Ap week 3 swed Flashcards
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86061505 | The Skull | 22 Bones - 8 Cranial Bones (Form the Cranium, House the Brain), 14 Facial Bones, 7 Auxiliary Bones (1-Hyoid, 6-Auditory Ossicles) | 0 | |
86061506 | Orbits | Houses Visual Receptors ( Eyes ) | 1 | |
86061507 | Nasal Cavity | Houses Olfactory Receptors ( Smell ) | 2 | |
86061508 | Oral Cavity | Houses Gustatory Receptors ( Taste ) | 3 | |
86061509 | External Auditory Meatus | A Canal Runs Through the Petrous Portion to the Middle Ear | 4 | |
86061510 | Cranial Cavity | Houses the Brain | 5 | |
86061511 | Sinuses | Cavities within the Skull. Lined with mucous membranes, Help to Clean, Warm & Moisten incoming air, Gives the voice resonance, Lighten the Skull | 6 | |
86061512 | General Features of the Skull | Orbits, Nasal Cavity, Oral Cavity, External Auditory Meatus, Cranial Cavity, Sinuses | 7 | |
86061513 | Paranasal Sinuses | 4 Pairs of Cavities that Drain into the Nasal Cavity | 8 | |
86061514 | Non-Paranasal Sinuses | 1 Pair of Cavities that Drain into the Middle Ear through Estachian Tube into the throat | 9 | |
86061515 | Occipital Bone(Occiput) | Located in the Posterior & Inferior on the skull. Contains the Foramen Magnum, Occipital Condyles, External Occipital Protuberance, Nuchal Lines | 10 | |
86061516 | Foramen Magnum | Passage of Spinal Cord in the skull | 11 | |
86061517 | Occipital Condyles | Processes that are Lateral to the Foramen Magnum. That Articulates with the Atlas to form the Atlantooccipital Joint (Synovial Ellipsoid) | 12 | |
86061518 | External Occipital Protuberance | Large Bump at the Base of the Occiput | 13 | |
86061519 | Nuchal Lines | Ridges that run Lateral to the Protuberance. Attachment site for the Nuchal Ligament & the Trapezius Muscle. | 14 | |
86061520 | Frontal Bone | Forms the Forehead, Parts of the Orbits & Part of the Cranial Floor. Contains Frontal Sinuses, Supraorbital Margin, Supraorbital Notch / Foramina | 15 | |
86061521 | Frontal Sinuses | Paranasal Cavities located Superior to the Orbits | 16 | |
86061522 | Supraorbital Margin | Ridge that Forms the Superior Margin of the Orbit | 17 | |
86061523 | Supraorbital Notch / Foramina | Passage for a Branch of the Trigeminal Nerve(sensory) in the Supraorbital Margin | 18 | |
86061524 | Parietal Bones (2) | Forms Parts of the Side Walls & Roof of the Cranium. Its Sutured on the Midline (Sagittal Suture Joint) | 19 | |
86061525 | Temporal Bones (2) | Forms part of the Side Walls & Part of the Cranium Floor. Contains Squamosal Portion, Petrous Portion, External Auditory Meatus, Zygomatic Process & Mandibular Fossa. | 20 | |
86061526 | Squamosal Portion | Flat Vertical Portion of the Temporal Bone - (Squamous=Flat) | 21 | |
86061527 | Petrous Portion | Solid Portion of the Temporal Bone that forms part of the Cranial Floor Houses the Hearing Apparatus (Middle & Inner Ear) (Rock like) | 22 | |
86061528 | Zygomatic Process | Artculates with the Temporal Process of the Zygomatic Bone to form the Zygomatic Arch. | 23 | |
86061529 | Mandibular Fossa | A Depression Located inferior to the External Auditory Meatus. Articulates with the Mandibular Condyles to Form the Tempormandibular Joint (TMJ)(Synovial Ellipsoid Joint - Elevation, Depression Protraction, Retraction, Translation(side to side) | 24 | |
86061530 | Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) | Synovial Ellipsoid Joint - Formed by the Mandibular Condyles and the Mandibular Fossa of the Temporal bone ( Elevation, Depression Protraction, Retraction, Translation(side to side)) | 25 | |
86061531 | Styloid Processes | "Niddle Like" Projections Inferior to the External Auditory Meatus that attach to the Stylohyoid Ligament which suspends the Hyoid Bone in The Thoat. | 26 | |
86061532 | Mastoid Process | Large Bump Posterior to the Ear. Contains the Mastoid Air Cells a Non-Paranasal Sinuses. Muscle attachment site | 27 | |
86063467 | Stylohyoid Ligament | Connects to the Styloid Processes to suspends the Hyoid Bone in The Thoat. | 28 | |
86063468 | Suture | An Immovable Joint found only in the Skull where to joints meet. | 29 | |
86063469 | Sagittal Suture Joint | Formed between the parietal bones | 30 | |
86151584 | Hyoid bone | Suspended bone in the throat by the Stylohyiod ligament, helps with swallowing, speach | 31 | |
86151585 | Trigeminal Nerve | 3 branches of nerves on the face, sensory for top, middle, bottom portion of face | 32 | |
86441148 | Sphenoid Bone | Key Stone of the skull. Articulates with every cranial bone forms part of the Cranial floor, the posterior wall of the orbits. Contains: the Body, Sella Turcica, Greater Wings, Lesser Wings, Pterygold Processes, Optic Foramen & Superior Orbital Fissure | 33 | |
86441149 | Body of the Sphenoid | the Central portion which contains the Shenoidal Sinuses (paranasal) | 34 | |
86441150 | Sella Turcica | Cup like projection which house the Pituitary Gland(master gland) aka the "Turkish Saddle" | 35 | |
86441151 | Greater Wings | Forms part of the Posterior Orbits & Cranial Floor. On a lower plane than the Lesser Wings. Can be Palpated only at the temple. | 36 | |
86441152 | Lesser Wings | Forms part of the Cranial floor. Lies above the Greater Wings (forms a little bit of the posterior orbit wall) | 37 | |
86441153 | Pterygoid Processes | Located behind the upper back molars. Each has a Medial & Lateral Plate for attachment of chewing muscles | 38 | |
86441154 | Optic Foramen | Small holes in the Lesser wing for the passage of the Optic Nerve (sensory nerve - visual reseptor) | 39 | |
86441155 | Superior Orbital Fissure | Space between the Greater & Lesser Wings For Passage of the Oculomotor Nerve (Motor nerve-movement of eyeball) | 40 | |
86441156 | Ethmoid Bone | Forms the bulk of the Nasal Cavity. Part of the Medial Walls of the orbits and a tiny part of the Cranial Floor. Contains the Lateral Masses, Cribrifrom Plate, Crista Galli, Perpendicular Plate & Superior & Middle Nasal Conchae | 41 | |
86441157 | Lateral Masses(Labyrinths) | Forms the Lateral Walls of the nasal cavity contains the Ethmoid Air Cells (paranasal) | 42 | |
86441158 | Cribrifrom Plate | Roof of the Nasal Cavity forms a part of the Cranial Floor. Filled with tiny foramina for the passage of Olfactory Nerves (sense of smell) | 43 | |
86441159 | Crista Galli | "Hitching Post" for the Dura Matter (connective tissue that cover & protects the brain). (AKA - Rooster's Comb) | 44 | |
86441160 | Perpendicular Plate | Divides the Nasal Cavity in half. Forms the Superior Aspect of the Nasal Septum. | 45 | |
86441161 | Superior & Middle Nasal Conchae | scroll shaped Mucous membrane lined projections off the lateral masses. They increase the surface area of the nasal cavity & helps to clean & moisten incoming air | 46 | |
86441162 | Facial Bone (14) | Contains the Mandible, Maxillary, Palatine Bones, Lacrimal Bones, Zygomatic Bones, Nasal Bones, Inferior Nasal Conchae, Vomer | 47 | |
86441163 | Mandible | Lower Jar Contains the Body, Ramus, Mandibular Condyles, Coronoid Process, Alveolar Ridge & Mental Foramina | 48 | |
86441164 | Body of the Mandible | Anterior Aspect (chin) | 49 | |
86441165 | Ramus | Posterior Aspect that Projects Vertically on the Mandible | 50 | |
86441166 | Mandibular Condyles | Posterior Aspect of the Ramus Articulate with the Mandibular Fossa of the Temporal Bone to Form the (TMJ) | 51 | |
86441167 | Coronoid Process | Anterior Aspect of the Ramus | 52 | |
86441169 | Mental Foramina | Passage for a Branch of the Trigeminal Nerve in the Mandible | 53 | |
86441170 | Maxillary Bones (2) | Form the Upper Jaw, Roof of the Oral Cavity, Floor of the Orbits, Parts of the cheek, Floor of Nasal Cavity & Sutured on the Midline. Contains the Palatine Process, Maxillary Sinuses(Antrum of Highmore), Alveolar Ridge, Infraorbital Foramina | 54 | |
86441171 | Palatine Process | Forms the Anterior ¾ of the Hard Palate | 55 | |
86441172 | Maxillary Sinuses (Antrum of Highmore ) | Large Sinuses Lateral to the Nose (paranasal) | 56 | |
86441173 | Alveolar Ridge | Contains the Teeth & Their Sockets (alveoli) | 57 | |
86441174 | Infraorbital Foramina | Inferior to the Orbits for Passage of the Trigeminal Nerve | 58 | |
86441175 | Palatine Bones (2) | Forms the Posterior ¼ of the Hard Palate & a tiny part of the orbits | 59 | |
86441176 | Lacrimal Bones (2) | Forms Medial Walls of the Orbits. Have a Nasolacrimal Canal that drain into the Nasal Cavity | 60 | |
86441177 | Zygomatic Bones (2) | Cheek Bones | 61 | |
86441178 | Nasal Bones (2) | Forms the Bridge of the Nose | 62 | |
86441179 | Inferior Nasal Conchae (2) | scroll shaped Mucous membrane lined projections off the lateral masses. They increase the surface area of the nasal cavity & helps to clean & moisten incoming air. Sutured to Ethmoid | 63 | |
86441180 | Vomer (1) | Forms Inferior Aspect of the Nasal Septum. Sutured to the Perpendicular plate of the Ethmoid. | 64 | |
86798776 | Auditory Ossicles (6) | 3 Bones in each ear named the Malleus, Incus, Stapes. Sutured to the Tympanic Membrane | 65 | |
86798777 | Coronal Suture Joint | between the Parietal Bones and the Frontal Bone | 66 | |
86798778 | Squamosal Suture Joint | between the Temporal Bones, Parietal Bones & the Sphenoid | 67 | |
86798779 | Lambdoidal Suture Joint | between the Parietal Bones & the Occipital Bone | 68 | |
86798780 | Angle of the Mandible | Where the body meets the Ramus | 69 | |
86798781 | Bones that makes of the Orbit | Frontal, Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Maxillary, Palatine, Lacrimal, Zygomatic | 70 |