AP World History Flashcards
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290900318 | Shang Period 1750-1045 BCE | -Chinese writing system developed -oracle bones used in divination -religion centered on supreme god, DI, who could only be contacted through ruler's ancestors -warrior elite aristocracy enjoyed hunting and warfare -fought w/ bronze weapons and rode on horse drawn charriots -kings ruled directly over core area and indirectly over peripheral area | 0 | |
290900319 | Xia | -pre Shang -existence not confirmed by documents | 1 | |
290900320 | Zhou Period 1045-221 BCE | -2 periods: eastern and western -early years, land distribution similar to feudal system of the Middle Ages -"Mandate of Heaven" -cities in a grid pattern aligned with the north polar star (feng shui) -religion large role in public and private life -women: subservient -eastern: decline in central gov, rise in regional elites as rulers of independent states; characterized by warfare -later: development of larger armies of conscripted farmers -technological advances in warfare adopted form people of the northern steppes: learned how to fight on horseback, replace bronze w/ iron and steel -gov advances came from a new class of educated men who became bureaucrats -late: roots of Confucianism and Daoism eastern: concept of private property , women firmly subordinated to the patriarchal hierarchy justified by yin and yang | 2 | |
290900321 | Warring States Period | -late Zhou era -super intense warfare between states, leaving only 7 who took extra security measures -some fought to increase territory -most innovative: Qin | 3 | |
290900322 | Qin | -develop Legalist school of political theory -Lord Shang (leader) trusted own judgement and believed in any means necessary to control people -weakened nobility by abolishing many privileges and breaking up large estates to strengthen the state | 4 | |
290900323 | Nubia | -gold -traded w/ Egypt -northern part occupied by Egypt during Middle Kingdom period -south: Kingdom of Kush (known for metal working and construtction) invaded by Egypt in New Kingdom---brutal exploitation of labor and imposition of their culture -ruled Egypt as 25th Dynasty-- Egyptian influence and use of hyroglyphics and pyramids -_______ moved kingdom capital to Meroe | 5 | |
290900324 | Kingdom of Meroe | -matrilineal family system -dominated trade routes -resevoirs to catch rainfall -center of iron smelting -declined b/c of shift in trade routes, rise of the kingdom of Aksum, & depredations of camel riding nomads | 6 | |
290900325 | Olmecs 1200-400 BCE | -most important Mesoamerican preclassic civilization -urban centers; an elite class -skilled artisan; jade used a lot -merchant class; engaged in long distance trade -raised fields= agricultural surplusses -large earthen mounds dominated urban centers -polytheistic: human/animal characteristic blending, shamans (priests), human sacrifice, bloodletting -astronomy: calender -large influence b/c all later major civilizations influenced by them - | 7 | |
290900326 | Chavin 900-250 BCE | -1st major civilzation in S America in Andean Region -influenced region for centuries -benefitted from trade routes among distant ecological zones (possible trade w/ Mesoamerica) -dependent on llama -monumental building: constructed roads, bridges, temples, irrigation -produced textiles -kings and priests -jaguar man: most common religious image on pottery/ textiles -developed metallurgy in 500 BCE | 8 | |
290900327 | Iron Age | period during which iron was used primarily for tools and weapons instead of bronze | 9 | |
290900328 | Hittites | -from Anatolia (Turkey)- created empire -new technologies: horse drawn chariots; iron tools and weapons---econ and military advantages | 10 | |
290900329 | Israel | -land of Canaan occupied by them from the early 2nd millenium -Hebrew Bible -"covenant" -"chosen people" -1st temple: sanctuary built by King Soloman in Jerusalem -monotheism -diaspora | 11 | |
290900330 | Phoencians | -Semetic speaking people living on the on the coast of modern day Lebanon and Syria -explored Mediterranean -founded Carthage (modern day Tunisia) and other colonies in western Mediteranean -developed alphabetic system of writing w/ about 24 symbols (each represented a sound-consonants only) -2 judges and a senate -merchant aristocracy- equal except 4 slaves -Tophets (walled enclosures) -underwater battering ram on ships -sacrificed people to the Gods | 12 | |
290900331 | Kassites | -dynasty ruled in Babylon -did not pursue territorial conquest | 13 | |
290900332 | New Kingdom Egypt | - came under foreign rule of Hyksos (Kamose and Ahmose expelled them later; tried to assimilate, but not as successful as Kassites) -became more aggressive -Nubia made assimilate -Syria Palestine: stationed garrisons at strategically placed forts and supported cooperative rulers | 14 | |
290900333 | Hatshepsut | -queen of Egypt -dispatched naval expedition to Punt -evidence of opposition to a woman ruler -after her death her name and image was frequently defaced | 15 | |
290900334 | Akhenaten | -Egyptian pharoh -built a new capital at Amarna -fostered a new style of naturalistic art -created a religious revolution by imposing worship of the sun-disk | 16 | |
290900335 | Iran | -open to attack from central asian nomads -limited natural resources -water scarce -environment could only support limited number of people -b/c of heat, irrigation networks had to use underground tunnels (labor intensive and advanced under a strong central authority) -mineral resources- copper, tin, iron, gold, silver and plentiful timber | 17 | |
290900336 | Median Kingdom | -helped destroy the Assyrian empire -related to the Persian Achaemenid dynasty by marriage -overthrown by by Cyrus who built built a larger Persian empire that included Medes and Persians | 18 | |
290900337 | Persian Empire | -built up by Cyrus, Cambuyses, and Darius I (distant relative of the royal family) -all expanded territory -women were pretty equal -kings (aloof and majestic; otherworldy)and bureaucracy (satraps who administered to each province) -monuments: Persepolis, underground irrigation, roads -Zoroastrianism: Ahuramazda vs. Angra Mainyu | 19 | |
290900338 | Greece | -part of the Mediterranean ecological zone -all the various lands have similar climates, seasons, and crops -highly conductive to migration and the transfer of technology, crops, and trade -relied entirely on rainfall (have no water sources for sufficient irrigation -limited thin, arable soil: area couldn't support large populations -few metal resources and little timber -plentiful harbors | 20 | |
290900339 | Archaic Period 800-400 BCE | -explosive population growth -possibly b/c of the shift from pastoral to an agricultural economy, importation of foods and raw materials -caused urbanization, specialization, and the development of the polis -developed the concepts of individualism and humanism | 21 | |
290900340 | polis | -city-state: an urban center and its rural territory -acropolis, agora, fortified walls, public buildings -frequent wars between various -developed style of warfare that used hoplites | 22 | |
290900341 | Greece | -when population outstripped available resources, the Greeks sent excess populations to colonize other areas in the Mediterranean and Black Seas -brought them into contact with other peoples-- strengthened sense of Greek identity -invented coins in Lydia -increasing prosperity and the growth of a middle class in Archaic Greece led to the emergence in the mid-7th and 6th cent.s of one-man rule by tyrants, who reduced the power of traditional elites---eventually ejected and gov developed into one of 2 directions: oligarchy or democracy -religion: worship of anthropomorphic gods, sacrifices, sought advice from oracles (oracle pf Apollo at Delphi), revered female deities | 23 | |
290900342 | Sparta | -polis located in the Pelopponese in southern Greece -took over Messenia and enslaved them for food supply -fear of uprising---highly militaristic society in which all males trained for the army and devoted their lives to the needs of the state -women relatively free and outspoken | 24 | |
290900343 | Athens | -unusually large hinterland (Attica) that supported a population of about 300,000 -went through a period of tyrant rule (6th cent BCE) and ejected them -developed democracy w/ Pericles completing the transition in the 460s-450s BCE -popular organs of gov: Assembley, Council of 500, People's Courts | 25 | |
290900344 | 1st Persian War | -generals of Darius I captured Eretria and attacked Athens -attack on Athens was foiled when Athenian forces defeated the Persians at Marathon | 26 | |
290900345 | 2nd Pesian War | -Xerxes led a large army and a fleet against the Greeks in which many city-states submitted -Sparta organized the Hellenistic League | 27 | |
290900346 | Hellenistic League | -organized by Sparta -an alliance of city-states that defeated the Persians | 28 | |
290900347 | Delian League | -organized by Athens -went on the offensive and drove the Persians out of most of the Mediterranean | 29 | |
290900348 | Classic Greece in Athens | -marked by the dominant role of Athens -subordinated other states of the Delian League and became an imperial power based on its navy -technological innovations and use of lower class men as rowers-- developed trireme (highly maneuverable 170-oar boat) -the men realized their importance and demanded citizenship -used its power to carry out trade and extract tribute -wealth--construct impressive public works, put on grand festivals, and support development of arts and sciences -Socrates and Plato -democracy limited-- only free adult males participated and accounted for 10-15% of the total population -women, children, slaves, foreigners: didn't have rights of citizenship -slaves mostly foreign, regarded as property, and owned by almost all Athenian families -women confined and repressed -marriages arranged: young women to older men -duties to produce and raise children, weave cloth, cook, and clean -no meaningful relationships between men and women-- men bisexuality | 30 | |
290900349 | Pelopponesian War | -imperial Athens aroused resentment -a conflict between the alliance systems of Athens of Sparta -Sparta used a navy paid for by the Persians and defeated Athens --Sparta's arrogance inspired opposition of other Greek city states-----gave Persia time to recover its territory in western Asia | 31 | |
290900350 | Kingdom of Macedonia | -northern Greek kingdom -developed into a great military power -King Philip strengthened his army by equipping his soldiers w/ longer spears, using both cavalry and infantry forces, and developing new siege equipment (catapults) -son and heir: Alexander the Great | 32 | |
290900351 | Alexander the Great | -invaded Persia in 336 BCE and defeated the forces of the Persian Empire -conquered as far as Pakistan -built his own empire in which he maintained the administrative apparatus of the Persian Empire, used Persian and Macedonian officials, and began to present himself as successor to the Persian king | 33 | |
290900352 | Hellenistic Kingdoms | -after Alexander died, his empire broke into 3 kingdoms, all ruled by a Macedonian dynasty -Seleucid, Ptolemies, Antigonids -______ization: intermarriage between Greeks and non-Greeks, the spread of Greek language and lifestyle, and a synthesis of the cultures | 34 | |
290900353 | Seleucid Kingdom | -maintained a Persian style administrative system and continued Alexander's policy of establishing new Greek-style cities | 35 | |
290900354 | Ptolemies | -actively encouraged Greek immigration -did not build other Greek style cities -capital: Alexandria -lifestyle and language mostly stayed Egyptian (they ruled Egypt) and uprisings were common | 36 | |
290900355 | Antigonids | -Spartans as well as new confederations of city-states resisted rule -Athens remained neutral | 37 | |
290900356 | Alexandria | -Greek city -Greek residents enjoyed citizenship and took part in the institutions of gov: Assembley and Council -public baths, theatres, gymnasiums -significant Jewish population | 38 | |
290900357 | Rome | -Italy and Sicily: at crossroads of the Mediterranean and serve as a link between Europe and Africa -_____ is at a crossroads of the Italian peninsula -kingship eliminated when representatives of the sentatorial class of large landholders overthrew the king---republic -centers of political power: 2 consuls and the Senate -paterfamilias (society- hierarchical) -patron/client relationships -women had relatively more freedom than Greek women, but legal status=child and subordinate to their or their husbands paterfamilias---eventually able to become independent after dad's death -worshiped supernatural spirits -expanded (slowly and then rapidly)----HUGE empire (possibly b/c of greed, aggressiveness, the need for consuls to prove themselves as military commanders during their single year in office, constant fear of attack) -granted conquered people citizenship -had to give military service as a citizen -local elite groups administered and taxed various provinces -men from farming families-- military service; large landowners bought great estates and grew cash crops (grapes) instead of staples (wheat) -slave labor cheap, many people unemployed as farmers---went to cities -armies had to be built from the lower class instead of farmers who gave loyalty to their commander----generals taking control of politics, civil wars, end of republican system -Octaviun (Augustus) took over and ruled as a military dictator .................................................. | 39 |