Greek words final test
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46696715 | endocrine | secreting internally | |
46696716 | exocrine | secreting externally | |
46696717 | endogamy | marriage within the tribe, caste, or social group | |
46696718 | exogamy | marriage outside the tribe, caste, or social group | |
46696719 | endogenous | produced from within; due to internal causes | |
46696720 | exogenous | produced from without; due to external causes | |
46696721 | endoskeleton | internal skeleton or supporting framework in an animal | |
46696722 | exoskeleton | hard protective structure developed outside the body | |
46696723 | endosmosis | osmosis inward | |
46696724 | exosmosis | osmosis outward | |
46696725 | endocarditis | inflammation of the lining of the heart | |
46696726 | endoderm | membranelike tissue lining the digestive tract | |
46696727 | endoparasite | parasite living on the inside of its host | |
46696728 | endoparasite (A) | ectoparasite (A) | |
46696729 | exoteric | known externally; readily understandable | |
46696730 | exoteric (A) | esoteric (A) | |
46696731 | exotic | introduced from another country; foreign | |
46696732 | exotic (A) | native (A) | |
46696733 | exotic | strikingly unusual; strange | |
46696734 | anarchy | total absence of rule or government; confusion; disorder | |
46696735 | autarchy | rule by an absolute sovereign | |
46696736 | hierarchy | body of rulers or officials grouped in ranks, each being subordinate to the rank above it; pecking order | |
46696737 | matriarchy | form of social organization in which the mother rules the family or tribe, descent being traced through the mother | |
46696738 | monarchy | state ruled over by a single person, as a king or queen | |
46696739 | oligarchy | form of government in which a few people have the power | |
46696740 | patriarchy | form of social organization in which the father rules the family or tribe, descent being traced through the father | |
46696741 | geocentric | measured from the earth's center; having the earth as a center | |
46696742 | geodetic | pertaining to geodesy; mathematics dealing with the earth's shape and dimension | |
46696743 | geography | study of the earth's surface, climate, continents, people, products, etc. | |
46696744 | geology | science dealing with the earth's history as recorded in rocks | |
46696745 | geometry | mathematics dealing with the lines, angles, surfaces, and solids | |
46696746 | geomorphic | pertaining to the shape of the earth or the form of its surface | |
46696747 | geophysics | science treating of the forces that modify the earth | |
46696748 | geopolitics | study of gevernment and its policies as affected by physical geography | |
46696749 | geoponics | art or science of agriculture | |
46696750 | georgic | agricultural | |
46696751 | georgic | poem on husbandry, farming | |
46696752 | geotropism | response to earth's gravity, as the growing of roots downward in the ground | |
46696753 | apogee | farthest point from the earth in the orbit of a heavenly body | |
46696754 | apogee (A) | perigee (A) | |
46696755 | antipathy | aversion; dislike | |
46696756 | antipathy (A) | sympathy (A) | |
46696757 | apathy | lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or excitement; indifference | |
46696758 | empathy | complete understanding of another's feelings, motives | |
46696759 | pathetic | arousing pity | |
46696760 | pathos | quality in drama, speech, literature, music, or events that arouses a feeling of pity or sadness | |
46696761 | sympathy | sharing of another's trouble; compassion | |
46696762 | telepathy | transference of the thoughts and feelings of one person to another by no apparent means of communication | |
46696763 | homeopathy | treatment of disease with minute doses of a remedy that, if given in massive doses to a healthy person, would produce effects like those of the disease | |
46696764 | homeopathy (A) | allopathy (A) | |
46696765 | osteopath | practiioner of osteopathy, treatment of diseases by manipulation of bones, muscles, nerves | |
46696766 | pathogenic | causing disease | |
46696767 | pathological | due to disease | |
46696768 | psychopathic | pertaining to mental disease; insane | |
46696769 | path | feeling, suffering, disease | |
46696770 | geo | earth, ground | |
46696771 | archy | rule | |
46696772 | endo | within | |
46696773 | exo | out of, outside | |
46696774 | morph | form | |
46696775 | peri | around, about , near, enclosing | |
46696776 | amorphous | having no definite form; shapeless; unorganized | |
46696777 | anthropomorphic | attibuting human form or chacteristics to beings not human, especially gods | |
46696778 | dimorphous | occuring under two distinct forms | |
46696779 | endomorphic | having a form deriving largely from the embryo's inner layer; having a heavy body build | |
46696780 | endomorphic (A) | ectomorphic (A) | |
46696781 | heteromorphic | exhibiting diversity of form | |
46696782 | metamorphosis | change of form | |
46696783 | monomorphic | having a single form | |
46696784 | morphology | branch of biology dealing with the form and structure of animals and plants; form and structure of an organism or any of its parts | |
46696785 | pericardium | membranous sac enclosing the heart | |
46696786 | perigee | nearest point to the earth in the orbit of a heavenly body | |
46696787 | perihelion | nearest point to the sun in the orbit of a heavenly body | |
46696788 | perihelion (A) | aphelion (A) | |
46696789 | perimeter | whole outer boundary or measurement of a surface or figure | |
46696790 | peridontics | branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of the bone and gum tissues supporting the teeth | |
46696791 | peripatetic | traveling about; itinerant | |
46696792 | peripheral | on the periphery, outside boundary; outside or away from teh central part as in peripheral vision; only slightly connected iwth what is essential; merely incidental | |
46696793 | peripheral | device tha can be attached or used with a computer, such as a keyboard, monitor, printer, or scanner | |
46696794 | periphrastic | expressed in roundabout way; circumlocutory | |
46696795 | periscope | instrument permitting those in a submarine in a view of the surface | |
46696796 | peristalsis | wavelike contraction of the walls of the intestines, which propels contents onward | |
46696797 | peristyle | row of columns around a building or court; the space so enclosed | |
46696798 | peritonitis | inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane lining the abdominal cavity and surrounding the organs within it | |
46898119 | endophyte | plant growing within another plant |