WI 373, WFC 520 Prefixes
Terms : Hide Images [1]
72411065 | multi- | [many] | |
72411066 | multiform | having many shapes, or appearances. | |
72411067 | neo- | [new] | |
72411068 | neopaganism | a new or revived paganism. | |
72411069 | neoclassic | characteristic of a revival of an earlier classical style | |
72411070 | nontoxic | not toxic or harmful | |
72411071 | nonexistent | not having existence or being or actuality | |
72411072 | ob- | [toward, against] | |
72411073 | of- | [toward, against] | |
72411074 | op- | [toward, against] | |
72411075 | oc- | [toward, against] | |
72411076 | obstruct | block passage through | |
72411077 | offend | cause to feel resentment or indignation | |
72411078 | oppose | to be against | |
72411079 | oct- | [eight] | |
72411080 | octagon | a figure with eight sides and angles | |
72411081 | octave | a rhythmic group of eight lines of verse | |
72411082 | octopus | bottom-living cephalopod having a soft oval body with eight long tentacles | |
72411083 | octane | a flammable liquid component of gasoline containing eight molecules of carbon | |
72411084 | octometer | a metrical line containing eight feet | |
72411085 | paleo- | [ancient] | |
72411086 | paleoanthropology | study pertaining to ancient man | |
72411087 | paleontology | study of ancient life forms | |
72411088 | para- | [beside, almost] | |
72411089 | parasite | one who eats beside or at the table of another | |
72411090 | paraphrase | rewording for the purpose of clarification | |
72411091 | paramedic | a person trained to assist medical professionals and to give emergency medical treatment | |
72411092 | parallel | running alongside; similar; comparable | |
72411093 | parody | a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing | |
72411094 | penta- | [five] | |
72411095 | pentagon | a figure with five sides and five angles | |
72411096 | pentameter | a verse line having five metrical feet | |
72411097 | pentathlon | an athletic contest consisting of five different events | |
72411098 | per- | [throughout, completely] | |
72411099 | pervert | completely turn wrong, corrupt | |
72411100 | perceive | to understand, know, become aware of | |
72411101 | permanent | lasting or expected to last for a long time | |
72411102 | persuade | cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action | |
72411103 | peri- | [around] | |
72411104 | perimeter | measurement around an area | |
72411105 | periphery | the outside boundary or surface of something | |
72411106 | periscope | an optical instrument that provides a view of an otherwise obstructed field | |
72411107 | pericardium | protective sac enclosing the heart composed of two layers with fluid between | |
72411108 | poly- | [many] | |
72411109 | polygon | figure having many sides or angles | |
72411110 | polygamy | having more than one spouse at a time | |
72411111 | polyglot | one who speaks many tongues | |
72411112 | polychrome | having or exhibiting many colors | |
72411113 | post- | [after] | |
72411114 | postpone | to do something at a time or date after it was originally planned | |
72411115 | postwar | after a war | |
72411116 | postscript | n. additional information added to the end of a letter or other document | |
72411117 | posterity | future generations | |
72411118 | pre- | [before] | |
72411119 | prewar | before the war | |
72411120 | precede | be the predecessor of | |
72411121 | premonition | an early warning about a future event | |
72411122 | pro- | [forward, in favor of] | |
72411123 | project | throw forward | |
72411124 | progress | gradual improvement or growth or development | |
72411125 | promote | make publicity for | |
72411126 | prohibition | the action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof) | |
72411127 | pseudo- | [false] | |
72411128 | pseudonym | false or assumed name | |
72411129 | pseudoscientific | based on theories and methods erroneously regarded as scientific | |
72411130 | pseudopodia | ''false feet''; A cellular extension of amoeboid cells used in moving and feeding. | |
72411131 | quad- | [four] | |
72411132 | quadruple | four times as much | |
72411133 | quadriplegic | a person who is paralyzed in both arms and both legs | |
72411134 | quadratic | of or resembling a square | |
72411135 | quadrant | one of four sections into which the coordinate plane is divided | |
72411136 | re- | [back, again] | |
72411137 | reclaim | To demand or to obtain the return or restoration of. | |
72411138 | revive | be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength | |
72411139 | revoke | annul by recalling or rescinding | |
72411140 | rejuvenate | to become young again | |
72411141 | retard | cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate | |
72411142 | reject | refuse to accept or acknowledge | |
72411143 | return | the act of someone appearing again | |
72411144 | retro- | [backward] | |
72411145 | retrospective | looking backward, concerned with or related to the past, an exhibition of a representative selection of an artist's life work | |
72411146 | retroactive | Operative on, affecting, or having reference to past events, transactions, responsibilities. | |
72411147 | se- | [aside] | |
72411148 | seduce | lead aside, lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct | |
72411149 | secede | withdraw from an organization or communion | |
72411150 | secrete | place out of sight | |
72411151 | segregate | divide from the main body or mass and collect | |
72411152 | self- | [by oneself] | |
72411153 | self-determination | the ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will | |
72411154 | self-service | serving oneself | |
72411155 | selfish | concerned chiefly or only with yourself | |
72411156 | sesqui- | [one and one half] | |
72411157 | sesquicentennial | one and one half centuries | |
72411158 | sex- | [six] | |
72411159 | sest- | [six] | |
72411160 | sexagenarian | sixty years old | |
72411161 | sexennial | a six-year period or celebration | |
72411162 | sextant | a unit of angular distance equal to 60 degrees | |
72411163 | sextuplet | one of six babies born at one birth | |
72411164 | sextet | a musical composition written for six performers | |
72411165 | sub- | [under] | |
72411166 | submerge | put under | |
72411167 | submarine | a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes | |
72411168 | subhuman | less than human | |
72411169 | substitute | a person or thing that takes or can take the place of another | |
72411170 | subsoil | The layer of soil beneath the topsoil | |
72411171 | suf- | [from under] | |
72411172 | sug- | [from under] | |
72411173 | sup- | [from under] | |
72411174 | sus- | [from under] | |
72411175 | suffer | undergo or be subjected to | |
72411176 | sufficient | Enough to fill a need | |
72411177 | support | the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening | |
72411178 | suspect | someone who is under suspicion | |
72411179 | supreme | greatest in status or authority or power | |
72411180 | syn- | [with, together] | |
72411181 | sym- | [with, together] | |
72411182 | sys- | [with, together] | |
72411183 | syl- | [with, together] | |
72411184 | synthesis | the combination of ideas into a complex whole | |
72411185 | synchronize | operate simultaneously | |
72411186 | synonym | A word that means the same as another word | |
72411187 | sympathy | sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish) | |
72411188 | symphony | A harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. | |
72411189 | system | instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity | |
72411190 | syllable | a unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme, a vowel or a group of letters containing one vowel sound | |
72411191 | trans- | [across, beyond] | |
72411192 | tra- | [across, beyond] | |
72411193 | transoceanic | across an ocean | |
72411194 | transmit | send from one person or place to another | |
72411195 | transfusion | the action of pouring a liquid from one vessel to another | |
72411196 | tradition | the passing down of culture from one generation to the next | |
72411197 | transform | change in outward structure or looks | |
72411198 | tri- | [three] | |
72411199 | tricycle | a vehicle with three wheels that is moved by foot pedals | |
72411200 | tripod | a three-legged rack used for support | |
72411201 | ultra- | [beyond, exceedingly] | |
72411202 | ultramodern | extremely modern | |
72411203 | ultraviolet | high-frequency light waves beyond the violet frequency | |
72411204 | ultraconservative | an extreme conservative | |
72411205 | un- | [not, release] | |
72411206 | unfair | not fair | |
72411207 | unnatural | not natural | |
72411208 | unbutton | undo the buttons of | |
72411209 | uni- | [one] | |
72411210 | unicycle | a one-wheeled vehicle on which the rider sits and pedals | |
72411211 | uniform | not differentiated | |
72411212 | unify | to bring or combine together or with something else as one group, set, collection, or congregation | |
72411213 | universe | everything that exists anywhere | |
72411214 | unique | one of a kind | |
72411215 | vice- | [in place of] | |
72411216 | vice president | an executive officer ranking immediately below a president | |
72411217 | vice admiral | an admiral ranking below a full admiral and above a rear admiral | |
72411218 | viceroy | a representative of a king or of a country | |
72587563 | tera- | [trillionfold--symbol is a T--AKA 10 to the 12th power] | |
72587564 | giga- | [billionfold--symbol is a G--AKA 10 to the 9th power] | |
72587565 | mega- | [millionfold--symbol is a M--AKA 10 to the 6th power] | |
72587566 | kilo- | [thousandfold--symbol is a k--AKA 10 to the 3rd power] | |
72587567 | hecto- | [hundredfold--symbol is a h--AKA 10 to the 2nd power] | |
72587568 | deka- | [tenfold--symbol is a da--AKA 10] | |
72587569 | deci- | [tenth part--symbol is a d--AKA 10 to the negative 1st power] | |
72587570 | centi- | [hundredth part--symbol is a c--AKA 10 to the negative 2nd power] | |
72587571 | milli- | [thousandth part--symbol is an m--AKA 10 to the negative 3rd power] | |
72587572 | micro- | [millionth part--symbol is a u--AKA 10 to the negative 6th power] | |
72587573 | nano- | [billionth part--symbol is a n--AKA 10 to the negative 9th power] | |
72587574 | pico- | [trillionth part--symbol is a p--AKA 10 to the negative 12th power] | |
72587575 | femto- | [quadrillionth part--symbol is an f--AKA 10 to the negative 15th power] | |
72587576 | atto- | [quintillionth part--symbol is an a--AKA 10 to the negative 18th power] | |
74919869 | sestet | a six-line stanza |