U PEOPLE ARE ... UGH!!!!!!!!
omgosh i didnt do it and it never got finished for everybody to use? thank you to karisa at least, so i wont fail.
Terms : Hide Images [1]
the subdivision of human geography focused on the nature and implications of the evolving spatial organization of political governance and formal political practice on the Earth's surface | ||
a politically organized territory that is administered by a sovereign government and is recognized by a significant portion of the international community | ||
a country's or more local community's sense of property and attachment toward its territory, as expressed by its determination to keep it inviolable and strongly defended | ||
a principle of international relations that holds that final authority over social, economic, and political matters should rest with the legitimate rulers of independent states | ||
Right for a state to defend its sovereignty against others. | ||
Treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War (1648) and readjusted the religious and political affairs of Europe | ||
Economic system of trading nations; belief that a nation's power was directly related to its wealth | ||
a politically organized body of people under a single government | ||
a recognized member of the modern state system possessing formal sovereignty and occupied by a people who see themselves as a single, united nation | ||
government based on the principle that the people are the ultimate sovereign and have the final say over what happens within the state | ||
state with more than one nation within its borders | ||
nation that stretches across borders and across states | ||
nation that doesn't have a state | ||
rule by an autonomous power over a subordinate and alien people and place. | ||
representation of a real-world phenomenon at a certain level of reduction or generalizatoin | ||
economic model wherein people, corporations, and states produce goods and exhange them on the world market, with the goal of achieving profit | ||
the process through which something is given monetary value | ||
processes that incorporate higher levels of education, higher salaries, and more technology | ||
processes that incorporate lower levels of education, lower salaries and less technology | ||
places where core and periphery processes are both occurring | ||
the capacity of a state to influence other states or achieve its goals through diplomatic, economic, and militaristic means | ||
forces that tend to unify a country (national culture, ideological objectives, and common faith) | ||
forces that tend to divide a country (religious, linguistic, ethnic, or ideological differences) | ||
a nation-state that has a centralized government and administration that exercises power equally over all parts of the state | ||
a political-territorial system wherein a central government represents the various entities with a nation-state where they have common interests (defense, foreign affairs, and the like) yet allows these various entities to retain their own identities and to have their own laws, policies, and customs in certain shperes | ||
the process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government | ||
system wherein each representative is elected from a territorially defined district | ||
process by which representative districts are switched according to population shifts, so that each district encompasses approximately the same number of people | ||
the process by which the majority and minority populations are spread evenly across each of the districts to be created therein ensuring control by the majority of each of the districts | ||
the process by which a majority of the population is from the minority | ||
redistricting for advantage, or the practice of dividing areas into electoral districts to give one political party an electoral majority in a large number or districts while concentrating the voting strength of the opposition in as few districts as possible | ||
political boundary defined and delimited as a straight line or an arc | ||
political boundary defined and delimited by a prominent physical feature in the natural landscape (such as a river) | ||
any political power based in the heart of Eurasia could gain sufficient strength to eventually dominate the world | ||
process by which geopoliticians decontruct and focus on explaining the underlying spatial assumptions and territorial perspectives of politicians | ||
world order in whicch one state is in a position of dominance with allies following rather than joining the political decision-making process | ||
a venture involving three or more nation-states involving formal political, economic, and/or cultural cooperation to promote shared objectives |