Izzy's AP Psych Ch 11
Terms : Hide Images [1]
12504668 | intelligence test | A method for assessing an individual's mental aptitudes and comparing then with those of others, using numerical scores | |
12504669 | mental age | The chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance | |
12504670 | Stanford-Binet | The widely used American revision of Binet's original intelligence test | |
12504671 | intelligence quotient (IQ) | Defined originally as the ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100 - on contemporary intelligence tests, the average performance for a given age is assigned a score of 100 | |
12504672 | intelligence | Mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations | |
12504673 | factor analysis | A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items on a test - used to identify different dimensions of performance that underline one's total score | |
12504674 | general intelligence (g) | A general intelligence factor that Spearman and others believed underlies specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on an intelligence test | |
12504675 | savant syndrome | A condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as in computation or drawing | |
12504676 | emotional intelligence | The ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions | |
12504677 | creativity | The ability to produce novel and valuable ideas | |
12504678 | aptitude test | A test designed to predict a person's future performance; aptitude means the capacity to learn | |
12504679 | achievement test | A test designed to assess what a person has learned | |
12504680 | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) | The WAIS is the most widely used intelligence test; contains verbal and performance (nonverbal) subtests | |
12504681 | standardization | Defining meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested "standardization group" | |
12504682 | normal curve | The symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes - most scores fall near the average, and fewer and fewer scores lie near the extremes | |
12504683 | reliability | The extent to which a test yields consistent results, as assessed by the consistency of scores on two halves of the test, on alternate forms of the test, or on retesting | |
12504684 | validity | The extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to | |
12504685 | content validity | The extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest | |
12504686 | criterion | The behavior that a test is designed to predict; thus, the measure used in defining whether the test has predictive validity | |
12504687 | predictive validity | The success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict; it is assessed by computing the correlation between test scores and the criterion behavior | |
12504688 | mental retardation | A condition of limited mental ability, indicated by an intelligence score below 70 and difficulty in adapting to the demands of life | |
12504689 | Down syndrome | A condition of retardation and associated physical disorders caused by an extra chromosome in one's genetic makeup | |
12504690 | stereotype threat | A self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype |