | applause | |
19764263 | plenus | full | |
19764264 | polus | pole, heaven | |
19764265 | pondus | weight | |
19764266 | porto | carry | |
19764267 | postis | (door)post, portal | |
19764268 | postquam | after | |
19764269 | potior | obtain | |
19764270 | praecipito | throw headlong, precipitate | |
19764271 | praeda | booty, prey | |
19764272 | praesto | furnish, excel | |
19764273 | praesum | be in charge of (at the head of) | |
19764274 | praetera | besides, moreover | |
19764275 | prex | prayer, entreaty | |
19764276 | principium | beginning | |
19764277 | procedo | go forward, proceed | |
19764278 | procumbo | lie forward, sink (to the ground) | |
19764279 | proelium | battle, fight | |
19764280 | prohibeo | forbid, prohibit | |
19764281 | pro(j)icio | hurl, project | |
19764282 | promittio | send forth, promise | |
19764283 | propinquo | approach | |
19764284 | protinus | one's own, peculiar | |
19764285 | prora | prow | |
19764286 | prospicio | loo forward, provide | |
19764287 | protinus | at once, immediately | |
19764288 | pubes | youth, men | |
19764289 | pulso | beat, lash | |
19764290 | purpureus | crimson | |
19764291 | quamquam | although, however | |
19764292 | quando | when? at some time | |
19764293 | quantus | how great? as great as | |
19764294 | quatio | shake | |
19764295 | quies | rest, quiet | |
19764296 | quisquam | each, everyone | |
19764297 | quisque | whoever, whichever, whatever | |
19764298 | quod | because; (as for) the fact that | |
19764299 | rapidus | swift, rapid | |
19764300 | recedo | recede, withdraw | |
19764301 | recens | fresh, new, recent | |
19764302 | recipio | take back, receive | |
19764303 | recuso | refuse | |
19764304 | redeo | go back, return | |
19764305 | reduco | lead back | |
19764306 | regio | region, district | |
19764307 | regius | royal, regal | |
19764308 | regno | reign, rule | |
19764309 | rego | rule, direct | |
19764310 | reliquiae | remnant, remains | |
19764311 | reor | reckon, suppose | |
19764312 | repente | suddenly | |
19764313 | reperio | find (out) | |
19764314 | repeto | demand, reseek, repeat | |
19764315 | requirio | demand, require | |
19764316 | resido | settle (down), sink | |
19764317 | resolvo | untie, looe(n) | |
19764318 | respondeo | answer, respond | |
19764319 | retro | back(ward) | |
19764320 | revello | tear off | |
19764321 | reviso | revisit, come back to | |
19764322 | revoco | call back, revoke | |
19764323 | ripa | bank, shore | |
19764324 | rite | duly, fittingly | |
19764325 | ruina | downfall, ruin | |
19764326 | rupes | crag, rock | |
19764327 | saevio | rage | |
19764328 | sagitta | arrow | |
19764329 | sal | salt, brine | |
19764330 | salsus | salty, salted | |
19764331 | salus | health, safety | |
19764332 | satis | enough, sufficient | |
19764333 | sceptrum | scepter; rule | |
19764334 | scio | know (how) | |
19764335 | secerno | separate | |
19764336 | semper | always, ever | |
19764337 | sententia | feeling, opinion | |
19764338 | sentio | feel, perceive | |
19764339 | sepelio | perform rites of burial | |
19764340 | septem | seven | |
19764341 | sepulcrum | tomb, sepulcher | |
19764342 | serenus | clear, serene | |
19764343 | sermo | conversation, discourse | |
19764344 | sero | sow | |
19764345 | signo | designate, mark | |
19764346 | sileo | be silent | |
19764347 | simulacrum | image, likeness | |
19764348 | simulo | pretend, simulate | |
19764349 | sinister | left | |
19764350 | sino | allow, permit | |
19764351 | sisto | set, stand | |
19764352 | spatium | space | |
19764353 | spelunca | cave | |
19764354 | spiro | breathe, blow | |
19764355 | spolium | trophy, spoils | |
19764356 | statuo | station, establish | |
19764357 | stirps | trunk, stock, race | |
19764358 | strideo | hiss, whiz | |
19764359 | stringo | draw (tight), graze | |
19764360 | struo | pile up, construct | |
19764361 | studium | zeal, eagerness | |
19764362 | sub(j)icio | drive in, expose, subject | |
19764363 | sublimis | lofty, sublime | |
19764364 | succedo | approach (closely), succeed | |
19764365 | sumo | take (up), assume | |
19764366 | supersum | remain, survive | |
19764367 | suscipio | take up, undertake | |
19764368 | suspendo | suspend, hang up | |
19764369 | tango | touch | |
19764370 | tardus | slow, late, tardy | |
19764371 | taurus | bull | |
19764372 | tempestas | tempest, storm | |
19764373 | tenebrae | darkness | |
19764374 | tenuis | thin, tenuous | |
19764375 | terreo | frighten, terrify | |
19764376 | tertius | third | |
19764377 | testor | call to witness, testify | |
19764378 | timeo | fear, dread | |
19764379 | torus | bed, couch | |
19764380 | trabs | beam, trunk of tree | |
19764381 | trepidus | agitated, excited | |
19764382 | tres | three | |
19764383 | tumidus | swollen, swelling | |
19764384 | turba | mob, crowd, tumult | |
19764385 | uber | udder, fertility | |
19764386 | ulterior | beyond, father, ulterior | |
19764387 | ultor | avenging, avenger | |
19764388 | ultro | beyond, furthermore | |
19764389 | umidus | moist, humid | |
19764390 | umquam | ever, at any time | |
19764391 | urgeo | drive, urge | |
19764392 | uterque | each of two, both | |
19764393 | uterus | womb, belly | |
19764394 | vacuus | empty, vacant | |
19764395 | vado | go, advance | |
19764396 | vadum | ford, shallow | |
19764397 | valeo | be strong, be able | |
19764398 | validus | strong, valid | |
19764399 | valles | valley | |
19764400 | vanus | empty, vain | |
19764401 | veho | go, convey, carry | |
19764402 | velo | veil, cover | |
19764403 | veneror | venerate, worship | |
19764404 | verbum | word | |
19764405 | verro | sweep, scour | |
19764406 | verso | turn (often), keep turning | |
19764407 | vinum | wine, vine | |
19764408 | viscus | vitals, entrails, viscera | |
19764409 | vivo | live, subsist | |
19764410 | voluto | roll, revolve | |
19764411 | vulgus | the common people | |
19764412 | vivus | alive, living |