AP Euro Sem 1 Final Review
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45959746 | laissez-faire | economic doctrine that advocates feeing the economy from government intervention and control | |
45959747 | Hume | believed that people only believed in God out of superstition and fear | |
45959748 | Hobbes | Wrote "Leviathan" to show that people were basically self interested and greedy and needed a strong king to provide order. favored absolutism | |
45959749 | pietism | Protestant revivalist movement that believed in mysticism and deeply emotional, exstatic religion | |
45959750 | rococo | painting that depicted scenes of sensuality rather than the momumental, emotional grandeur of baroque | |
45959751 | politiques | public figures who placed politics before religion and believed that no religious truth was worth civil war | |
45959752 | Castiglione | Wrote "The Courtier" which was about education and manners and had a great influence. It said that an upper class, educatied man should know many academic subjects and should be trained in music, dance, and art | |
45959753 | Sandro Botticelli | one of the leading painters of the Florentine renaissance, developed a highly personal style. Painted the Birth of Venus and Springtime | |
45959754 | Masaccio | painted Expulsion from paradise which shows a grieving Adam and Eve, evidence of Renaissance painters including more emotion in their work | |
45959755 | Boccaccio | wrote the "Decameron" which tells about ambitious merchants, protrays a sensual and worldy society | |
45959756 | Giorgio Vasari | wrote "Lives of Artists" a book of boigraphies of the greatest artist of the Renaissance | |
45959757 | Enlightenment | movement critical of absolutism in politics and religion. intellectual movement to apply reason to solve problems | |
45959758 | Peace of Utrect | ended Louis XIV's attempts to gain military power and land. Marked the end of French expansionist policy. Ended the War of Spanish Succesion | |
45959759 | condotierri | military brokers who furnished mercanary forces to the Italian city states in the Renaissance | |
45959760 | contropposto | counterbalancing; placing the weight of the body to one side | |
45959761 | oligarchy | government by a priviledged few | |
45959762 | Atlantic system | The triangular pattern of trade that onded together western Europe, Africa, and the Americas | |
45959763 | Angilican Church | church that king Henry VIII of England created so he can marry and divorce as he pleases | |
45959764 | Church of England | church created in England as a result of a political dispute between Henry VIII and the Pope. Pope wouldn't let Henry divorce his wife | |
45959765 | Jacques Necker | finance minister to Lious XVI who proposed that the king tax the 1st and 2nd estates | |
45959766 | sans-culottes | the common people of Frence who did hard mnual labor | |
45959767 | Jacobin Club | the most radical French middle class political club which wanted to remove the king and establish a republic | |
45959768 | plantations | large tracts of land producing staple crops farmed by slave labor, and owned by colnial settlers from western Europe | |
45959769 | Act of Supremacy | declared the king (Henry VIII) the supreme head of the Church of England in 1534 | |
45959770 | The Regency | led Frence after Louis XIV's death and tried to give nobles more of a say in pilitical affairs | |
45959771 | Jesuits | also known as the society of Jesus; founded by Ignatius Loyala (1491-1556) as a teaching and missionary order to resist the spread of Protestantism | |
45959772 | Olympe de Gouges | a femail journalist who demanded equal rights for French women | |
45959773 | Estates General | the French national assembly summoned in 1789 to remedy the financial crisis and corret abuses of the ancien regime | |
45959774 | Abbe Sieyes | French lower clergyman who wrote the famous revolutionary pamplet "What is the Third Estate?" | |
45959775 | mestizos | children of Spanish men and women | |
45959776 | Marie Antionette | daughter of empress of Austria, married to Louis XVI at age 15, accused of lavish spending that added to the national debt | |
45959777 | buccaneers | pirates that preyed on trade ships in the Caribbean | |
45959778 | Louis XIV | French king-ruled longest time ever in Europe. | |
45959779 | Fronde | series of revolts of nobility during Louis XIV's reign | |
45959780 | Council of Trent | called by Pope Paul III to reform the church and secure reconcilition with the protestants. Lutherans andCalvinists did not attend | |
45959781 | predestination | doctrine of John Calvin that adhered to the idea that each person's fate is predetermined by God | |
45959782 | 95 Theses | arguements written by Martin Luther against the Catholic Church. They were posted on October 31, 1517 | |
45959783 | Utopia | a book by Sir Thomas More (1516) describing the perfect society on an imaginary island | |
45959784 | Hurich Zwingli | Swiss priest who led Protestant movement in Switzerland | |
45959785 | Desiderius Erasmus | Dutch priest, he published In Praise of Folly in which he criticized the corrupt clergy. His criticisma helped inspire the Protestant Reformation | |
45959786 | baroque | art that featured curves, exaggerating lighting, intense emotion, and sensationalism | |
45959787 | seclarization | indifference of rejection of religion or religious consideration | |
45959788 | Don Quixote | the was a cervntes satire poking fun at Spanish nobility and cruelty duringhis time | |
45959789 | Peace of Westphalia | soveriegnty of German princes recognized. Ended religious issues in Europe, ended 30 years war | |
45959790 | Thirty Years War | (1618-1648) A series of European wars that were partially a Catholic-Protestant religious conflict. It was primarily a battle between Frence and their rivals the Hapsburgs, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire | |
45959791 | Spanish Armada | the Spanich fleet that attempted to invade England ending in disaster, due to the raging storm in Engligh Channel. This was viewed as the decline of Spain's Golden Age and rise of England as world naval power | |
45959792 | William of Orange | ruler of Netherlands who led a revolt for independecne against Hapsburg Philip II of Spain | |
45959793 | Philip II | son od Charles V. He saw imself as the leader of the Counter-Reformation and was a very devout Catholic. He ws involved in wars that defended Catholicism. He defeated the Ottoman Turks | |
45959794 | Levellers | members of a mid-17 century English political movement, who came to prominence during the English Civil Wars, wanted to equalize social differences | |
45959795 | social contract | the notion that society is based on agreement between government and the governed in which people agree to five up some rights in exchange for the protection of others. All political authority comes from not from divine right but from the consent of the government | |
45959796 | Oliver Cromwell | English general and statesman who led the parliamentary army in the English Civil War | |
45959797 | Hobbes | the philosopher that elieved in a strong central government (absolutism) was needed to avoid rebellion and civil war | |
45959798 | Marie-Therese Geoffrin | sponsered a "salon" in France where philosophers would gather and discuss controversial issues | |
45959799 | Watt | credited with creating the first steam engine | |
45959800 | Donatello | sculptor who evoked classical Greek and Roman models. Probably exerted greatest influence of any Florentine artist before Michelangelo | |
45959801 | Leonard da Vinci | artist who made religious paintings and sculptures like the Last Supper and Mona Lisa | |
45959802 | Petrarch | father of the Renaissance. He believed that the first two centuries of the Roman Empire to represent the peak in the development of human civilization | |
45959803 | Elizabeth I | Queen of England who chose religion between the Puritans and Catholics and required her subjects to attend church or face a fine. Also required uniformity and conformity to church of England | |
45959804 | perspective | artistic technique that shows three dimensions on a flat surface | |
45959805 | cinquecento | the 1500's | |
45959806 | parlements | 15 sovereign courts in the French judicial system that checked the king's ability to tax and legislate arbitrarly | |
45959807 | quattrocente | the 1400's | |
45959808 | virtu | the striving for personal excellence | |
45959809 | Vesalius | scientist who began to study anatomy in depth. reffered to as father of anatomy | |
45959810 | Jon van Eyck | Flemish painter who was a founder of the Flemish school of painting and who pioneered modern techniques of oil painting | |
45959811 | Johannes Gutenburg | credited with inventing the printing press (moveable type) that led to the spreading of ideas faster and to more places | |
45959812 | Maria Theresa | ruled Austria, maintainted control over Austria during War os Austrian Succesion | |
45959813 | romanticism | artistic movement that glorified nature, emotion, genius, and imagination | |
45959814 | Freemasons | associations of nobles and artisans who shared an interest in Enlightenment reforms | |
45959815 | enlightened despots | rulers who tried to promote reform without giving up their own supreme political power | |
45959816 | deist | a person who believes in God but gives him no active role in human affairs | |
45959817 | Montesquieu | French political philosopher who advocated the seperation of executive and legislative and judicial powers | |
45959818 | skeptism | a doubting or questioning attitude | |
45959819 | Newton | In "Principa Mathmatica" he explained his universal law of gravitation that planets and moons move at uniform speed proportional to their weight and distance from the sun | |
45959820 | Robespierre | revolutionary leader who tried to wipe out every trace of France's past monarchy and nobility | |
45959821 | commenda system | contract between merchant and merchant adventurer who agreed to take goods to distant locations and return with proceeds of 1/3 the profit |