Mr. Cahill's vocabulary (FHS)
Vocab words from chapters 1-9. Good luck on the test tomorrow everyone!
Terms : Hide Images [1]
107805213 | abhor | to regard with horror or loathing, to hate deeply. | |
107805214 | amend | to change in a formal way for the better | |
107805215 | buffet | to slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly | |
107805216 | chaos | great confusion or disorder | |
107805217 | commodious | roomy, spacious | |
107805218 | corrosive | eating away gradually, acidlike. bitterly sarcastic | |
107805219 | discern | to see clearly, recognize | |
107805220 | extant | still existing, not exterminated, destroyed or lost | |
107805221 | implicate | to involve in, to connect with or be related to | |
107805222 | inter | to bury, to consign to oblivion | |
107805223 | martinet | a strict disciplinarian | |
107805224 | obviate | to anticipate and prevent, remove, dispose of | |
107805225 | renegade | one who leaves a group (negative connotation) | |
107805226 | reprehensible | deserving blame or punishment | |
107805227 | somber | dark, gloomy | |
107805228 | squalid | filthy, wretched | |
107805229 | turbulent | disorderly, riotous | |
107805230 | vociferous | loud and noisy, compelling attention | |
107805231 | voluminous | of great size, numerous | |
107805232 | waive | to do without, to give up voluntarily | |
107805233 | animosity | strong dislike, bitter hostility | |
107805234 | apathy | a lack of feeling or interest | |
107805235 | apprehensive | fearful or anxious | |
107805236 | commend | to praise | |
107805237 | compatible | able to get along or work well together | |
107805238 | condolence | an expression of sympathy | |
107805239 | consecreate | to make sacred, to set apart for a special purpose | |
107805240 | decrepit | old and feele | |
107805241 | deride | to ridicule, laugh a with contempt | |
107805242 | ingenuous | innocent, simple, frank | |
107805243 | multifarious | having great variety | |
107805244 | obsolete | out of date | |
107805245 | omnivorous | eating every kind of food | |
107805246 | parsimonious | stingy, "cheap" | |
107805247 | quandary | a state of perplexity or doubt | |
107805248 | recalcitrant | stubbornly disobedient | |
107805249 | reprisal | an injury done in return for injury. (payback) | |
107805250 | revel | to take great pleasure in | |
107805251 | stultify | to make useless; cripple | |
107805252 | suave | pleasing to the senses | |
107805253 | allocate | to set apart or designate for a special purpose | |
107805254 | ardent | very enthusiastic, impassioned | |
107805255 | assiduous | persistant | |
107805256 | brash | prone to act in a hasty manner | |
107805257 | capricious | subject to whims or passing fancies | |
107805258 | chastise | to scold severely | |
107805259 | copious | abundant, plentiful | |
107805260 | deviate | to stray from a norm | |
107805261 | emaciated | made unnaturally thin | |
107805262 | exult | to rejoice greatly | |
107805263 | gnarled | knotted, twisted, lumpy | |
107805264 | indemnity | a payment for damage or loss | |
107805265 | inkling | a hint | |
107805266 | limpid | clear, transparent | |
107805267 | omnipotent | almighty, having unlimited power or authority | |
107805268 | palatable | agreeable to one's tastes or senses | |
107805269 | poignant | deeply affecting, touching | |
107805270 | rancor | bitter resentment, ill will | |
107805271 | sophomoric | immature but overconfident | |
107805272 | spontaneous | arising naturally | |
107805273 | adversary | an oponent | |
107805274 | alienate | to turn away | |
107805275 | artiface | a skillful or clever trick | |
107805276 | coerce | to compel, force | |
107805277 | craven | coward | |
107805278 | culinary | related to cooking | |
107805279 | delete | to erase | |
107805280 | demise | a death, usually of someone important | |
107805281 | exhilarate | to enliven | |
107805282 | fallow | plowed but not seeded, inactive | |
107805283 | harass | to disturb with repeated attacks | |
107805284 | inclement | stormy, harsh | |
107805285 | muse | to think about in a dreamy way | |
107805286 | negligable | so unimportant that it can be disregarded | |
107805287 | perpetuate | to make permanent | |
107805288 | precedent | and example that serves as a basis for later actions | |
107805289 | punitive | inflicting or aiming at punishment | |
107805290 | redress | to set right, remedy | |
107805291 | sojourn | a temporary stay | |
107805292 | urbane | refined in mannor or style | |
107805293 | adroit | skillful with hands or mind | |
107805294 | amicable | peaceable, friendly | |
107805295 | averse | opposed | |
107805296 | belligerent | given to fighting | |
107805297 | benevolent | kindly, charitable | |
107805298 | cursory | hasty, not thorough | |
107805299 | duplicity | deceitfulness | |
107805300 | extol | to praise extravagantly | |
107805301 | feasible | able to be done | |
107805302 | grimace | facial distortion | |
107805303 | holocaust | large-scale destruction, especially by fire | |
107805304 | impervious | not affected or hurt by | |
107805305 | impetus | moving force | |
107805306 | jeopardy | danger | |
107805307 | meticulous | extremely careful | |
107805308 | nostalgia | a longing for something past | |
107805309 | quintessence | purest form of something | |
107805310 | retrogress | to move backwards | |
107805311 | scrutinize | to examine closely | |
107805312 | tepid | lukewarm, unenthusiastic | |
107805313 | adulterate | to corrupt | |
107805314 | ambidextrious | to use both hands equally skillfully | |
107805315 | augment | to make larger, increase | |
107805316 | bereft | deprived of | |
107805317 | deploy | to position or arrange | |
107805318 | dour | stern, unyielding | |
107805319 | fortitude | courage in facing difficulties | |
107805320 | gape | to stare at with open mouth | |
107805321 | gibe | to utter taunting words | |
107805322 | guise | an external appearance | |
107805323 | insidious | intended to deceive | |
107805324 | intimation | a hint | |
107805325 | opulent | wealthy | |
107805326 | pliable | easily bent or flexible | |
107805327 | reiterate | to say again, repeat | |
107805328 | stolid | not easily moved | |
107805329 | tentative | uncertain, hesitant | |
107805330 | unkempt | untidy | |
107805331 | verbatim | word for word | |
107805332 | warily | cautiously | |
107913125 | affiliated | associated; connected | |
107913126 | acertain | to find out | |
107913127 | attainment | an accomplishment; act of achieving | |
107913128 | bequeath | to give or pass as an inheritance | |
107913129 | cogent | forceful; convincing | |
107913130 | converge | to move towards one point | |
107913131 | disperse | scatter | |
107913132 | esteem e | to regard highly | |
107913133 | expunge | to erase | |
107913134 | finite | having limits | |
107913135 | invulnerable | not able to be wounded | |
107913136 | malevolent | spiteful; showing ill will | |
107913137 | nonchalant | cool and confident | |
107913138 | oniscient | knowing everything | |
107913139 | panacea | remedy for all ills | |
107913140 | scrupulous | exact, careful, thorough | |
107913141 | skulk | to move about stealthily | |
107913142 | supercilious | proud | |
107913143 | uncanny | strange, mysterious | |
107913144 | venial | pardonable | |
107915684 | altruistic | unselfish | |
107915687 | assent | to express agreement | |
107915688 | benefactor | one who does good to others | |
107915690 | chivalrous | marked by honor | |
107915692 | clemency | mercy, humaneness | |
107915694 | dearth | lack, scarcity | |
107915697 | diffident | shy | |
107915699 | discrepancy | a difference, lack of agreement | |
107915702 | embark | to make a start | |
107915705 | facile | easily done or attained | |
107915708 | indomitable | unconquerable | |
107915711 | infallible | free from error | |
107915714 | plod | to walk heavily or slowly | |
107915716 | pungent | causing a sharp sensation; stinging or biting | |
107915719 | remiss | carelessness | |
107915722 | repose | to rest | |
107915725 | temerity | rashness, boldness | |
107915726 | truculent | agressive and cruel | |
107915729 | unfeigned | sincere, real | |
107915732 | virulent | poisonous, full of malice | |
107918548 | accede | to yield to | |
107918549 | brandish | to wave or flourish in a menacing fashion | |
107918550 | comprise | to include or contain | |
107918551 | deft | nimble, skillful | |
107918552 | destitute | deprived of the necessities of life | |
107918553 | explicit | definite; clearly stated | |
107918554 | extirpate | to tear up by the roots, destroy completely | |
107918555 | inopportune | coming at a bad time | |
107918556 | ironic | suggestion an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens | |
107918557 | musty | stale, moldy; out of date | |
107918558 | officious | meddling | |
107918559 | ominous | unfavorable bad omen | |
107918560 | pinnacle | a high point; peak | |
107918561 | premeditated | considered beforehand | |
107918562 | rampant | growing without check, running wild | |
107918563 | solace | comfort, relief | |
107918564 | stately | dignified, majestic | |
107918565 | supple | bending easily | |
107918566 | suppress | to stop by force | |
107918567 | venal | marked by corruption | |
122078660 | abjure | to renounce | |
122078661 | acrid | harsh in taste or odor | |
122078662 | august | majestic | |
122078663 | callous | emotionally hardened | |
122078664 | clandestine | secret, underhanded | |
122078665 | compunction | regret | |
122078666 | conflagration | large fire | |
122078667 | elated | in high spirits | |
122078668 | indelible | not able to be erased or removed | |
122078669 | indulgent | yielding to the wishes or demands of others | |
122078670 | inveterate | firmly established, habitual | |
122078671 | irrelevant | not to the point | |
122078672 | nocturnal | occurring the night | |
122078673 | platitude | a commonplace remark (cliche) | |
122078674 | quell | put down forcibly | |
122078675 | quiescent | inactive | |
122078676 | ruminate | to think about at length (like a cow) | |
122078677 | tacit | unspoken, inferred | |
122078678 | tangible | capable of being touched | |
122078679 | trenchant | forceful, effective, cutting but true! | |
122078680 | allude | to refer to casually or indirectly | |
122078681 | clairvoyant | supernaturally perceptive | |
122078682 | conclusive | serving to settle an issue | |
122078683 | disreputable | not respectable | |
122078684 | endemic | native or confined to a particular region or people | |
122078685 | exemplary | worthy of imitation | |
122078686 | fathom | to understand | |
122078687 | guile | treacherous cunning | |
122078688 | integrity | honesty | |
122078689 | itinerary | a route of travel | |
122078690 | misconstrue | to interpret wrongly | |
122078691 | obnoxious | highly offensive | |
122078692 | placate | to appease, soothe | |
122078693 | placid | calm peaceful | |
122078694 | plagiarism | using the writings of another person | |
122078695 | potent | powerful | |
122078696 | pretext | a false reason | |
122078697 | protrude | to stick out | |
122078698 | stark | harsh, desolate | |
122078699 | superficial | on or near the surface; shallow | |
122078700 | acquiesce | to accept without protest | |
122078701 | allure | to entice, tempt | |
122078702 | askew | crooked | |
122078703 | blithe | cheerful, casual | |
122078704 | contentious | quarrelsome | |
122078705 | covet | to desire something belonging to another | |
122078706 | crestfallen | discouraged | |
122078707 | disheveled | rumpled, hanging in disorder | |
122078708 | exponent | to who advocates | |
122078709 | garrulous | given to much talking | |
122078710 | insuperable | incapable of being overcome | |
122078711 | lamentable | to be regretted or pitied | |
122078712 | misnomer | an unsuitable or misapplied name | |
122078713 | profess | to affirm openly | |
122078714 | respite | a period of rest | |
122078715 | retribution | a repayment; deserved punishment | |
122078716 | sinuous | winding; flexible | |
122078717 | sonorous | full, deep; rich; impressive | |
122078718 | vanguard | leading position in any field | |
122078719 | wastrel | a wasteful person; good-for-nothing | |
147674850 | antipathy | a strong dislike, hostile feeling | |
147674851 | applicable | capable of being applied; relevant | |
147674852 | asset | something of value; a resource | |
147674853 | beset | to attack from all sides | |
147674854 | compassion | sympathy for another's suffering | |
147674855 | decorum | proper behavior, good taste | |
147674856 | duress | compulsion by threat; forcible confinement | |
147674857 | exuberant | high-sprited, enthusiastic | |
147674858 | facsimilie | an exact copy | |
147674859 | imbibe | to drink; take in | |
147674860 | implacable | not able to be pacified; unyielding | |
147674861 | infinitesimal | so small as to be immeasurable | |
147674862 | innocuous | harmless, inoffensive | |
147674863 | militate | to have and effect on or force against someone | |
147674864 | patent | exclusive rights over an invention | |
147674865 | prowess | distinguished bravery | |
147674866 | sedate | quiet, settle | |
147674867 | stentorian | extremely loud | |
147674868 | stipulate | to arrange specifically, require as a condition of an agreement | |
147674869 | ultimatum | a final proposal | |
147674870 | alacrity | a cheerful readiness | |
147674871 | alleviate | to relieve, make more bearable | |
147674872 | antithesis | the direct opposite | |
147674873 | appall | to fill with dismay or horror | |
147674874 | bellicose | warlike in manner, quarrelsome | |
147674875 | disparge | to belittle, undervalue | |
147674876 | dissonant | not in harmony | |
147674877 | droll | amusingly odd | |
147674878 | edict | an order issued | |
147674879 | elucidate | to clarify, explain | |
147674880 | laud | to praise | |
147674881 | loll | to act in a lazy manner | |
147674882 | loquacious | talkative | |
147674883 | magnanimous | generous in forgiving | |
147674884 | mandatory | required | |
147674885 | nondescript | ordinary | |
147674886 | phlegmatic | slow-moving, sluggish | |
147674887 | rescind | to repeal, cancel | |
147674888 | vivacious | lively, full of energy | |
147674889 | whet | to sharpen | |
147674890 | abrasive | causing irritation | |
147674891 | acclimate | to adapt to a new climate | |
147674892 | chagrin | irritation or humiliation caused by disappointment or frustration | |
147674893 | complacent | self-satisfied | |
147674894 | concur | to express agreement, approve | |
147674895 | defamation | to slander or libel | |
147674896 | explicate | to make clear | |
147674897 | fracas | a noisy quarrel | |
147674898 | grotesque | unnatural, distorted | |
147674899 | pandemonium | a wild uproar | |
147674900 | raucous | disagreeably harsh-sounding; disorderly | |
147674901 | receptive | open and responsive to ideas | |
147674902 | renounce | to give up something | |
147674903 | repress | to hold back; to put down by force | |
147674904 | reticent | not inclined to speak | |
147674905 | savory | tasty; not sweet; inoffensive | |
147674906 | somnolent | sleepy, drowsy | |
147674907 | vehement | intense, forceful | |
147674908 | voluble | well-spoken, fluent | |
147674909 | zealous | eager, ernest |