AP Psych, Chapter 5
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259929828 | Learning | The process by which experience or practice results in a relatively permanent change in behavior or potential behavior. | |
259929829 | Classical Conditioning (Pavlovian) | The type of learning in which a response naturally elicited by one stimulus comes to be elicited by a different, formerly neutral, stimulus. | |
259929830 | Unconditioned Stimulus (US) | A stimulus that invariably causes an organism to respond in a specific way. | |
259929831 | Conditioned Stimulus (CS) | An originally neutral stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus and eventually produces the desired response in an organism when presented alone. | |
259929832 | Conditioned Response (CR) | After conditioning the response an organism produces when a conditioned stimulus is presented. | |
259929833 | Intermittent Pairing | Pairing the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus on only a portion of the learning trials. | |
259929834 | Desensitization Therapy | A conditioning technique designed to gradually reduce anxiety about a particular object or situation. | |
259929835 | Preparedness | A biological readiness to learn certain associations because of their survival advantages. | |
259929836 | Conditioned Taste Aversion | Conditioned avoidance of certain foods even if there is only one pairing of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. | |
259929837 | Operant Conditioning (Instrumental) | The type of learning in which behaviors are emitted (in the presence of specific stimuli) to earn rewards or avoid punishments. | |
259929838 | Operant Behaviors | Behaviors designed to operate on the environment in a way that will gain something desired or avoid something unpleasant. | |
259929839 | Reinforcers | A stimuli that follows a behavior and increases likelihood that the behavior will be repeated. | |
259929840 | Punishers | Stimuli that follows a behavior and decreases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated. | |
259929841 | Law of Effect (Principle of Reinforcement) | Thorndike's theory that behavior consistently rewarded will be "stamped in" as learned behavior, and behavior that brings about discomfort will be "stamped out" | |
259929842 | Skinner Box | A box often used in operant conditioning of animals; it limits the available responses and thus increases the likelihood that the desired response will occur. | |
259929843 | Shaping | Reinforcing successive approximations to a desired behavior. | |
259929844 | Positive reinforcers | Events whose presence increases the likelihood that ongoing behavior will recur. | |
259929845 | negative reinforcers | Events whose reduction or termination increases the likelihood that ongoing behavior will recur. | |
259929846 | Punishment | Any event whose presence decreases the likelihood that ongoing behavior will recur. | |
259929847 | Avoidance Training | Learning a desirable behavior to prevent the occurrence of something unpleasant, such as punishment. | |
259929848 | Learned Helplessness | Failure to take steps to avoid or escape from an unpleasant or aversive stimulus that occurs as a result of previous exposure to unavoidable painful stimuli. | |
259929849 | Biofeedback | A technique that uses monitoring devices to provide precise information about internal physiological processes, such as heart rate or blood pressure, to teach people to gain voluntary control over these functions. | |
259929850 | Neurofeedback | A biofeedback technique that monitors brain waves with the use of an EEG to teach people to gain voluntary control over their brain wave activity. | |
259929851 | Contingency | A reliable "if-then" relationship between two events, such as a CS and a US. | |
259929852 | Blocking | A process whereby prior conditioning prevents conditioning to a second stimulus even when the two stimuli are presented simultaneously. | |
259929853 | Schedule of Reinforcement | In operant conditioning, the rule for determining when and how often reinforcers will be delivered. | |
259929854 | Fixed-Interval Schedule | A reinforcement schedule in which the correct response is reinforced after a fixed length of time since the last reinforcement. | |
259929855 | Variable-Interval Schedule | a reinforcement schedule in which the correct response is reinforced after varying lengths of time following the last reinforcement. | |
259929856 | Fixed-Ratio Schedule | A reinforcement schedule in which the correct response is reinforced after a fixed number of correct responses. | |
259929857 | Variable-Ratio Schedule | A reinforcement schedule in which a varying number of correct responses must occur before reinforcement is presented. | |
259929858 | Extinction | A decrease in the strength or frequency, or stopping, of a learned response because of failure to continue pairing the US and CS (Classical conditioning) or withholding of reinforcement (Operant Conditioning). | |
259929859 | Spontaneous Recovery | The reappearance of an extinguished response after the passage of time, without training. | |
259929860 | Stimulus Control | Control of conditioned responses by cues or stimuli in the environment. | |
259929861 | Stimulus Generalization | The transfer of a learned response to different but similar stimuli. | |
259929862 | Stimulus Discrimination | Learning to respond to only one stimulus and to inhibit the response to all other stimuli. | |
259929863 | Response Generalization | Giving a response that is somewhat different from the response originally learned to that stimulus. | |
259929864 | Higher Order Conditioning | Conditioning based on previous learning; the conditioned stimulus serves as an unconditioned stimulus for further training. | |
259929865 | Primary Reinforcers | Reinforcers that are rewarding in themselves, such as food, water, or sex. | |
259929866 | Secondary Reinforcers | Reinforcers whose value is acquired through association with other primary or secondary reiforcers. | |
259929867 | Cognitive Learning | Learning that depends on mental processes that are not directly observable. | |
259929868 | Latent Learning | Learning that is not immediately reflected in a behavior change. | |
259929869 | Cognitive Map | A learned mental image of a spatial environment that may be called on to solve problems when stimuli in the environment change. | |
259929870 | Insight | Learning that occurs rapidly as a result of understanding all the elements of a problem. | |
259929871 | Learning Set | The ability to become increasingly more effective in solving problems as more problems are solved. | |
259929872 | Observational Learning (Vicarious) | Learning by observing other peoples behavior. | |
259929873 | Social Learning Theorists | Psychologists whose view of learning emphasizes the ability to learn by observing a model or receiving instructions without firsthand experience by the learner. |