ap english vocab
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74210867 | absolute | a word free from limiations or qualifications("best," "all", "unique" | |
74210868 | ad hominem argument | an argument attacking an individual's characer rather than his or her position on an issue | |
74210869 | allegory | a literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent abstractions | |
74210870 | allusion | a reference to something literary, mythological, or historical that the author assures the reader will recognize | |
74210871 | analogy | a comparison of two different things that are similar in some way | |
74210872 | anaphora | repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses | |
74210873 | anecdote | a brief narrative that focuses on a particular incident or event | |
74210874 | antecedent | the word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers | |
74210875 | antithesis | a statement in which two opposing ideas are balanced | |
74210876 | aphorism | a concise, statement that expresses succinctly a general truth or idea, often using rhyme or balance | |
74210877 | asyndeton | a construction in which elements are presented in a series without conjunctions | |
74210878 | balanced sentence | a sentence in which words, phrases, or clauses are set off against each other to emphasize a contrast | |
74210879 | chiasmus | a statement consisting of to parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed | |
74210880 | climax | generally, the arrangement of words, phrases, or clauses in an order of increasing importance, often in parallel structure | |
74210881 | cliché | an expression that has been overused to the extent that its freshness has worn off | |
74214058 | colloquialism | informal words or expressions not usually acceptable in formal writing | |
74214059 | complex sentence | a sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause | |
74214060 | compound sentence | a sentence with two or more coordinate independent clauses,often joined by one or more conjunctions | |
74219458 | compound-complex sentence | a sentence with two or more principal clauses and one or more subordinate clauses | |
74219459 | conceit | a fanciful, particularly clever extended metaphor | |
74219460 | concrete details | details that relate to or describe actual, specific things or events | |
74219461 | connotation | the implied or associative meaning of a word | |
74219462 | cumulative sentence | a sentence in which the main independent clause is elaborated by the successive addition of modifying clauses or phrases | |
74219463 | declarative sentence | a sentence that makes a statement or declaration | |
74219464 | deductive reasoning | reasoning in which a conclusion is reached by stating a general principle and then applying that principle to a specific case | |
74219465 | denotation | the literal meaning of a word | |
74219466 | dialect | a variety of speech characterized by its own particular grammar or pronunciation, often associated with a particular geographical region | |
74219467 | diction | the word choices made by a writer | |
74219468 | didactic | having the primary purpose of teaching or instucting | |
74219469 | dissonance | harsh, inharmonious, or discordant sounds | |
74219470 | ellipsis | the omission of a word or phrase which is grammatically necessary but can be deduced from the context | |
74219471 | epigram | a brief, pithy, and often paradoxical saying | |
74219472 | epigraph | a saying or statement on the title page of a work, or used as a heading of a chapter or other section of a work | |
74219473 | ethos | the persuasive appeal of one's character, or credibility | |
74219474 | euphemism | an indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant | |
74219475 | exclamatory sentence | a sentence expressing strong feeling, usually punctuated with an exclamation mark | |
74219476 | figurative language | language employing one or more figures of speech | |
74219477 | hyperbole | intentional exaggeration to create an effect | |
74219478 | idiom | an expression in a given language that cannot be understood from the literal meaning of the words in the expression; or, a regional speech or dialect | |
74219479 | imagery | the use of figures of speech to create vivid images that appeal to one of the senses | |
74219480 | imperative sentence | a sentence that gives a command | |
74219481 | implication | a suggestion an author or speaker makes (implies) without stating it directly | |
74219482 | inductive reasoning | deriving general principles from particular facts or instances | |
74219483 | inference | a conclusion on draws(infers) based on premises or evidence | |
74219484 | interrogative sentence | a sentence that asks a question | |
74219485 | invective | an intensely vehement, highly emotional verbal attack | |
74219486 | inverted syntax | a sentence constructed so that the predicate comes before the subject | |
74219487 | irony | the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning; or, incongruity between what is expected and what actually occurs | |
74219488 | jargon | the specialized language or vocabulary of a particular group or profession | |
74219489 | juxtaposition | placing two elements side by side to present a comparison or contrast | |
74219490 | litotes | a type of understatement in which an idea is expressed by negating its opposite | |
74219491 | logos | appeal to reason or logic | |
74219492 | malapropism | the mistaken substitution of one word for another word that sounds similar | |
74219493 | maxim | a concise statement, often offering advice; an adage | |
74219494 | metaphor | a direct comparison of two different things | |
74219495 | metonymy | substituting the name of one object for another object closely associate with it | |
74219496 | mood | the emotional atmosphere of a work | |
74219497 | motif | a standard theme, element, or dramatic situation that recurs in various works | |
74219498 | non sequitur | an inference that does not follow logically from the premises | |
74219499 | paradox | an apparently contradictory statement that actually contains some truth | |
74219500 | parallelism | the use of corresponding grammatical or syntactical forms | |
74219501 | parody | a humorous imitation of a serious work | |
74219502 | parenthetical | a comment that interrupts the immediate subject, often to quality or explain | |
74219503 | pathos | the quality in a work that prompts the reader to feel pity | |
74219504 | pedantic | characterized by an excessive display of learning or scholarship | |
74219505 | personification | endowing non-human objects or creatures with human qualities or characteristics | |
74219506 | philippic | a strong verbal denunciation. The term comes form the orations of Demosthenes against Philip of Macedonia in the fourth century | |
74325121 | polysyndeton | The use, for rhetorical effect, of more conjunctions than is necessary or natural | |
74325122 | rhetoric | the art of presenting ideas in a clear, effective, and persuasive manner | |
74325123 | rhetorical question | a question asked merely for rhetorical effect ad not requiring an answer | |
74325124 | rhetorical devices | literary techniques used to heighten the effectiveness of expression | |
74325125 | sarcasm | harsh, cutting language or tone intended to ridicule | |
74325126 | satire | the use of humor to emphasize human weaknesses or imperfections in social institutions | |
74325127 | scheme | an artful deviation from the ordinary arrangement of words | |
74325128 | simile | a comparison of two things using "like, "as," or other specifically comparative words | |
74325129 | simple sentence | a sentence consisting of one independent clause and no dependent clause | |
74325130 | solecism | non standard grammatical usage; a violation of grammatical rules | |
74325131 | structure | the arrangement or framework of a sentence, paragraph, or entire work | |
74325132 | style | the choices a writer makes; the combination of distinctive features of a literary work | |
74325133 | syllepsis | a construction in which one word is used in two different sense | |
74325134 | syllogism | a three-part deductive argument in which a conclusion is based on a major premise and a minor premise | |
74325135 | synecdoche | using one part of an objet to represent the entire object | |
74325136 | synesthesia | describing a kind of sensation in terms of another | |
74325137 | syntax | the manner in which words are arranged into sentences | |
74325138 | tautology | needless repetition which adds no meaning or understanding | |
74325139 | theme | a central idea of work | |
74325140 | thesis | the primary position taken by a writer or speaker | |
74325141 | tone | the attitude of a writer, usually implied, toward the subject or audience | |
74325142 | trope | an artful deviation from the ordinary or principal signification of a word | |
74325143 | understatement | the deliberate representation of something as lesser in magnitude than it | |
74325144 | vernacular | the everyday speech of a particular country or region, often involving nonstandard usage |