AP World Unit 4 Vocab Flashcards
Ch. 17-21
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270993641 | 4 Mongol Empires | Khanate of Chaghatai, ... of the Golden Horde, ... of the Great Khan, Ilkhanate of Persia | 0 | |
270993642 | Bubonic Plague | Black Death, mid-14th century epidemic | 1 | |
270993643 | Emissaries | An agent or representative sent on a particular mission | 2 | |
270993644 | Ghenghis (Chinggis) Khan | (1167-1227); Born Temüjin; Brought all Mongol tribes into one confederation; 1206, preclaimed universal leader | 3 | |
270993645 | Istanbul | Once was Constantinople during Byzantine rule; renamed Istanbul after Ottoman Empire took control | 4 | |
270993646 | Kamikaze | Divine wind that Japanese credited with blowing Mongol invaders away from their shores in 1281 | 5 | |
270993647 | Khan | Medieval title used by Mongol and Turkish rulers | 6 | |
270993648 | Khubilai Khan | Last of the Mongol Great Khans (r. 1260-1294) and founder of the Yuan Empire | 7 | |
270993649 | Marco Polo | Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324) | 8 | |
270993650 | Osman | Late 13th and early 14th century CE founded Ottoman Empire (NW Anatolia); followers known as Osmanlis or Ottomans | 9 | |
270993651 | Ottoman Empire | Turkish sultanate of southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa and southeastern Europe | 10 | |
270993652 | Pax Mongolica | Mongol peace | 11 | |
270993653 | Saljuks | Turkish tribe that gained control over the Abbasid Empire and fought w the Byzantine Empire; pre-Ottoman empire | 12 | |
270993654 | Shamans | Religious leaders (Mongols) | 13 | |
270993655 | Sultan | Ruler of a Muslim country (especially of the former Ottoman Empire) | 14 | |
270993656 | Sultan Mehmed II | (r. 1444-1446); overpowered Byzantine Empire w/ Ottoman soldiers; renamed Constantinople Istanbul | 15 | |
270993657 | Tamerlane the Conqueror | Mongols lose power=> Turks expand; Genghis Khan is his model; United Turks in khanate of Chaghati | 16 | |
270993658 | Turks | Member of nomadic people speaking a Turkic language | 17 | |
270993659 | Yuan Dynasty | Chinese dynasty (1279-1368) that was founded by the Mongol ruler Khubilai Khan | 18 | |
270993660 | Bantu Migrations | West African farmers/herders who migrated south and spread language and skills-1000BCE - 1000CE | 19 | |
270993661 | Diviners | Intelligent people that are religious specialists; understood networks of political, social, economic, & psychological relationships | 20 | |
270993662 | Griots | Member of a caste of professional oral historians in the Mali Empire | 21 | |
270993663 | Ibn Battuta | Moroccan traveler that visited Mali in mid-14th century & took offense to the Islam supplementary in African life | 22 | |
270993664 | Kin | Group of people related by blood or marriage | 23 | |
270993665 | Kingdom of Ghana | West African kingdom (5th-13th century) whose rulers eventually converted to Islam; center of African Au trade | 24 | |
270993666 | Kingdom of Mali | West African kingdom founded by Sundiasta in the 13th century; it reached its peak during reign of Mansa Musa. | 25 | |
270993667 | Mansa Musa | (r. 1312-1337); Grand-Nephew of Sundiata; Fervent Muslim; Performed hajj in 1324-1325 w/ 500 slaves | 26 | |
270993668 | Sahel | A strip of dry grasslands on the southern border of the Sahara; also known as "the shore of the desert" | 27 | |
270993669 | Swahili | East African city-state society that dominated the coast from Mogadishu to Kilwa and was active in trade. | 28 | |
270993670 | Timbuktu | City in central Mali near the Niger river; major cultural & trading city in the Mali and Songhai empires | 29 | |
270993671 | Chivalry | Medieval principles of knighthood; honor; Courtesy towards women | 30 | |
270993672 | Crusades | Vast military campaigns intended to recapture Jerusalem & other holy Christian sites from Muslim rule (11th-13th centuries) | 31 | |
270993673 | Eucharist | Sacrament recognized by the church; Priests offered a ritual meal commemorating Jesus' last meal w/ his disciples before his crucification | 32 | |
270993674 | Excommunicate | Exclude from a church or a religious community | 33 | |
270993675 | Frederick Barbarossa | Frederick I--"the red beard"--Vigorous and gallant man who reighned from 1152 to 1190 CE; ruled from Southern Germany | 34 | |
270993676 | Guilds | Regulated production & sale of goods w/in their jurisdictions 13th century- controlled most of urban $$ of medieval Europe; established standards of quality for maufactured goods | 35 | |
270993677 | Hanseatic League | Association of trading cities stretching from Novgorod to London & embracing all the significant commercial centers of Poland, N Germany, & Scandinavia | 36 | |
270993678 | Heresy | Opinion/belief that contradicts established religious teaching, especially one that is officially condemned by a religious authority Ex. Waldensians | 37 | |
270993679 | High Middle Ages | Period of the middle ages between 1000-1300CE Education and Economy increased | 38 | |
270993680 | Holy Roman Empire | Christian revival of the Roman Empire;the lands ruled by Charlemagne | 39 | |
270993681 | Iberian Peninsula | Now Spain and Portugal; Once mostly Muslim besides Christian ruled northern tip | 40 | |
270993682 | Investiture Contest | Controversy over the appointment of church officials in the late 11th & early 12th centuries | 41 | |
270993683 | Leif Erickson | Son of Eric the Red; 1000CE- lead an exploratory party to modern Newfoundland; Leif called it Vinland b/c of wild grapes growing in the region | 42 | |
270993684 | Manors | Lg. estates of the nobles during the European middle ages, home for the majority of the peasants | 43 | |
270993685 | Normans | Member of a Viking people who raided and then settled in the French province later known as Normandy, and who invaded England in 1066 | 44 | |
270993686 | Paganism | Any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism | 45 | |
270993687 | Reconquista | Crusade, ending in 1492, to drive the Islamic forces out of Spain. | 46 | |
270993688 | Relics | The body parts, clothing, or objects associated with a holy figure, such as the Buddha, Christ, or a Christian saint, i.e. Virgin Mary | 47 | |
270993689 | Saints | Mortals that had led such an exemplary lives that God held them in special esteem | 48 | |
270993690 | St. Thomas Aquinas | (1225-1274); most famous of the scholastic theologians; spent most of career teaching at the University of Paris. Scholasticism=Aristotle | 49 | |
270993691 | Serfs | Peasants who, though not chattel slaves, were tied to the land and who owed obligation to the lords on whose land they worked. | 50 | |
270993692 | Troubadours | Class of traveling poets, minstrels, & entertainers whom aristocratic women enthusiastically patronized | 51 | |
270993693 | Urbanization | Movement of people from the countryside to establishmed cities | 52 | |
270993694 | Vassals | Person, nation, or group that is dependent on or subordinate to another | 53 | |
270993695 | Virgin Mary | Mother of Jesus; Most popular saint; Pesonified the Christian ideal of womanhood, love, & sympathy | 54 | |
270993696 | William the Conqueror | Duke of Normandy; invaded England in 1066; Introduced Norman principles of govn't & land tenure to England | 55 | |
270993697 | Zealots | Fanatical supporter of a cause, especially a religious cause | 56 | |
278159835 | Aboriginal People | Member of any of the indigenous peoples who inhabited Australia before the arrival of European settlers | 57 | |
278159836 | Chinampas | Small, stationary, artificial island--through the use of mud--built on a freshwater lake for agricultural purposes | 58 | |
278159837 | Inca | Member of a Native South American people whose empire, based in Peru & covering the Andean region, lasted from the 12th century until the mid-16th century. Sophisticated engineers, architects, and artists | 59 | |
278159838 | Mesoamerica | Region of Central America & southern North America that was occupied by several civilizations, especially the Maya, in pre-Columbian times | 60 | |
278159839 | Mexica | Founded Tenochtitlan;people of central Mexico; built powerful Aztec empire (mid-14th - early 16th centuries) | 61 | |
278159840 | Quipu | Calculator consisting of a cord with attached cords; Inca's unit of trade and finance with various colors & lengths | 62 | |
278159841 | Subjugation | The act of conquering | 63 | |
278159842 | Toltecs | Powerful postclassic empire in central Mexico (900-1168 C.E.); influencial to much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs claimed ties to this earlier civilization | 64 | |
278159843 | Little Ice Age 1300 CE | 500 year period of colder, wetter weather; cooler climates and shorter growing seasons for agriculture | 65 | |
278159844 | Bubonic Plague | Aka Black Death; deadly disease that spread from SW China towards and throughout Western Europe; 70% decline in population as a result | 66 | |
278159845 | Mandarins | Members of the elite class of civil servents in Chinese government | 67 | |
278159846 | Renaissance | The period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world; Reteachings of the classics (Greeks & Romans) | 68 | |
278159847 | Humanists | Renaissance scholars interested in moral philosophy, history, and literature, drawing inspiration from classical texts. | 69 |