1st Semester Vocab
Terms : Hide Images [1]
123831128 | appelation | a name or title that identifies | |
123831129 | diphthong | a speech sound that consists of two vowels contained in a single syllable | |
123831130 | eponym | a person for whom something is or is thought to be named | |
123831131 | linguistics | the study of human speech | |
123831132 | neologism | a newly made up word, phrase or expression | |
123831133 | parlance | a particular manner or kind of speech | |
123831134 | patois | a regional or uneducated form of speech | |
123831135 | polyglot | consisting of many groups speaking different languages | |
123831136 | solecism | a violation of good manners or good taste | |
123831137 | vulgar | spoken by or using the language spoken by the common people rather than cultured people | |
123831138 | amulet | an object worn to bring luck | |
123831139 | capricious | subject to sudden, unpredictable changes | |
123831140 | fatalism | the belief that all events are determined in advance by fate | |
123831141 | incantation | a set of words spoken as a magic charm | |
123831142 | propitious | presenting favorable circumstances | |
123831143 | providential | resulting from or seeming to result from divine will | |
123831144 | quirk | a peculiarity of behavior | |
123831145 | serendipity | the ability to make valuable discoveries by chance; luck | |
123831146 | vagary | a wild or unpredictable notion or action | |
123831147 | vicissitude | one of the sudden or unexpected changes or shifts often encountered in one's life | |
123831148 | continuity | the condition of being without a stop or interruption | |
123831149 | converge | to approach the same point from different directions; meet | |
123831150 | crux | the basic or essential feature of something | |
123831151 | initiate | to begin; originate; cause to begin | |
123831152 | pivotal | central or crucial to something | |
123831153 | sequel | something that follows; very important | |
123831154 | subordinate | one subject to the authority of another | |
123831155 | tangential | only superficially relevant or related | |
123831156 | terminate | to bring to an end | |
123831157 | ultimate | last; coming at the end | |
123831158 | complicity | involvement as an accomplice in a crime or wrongdoing | |
123831159 | deploy | to station over an area | |
123831160 | explicate | to explain; make meaning clear | |
123831161 | implicate | to involve or connect incriminatingly | |
123831162 | implicit | implied or understood although not expressed | |
123831163 | inexplicable | incapable of being explained or interpreted. | |
123831164 | plight | a condition or situation of difficult or adversity | |
123831165 | replica | a copy or reproduction of a work of art | |
123831166 | replicate | to duplicate,copy, or repeat | |
123831167 | supple | readily bent; pliant | |
123831168 | accommodating | willing to help; obliging | |
123831169 | accord | agreement; harmony | |
123831170 | acquiesce | to consent or comply passively or without protest; accept | |
123831171 | adamant | firm and unyielding in purpose or opinion | |
123831172 | camaraderie | a spirit of loyalty, mutual trust, and good will between or among friends or comrades | |
123831173 | compliance | an act of doing as another wishes or yielding to a request or command | |
123831174 | propitiate | to prevent or reduce the anger of; soothe; appease | |
123831175 | tractable | easily managed or controlled | |
123831176 | volition | an act of willing, choosing or deciding | |
123831177 | willfulness | unreasonable stubbornness | |
123831178 | aspersion | a damaging or false statement | |
123831179 | deprecate | to express disapproval of | |
123831180 | deride | to laugh at in scorn; scoff at; mock | |
123831181 | execrable | extremely inferior; very bad | |
123831182 | ostracize | to banish or exclude from a group | |
123831183 | rebuke | to criticize or reprimand sharply and sternly | |
123831184 | scurrilous | using or expressed in vulgar and abusive language; foul-mouthed | |
123831185 | spurn | to reject or refuse disdainfully | |
123831186 | vitriolic | bitterly severe; harsh; sharp | |
123831187 | vituperation | sustained and bitter attack or condemnation; blame | |
123831188 | auspices | protection or support | |
123831189 | auspicious | attended by favorable circumstances | |
123831190 | circumspect | heedful of circumstances or consequences | |
123831191 | despicable | deserving of scorn or contempt; vile | |
123831192 | introspective | self-examining | |
123831193 | perspicuity | the quality of being clearly expressed or easily understood | |
123831194 | prospective | likely to become or be | |
123831195 | specious | having the ring of truth but actually false | |
123831196 | specter | a phantom; apparition | |
123831197 | spectrum | a broad sequence or range of related qualities, ideas, or activities | |
123831198 | beseech | to address an earnest or urgent request to | |
123831199 | blandishment | the act of coaxing by flattery or wheedling | |
123831200 | cajole | to coax gently and persistently | |
123831201 | elicit | to bring out; evoke | |
123831202 | enjoin | to direct with authority and emphasis | |
123831203 | exigent | requiring immediate attention or remedy; urgent | |
123831204 | imperious | arrogantly domineering or overbearing | |
123831205 | injunction | a command, directive, or order | |
123831206 | mendicant | a beggar | |
123831207 | query | a question; inquiry | |
123831208 | acuity | acuteness of perception; keenness | |
123831209 | consummate | supremely accomplished or skilled | |
123831210 | cunning | skill or adeptness in performance; dexterity | |
123831211 | deft | skillful; adroit | |
123831212 | endowment | a natural gift or quality | |
123831213 | facile | done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; easy | |
123831214 | incompetent | not capable; not properly or well qualified | |
123831215 | inept | awkward or clumsy | |
123831216 | proficient | performing in a given art, skill, or branch of learning with expect correctness and facility | |
123831217 | propensity | an innate inclination; tendency | |
123831218 | ambivalence | the simultaneous existence of conflicting feelings or thoughts, such as love and hate,about an person, an object, or an idea | |
123831219 | avail | use, benefit, or advantage | |
123831220 | equivalent | equal in quantity, force, meaning, or value | |
123831221 | evaluation | the act of judging the value or worth of | |
123831222 | evince | to show or exhibit | |
123831223 | invalid | being without foundation or force in truth or law | |
123831224 | invaluable | of inestimable use or help; indispensable | |
123831225 | prevail | to be greater in strength or influence | |
123831226 | valedictory | bidding farewell | |
123831227 | vanquish | to defeat in a battle, conflict or competition | |
123831228 | abound | to be great in number or amount | |
123831229 | amplitude | greatness of size; magnitude | |
123831230 | augment | to make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity | |
123831231 | brevity | briefness of duration | |
123831232 | commensurate | of the same size, extent, or duration | |
123831233 | diminish | to make smaller or less to cause to appear smaller or less | |
123831234 | infinitesimal | immeasurably or incalculably tiny | |
123831235 | modicum | a small amount or quantity | |
123831236 | prodigious | impressively great in size, force, or extent; enormous | |
123831237 | quota | a proportional share assigned to a group or a member of a group; allotment | |
123831238 | abdicate | to relinquish formally | |
123831239 | abnegate | to deny to oneself; renounce | |
123831240 | absolve | to pronounce clear of blame or guilt | |
123831241 | catharsis | a purifying or figurative cleansing or release of tension | |
123831242 | countermand | to cancel or reverse | |
123831243 | recant | to make a formal retraction or disavowal of | |
123831244 | recoup | to receive an equivalent for; make up for | |
123831245 | renunciation | the act of giving something up, especially by formal announcement | |
123831246 | rescind | to make void; repeal or annul | |
123831247 | waive | to relinquish or give up voluntarily | |
123831248 | adhere | to stick fast or together by or as if by grasping, suction, or being glued | |
123831249 | aggregate | gathered together into a mass so as to constitute a whole; total | |
123831250 | dissimulate | to disguise under a feigned appearance | |
123831251 | egregious | outstandingly bad; flagrant | |
123831252 | ensemble | any unit or group of complimentary parts that contribute to a single effect | |
123831253 | facsimile | an exact reproduction or copy | |
123831254 | gregarious | seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable | |
123831255 | inherent | existing in someone or something as a natural, essential part | |
123831256 | segregate | to isolate or separate from others or from the main group | |
123831257 | semblance | an outward or token appearance | |
123831258 | affront | to insult intentionally | |
123831259 | altercation | a heated and noisy quarrel | |
123831260 | antagonist | one who opposes and actively competes with another | |
123831261 | bellicose | warlike in manner | |
123831262 | breach | a breaking up or disruption of friendly relations | |
123831263 | contentious | quarrelsome | |
123831264 | dissension | a difference of opinion | |
123831265 | rancor | bitter, long-lasting resentment | |
123831266 | retribution | something given or demanded in repayment | |
123831267 | schism | a separation or division | |
123831268 | arbitration | the process by which the parties in a dispute submit their differences to the judgment of an impartial person | |
123831269 | attaché | a person officially assigned to the staff of a diplomatic office in a foreign country | |
123831270 | consulate | the premises occupied by a consul | |
123831271 | covenant | a binding agreement made by two or more persons or parties | |
123831272 | discretion | the quality of demonstrating a cautious reserve in one's speech or behavior; prudence | |
123831273 | emissary | an agent sent to represent or advance the interests of a person, group or nation | |
123831274 | entente | an agreement between two or more governments or powers for cooperative action | |
123831275 | Machiavellian | craft and deceit are justified in pursuing and maintaining political power | |
123831276 | protocol | forms of ceremony and etiquette | |
123831277 | status quo | the existing condition or state of affairs |