AP Human Geography Final
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63683648 | Agricultural Density | The ratio of the number of farmers to the total amount of land suitable for agriculture. | |
63683649 | Arithmetic Density | The total number of people divided by the total land area | |
63683650 | Base Line | Imaginary line running east and west used by surveyors as a reference in describing land under the rectangular survey system | |
63683651 | Cartography | the making or study of maps or charts | |
63683652 | Dependency Ratio | # of people in a population under 15 and over 64: # of working people to support them | |
63683653 | Physiological Density | pressures people may place on land to produce food | |
63683654 | Carrying Capacity | # of people an area can support on a sustained basis | |
63683655 | Population Pyramid | represents a population distribution by age, gender, or groups | |
63683656 | Genercide | use of techniques to ensure male offspring; abortion, ultrasounds, etc. | |
63683657 | Sex Ratio Imbalance (SRI) | natural balace between boys and girls | |
63683658 | Infant Mortality Rate | total # of deaths in a year for every 1,000 live births in society | |
63683659 | Zero Population Growth | decline in fertility rates | |
63683660 | Migration | permament move to a new location | |
63683661 | Emigration | migration FROM a location | |
63683662 | Immigration | migration TO a location | |
63683663 | Taboo | restriction on behavior imposed by social custom | |
63683664 | Terrier | the soil, climate, and other physical features that attribute to something | |
63683665 | Ideograms | represent ideas or concepts; chinese symbols for nouns | |
63683666 | Creole | the result of mixed languages- one new language | |
63683667 | Isogloss | word usage boundary that is determined by data | |
63683668 | Acculturation | to change a culture to fit another | |
63683669 | Universalizing Religion | appeal to people of many cultures anywhere in the world; Buddhism is the oldest | |
63683670 | Ethnic Religion | appeals to local people or are practiced in one region | |
63683671 | Cosmogony | set of beliefs concerningt the origin of the universe | |
63683672 | Balkinization | the process in which a state breaks down through conflicts | |
63683673 | Rostow's Five Stages | 1) Traditional- farming, 2) Preconditions for Takeoff- commercial exploitations of materials, 3) Take off- massive investment and produce goods for manufacturing, 4) Drive to Maturity- wealth goes up, 5) Age of Mass Consumption | |
63683674 | Human Development Index (HDI) | country's level of development- economic, social, and demographic | |
63683675 | Gross Domestic Product | value of the total output of goods and services | |
63882752 | Postmodernism | aesthetic,literary, political, or social philosiphy to describe a condition; reintroducing traditional things w/ modern touches | |
63882753 | Ecofeminism | social, and political movement which points to the existence of common ground; between environmentalism and feminism | |
63882754 | Possitivism | epistemetological perspective and philosiphy of sienc that states that authentic knowledge is based on experience | |
63882755 | Syncretism | attempt to disparate or contrary beliefs | |
63882756 | Confluence | meeting of two or more bodies of water | |
63882757 | Postmaterialism | mass consumerism | |
63882758 | Thematic | type of map that shows a paticular theme | |
63882759 | Chloropleth | thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterend | |
63882760 | Plebisite | direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked or reject or accept a proposal | |
63882761 | Primate City | extremley large city | |
63882762 | Sawan | flooded field for rice | |
63882763 | Chaff | the husks of rice | |
63882764 | Desertification | human actions causing land to deteriorate | |
63882765 | Double Cropping | growing more than one crop a year on the same land | |
63882766 | Green Revolution | the introduction of pesticides and high-yield grains and better management during the 1960s and 1970s which greatly increased agricultural productivity | |
63882767 | Pastoral Nomadism | form of subsistance agriculture based on the herding of domestic animals | |
63882768 | Swidden | clearing for shifting cultivation | |
63882769 | Milkshed | ring surrounding a city from which milk can be supplied without spoiling | |
63882770 | Sustainable Agriculture | Farming methods that preserve long-term productivity of land and minimize pollution, typically by rotating soil- restoring crops with cash crops and reducing in-puts of fertilizer and pesticides. | |
63882771 | Subsistance Agriculture | production of food primarily for consumption by the farmers family | |
63882772 | Agglomeration | A process involving the clustering or concentrating of people or activities. The term often refers to manufacturing plants and businesses that benefit from close proximity because they share skilled-labor pools and technological and financial amenities. | |
63882773 | Space Time Compression | processes that seem to accelerate the experience of time | |
63882774 | Perceptual Region | area that reflects human feelings and attitudes | |
63882775 | Concentric Zone Model | A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are spatially arranged in a series of rings. | |
63882776 | Integration | the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community | |
63882777 | Break of Bulk Point | location where transfer among transportation modes is possible | |
63882778 | Fordist | Form of mass production in which each worker is assigned one specific task to perform repeatedly. | |
63882779 | Labor Intensive | wages are a high percentage of expenses | |
63882780 | New International Division of Labor | Transfer of some types of jobs, especially those requiring low-paid less skilled workers, from more developed to less developed countries. | |
63882781 | Outsourcing | The relocation of production once done in the United States to foreign countries. | |
63882782 | Post Fordist | Adoption by companies of flexible work rules, such as the allocation of workers to teams that perform a variety of tasks. | |
63882783 | Locational Interdependence | competetors will locate next to each other to maximize customers | |
63882784 | Edge City | a large node of office and retail activities on the edge of an urban area | |
63882785 | Forward Capital | a symbolic relocation of a capital | |
63882786 | Central Place Theory | explains size, #, and location of human settlements in an urban system | |
63882787 | Demographic Momentum | increased population but reduced fertility rates | |
63882788 | Labor Intensive Intillerage | a farm in which no machinery is used | |
63882789 | Ethnocentrism | belief that one culture is better that another | |
63882790 | Extensive Land Use | use of a lot of land for low producing agriculture | |
63882791 | Settlements | a permanant collection of buildings | |
63882792 | Consumer Services | provide services to individual consumers | |
63882793 | Clustered Rural Settlements | # of families that live closley together | |
63883155 | Fusion | Process of combining 2 hydrogen to form helium and give off energy in stars |