H Spanish III Pre-AP Vocab
all vocab
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274114203 | durar | to last | |
274114204 | hacia | towards | |
274114205 | deletrear | to spell | |
274114206 | la copa | wine glass, glass, cup | |
274114207 | giros | turns | |
274114208 | vacío | empty | |
274114209 | desvanecerse | to be nonexistent, to disappear | |
274114210 | el aire libre | outdoors | |
274114211 | el albergue juvenil | youth hostel | |
274114212 | la camioneta | SUV, truck | |
274114213 | la cantimplora | water bottle, canteen | |
274114214 | el descuento | discount | |
274114215 | el equipo | equipment | |
274114216 | la estufa (de gas) | (gas) stove | |
274114217 | la fogata | campfire | |
274114218 | el fósforo | match | |
274114219 | la guía | guide | |
274114220 | el kayac | kayak | |
274114221 | la olla | pot | |
274114222 | el saco de dormir | sleeping bag | |
274114223 | la tarifa | fare | |
274114224 | la tienda de campaña | tent | |
274114225 | el transporte público | public transportation | |
274114226 | hacer una caminata | to take a walk | |
274114227 | ahorrar | to save (money, time) | |
274114228 | conseguir | to get, to find | |
274114229 | divertirse (ie, i) | to enjoy, to have fun | |
274114230 | encender (ie) | to light (a match), to make a fire, to turn on | |
274114231 | escalar montañas | to climb mountains | |
274114232 | hacer una excursión | to go on an excursion, guided tour | |
274114233 | llenar | to fill up | |
274114234 | meterse en | to go into | |
274114235 | montar | to put up | |
274114236 | navegar por rápidos | to go whitewater rafting | |
274114237 | navegar | to navigate, to sail | |
274114238 | observar | to observe | |
274114239 | ofrecer | to offer | |
274114240 | remar | to row | |
274114241 | seguir (i, i) | to follow | |
274114242 | utilizar | to use | |
274114243 | el agua dulce | fresh water | |
274114244 | la araña | spider | |
274114245 | el árbol | tree | |
274114246 | el bosque | forest, woods | |
274114247 | la flor | flower | |
274114248 | la mariposa | butterfly | |
274114249 | la naturaleza | nature | |
274114250 | el pájaro | bird | |
274114251 | el pez | fish | |
274114252 | el río | river | |
274114253 | la selva | jungle | |
274114254 | el sendero | path | |
274114255 | la serpiente | snake | |
274114256 | agotador(a) | exhausting | |
274114257 | al extranjero | abroad | |
274114258 | con anticipación | in advance | |
274114259 | dentro | inside | |
274114260 | frente a | facing | |
274114261 | fuera (de) | outside (of) | |
274114262 | inolvidable | unforgettable | |
274114263 | junto a | next to | |
274114264 | sin | without | |
274114265 | el chorizo | sausage | |
274114266 | moler | to chew | |
274114267 | planchar | to iron | |
274114268 | bordar | to embroider | |
274114269 | coser | to sew | |
274114270 | el apellido | last name | |
274114271 | el (la) bebé | baby, infant | |
274114272 | el (la) bisabuelo (a) | great-grandfather/great-grandmother | |
274114273 | el (la) biznieto (a) | great-grandson/great-granddaughter | |
274114274 | el (la) cuñado (a) | brother-in-law/sister-in-law | |
274114275 | el (la) esposo (a) | husband; wife; spouse | |
274114276 | la madrina | godmother | |
274114277 | el matrimonio | marriage; married couple | |
274114278 | el (la) nieto (a) | grandson/granddaughter | |
274114279 | el (la) novio (a) | boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancé/fiancée | |
274114280 | la nuera | daughter-in-law | |
274114281 | el padrino | godfather | |
274114282 | el pariente | relative | |
274114283 | el (la) sobrino (a) | nephew/niece | |
274114284 | el (la) suegro (a) | father-in-law/mother-in-law | |
274114285 | el yerno | son-in-law | |
274114286 | la arena | sand | |
274114287 | la brisa | breeze | |
274114288 | el calor agobiante | stifling heat | |
274114289 | el caracol | shell | |
274114290 | hacer fresco | to be cool (weather) | |
274114291 | la orilla | shore | |
274114292 | el puerto | port | |
274114293 | la sombrilla | parasol | |
274114294 | ver el amanecer | to watch the sunrise | |
274114295 | ver la puesta del sol | to watch the sunset | |
274114296 | el carro | car | |
274114297 | la casa rodante | RV | |
274114298 | conducir | to drive | |
274114299 | la cubierta | deck (of boat) | |
274114300 | la escapada | getaway | |
274114301 | hacer un crucero | to go on a cruise | |
274114302 | la canoa | canoe | |
274114303 | el chaleco salvavidas | life jacket | |
274114304 | la moto acuática | personal watercraft | |
274114305 | el (la) surfista | surfer | |
274114306 | la tabla de surf | surfboard | |
274114307 | el velero | sailboat | |
274114308 | el voleibol playero | beach volleyball | |
274114309 | en absoluto | not at all | |
274114310 | juntarse | to get together with | |
274114311 | mantener (el equilibrio) | to keep (one's balance( | |
274114312 | marearse | to get seasick/to become dizzy | |
274114313 | merendar | to have a snack | |
274114314 | pararse | to stand up | |
274114315 | parecerse a (alguien) | to look like (someone)/to be like (someone) | |
274114316 | recoger | to pick up | |
274114317 | recostarse | to lie down | |
274114318 | refrescarse | to cool down | |
274114319 | refugiarse | to take refuge from | |
274114320 | reunirse | to get together, to meet | |
274114321 | la nevera | refrigerator | |
274114322 | el pavo | turkey | |
274114323 | el chisme | gossip | |
274114324 | la ciudadanía | citizenship | |
274114325 | los ancianos | the elderly | |
274114326 | la bolsa de plástico | plastic bag | |
274114327 | el comedor de beneficencia | soup kitchen | |
274114328 | el envase | container | |
274114329 | la gente sin hogar | the homeless | |
274114330 | los guantes de trabajo | work gloves | |
274114331 | el hogar de ancianos | nursing home | |
274114332 | el hospital | hospital | |
274114333 | la lata | metal can | |
274114334 | la pobreza | poverty | |
274114335 | el proyecto de acción social | social action project | |
274114336 | el (la) voluntario (a) | volunteer | |
274114337 | la agencia de publicidad | ad agency | |
274114338 | el anuncio | announcement, ad | |
274114339 | el artículo | article | |
274114340 | la campaña | campaign | |
274114341 | el canal de televisión | T.V. channel | |
274114342 | la creatividad | creativity | |
274114343 | el diseño | design | |
274114344 | la emisora (de radio) | radio station | |
274114345 | el lema | motto | |
274114346 | el letrero | sign, poster | |
274114347 | las noticias | news | |
274114348 | el periódico | newspaper | |
274114349 | la prensa | press | |
274114350 | la publicidad | publicity | |
274114351 | la revista | magazine | |
274114352 | apoyar | to support | |
274114353 | el cheque | check | |
274114354 | colaborar | to collaborate | |
274114355 | contar con los demás | to count on others | |
274114356 | la cooperación | cooperation | |
274114357 | cumplir | to fulfills, to carry out | |
274114358 | de antemano | beforehand | |
274114359 | delegar | to delegate | |
274114360 | elegir (i) | to choose | |
274114361 | gastar | to spend | |
274114362 | juntar fondos | to fundraise | |
274114363 | organizar | to organize | |
274114364 | la planificación | planning | |
274114365 | prestar | to lend | |
274114366 | el presupuesto | budget | |
274114367 | la prioridad | priority | |
274114368 | recaudar fondos | to raise funds | |
274114369 | reciclar | to recycle | |
274114370 | solicitar | to ask for, to request | |
274114371 | tirar basura | to litter | |
274114372 | trabajar de voluntario | to volunteer | |
274114373 | enojona | an easily angered person | |
274114374 | desfilar | to march | |
274114375 | la recámara | bed | |
274114376 | regañar | to scold, to reprimand | |
274114377 | dar vergüenza | to be embarrassed | |
274114378 | felicitar | to celebrate | |
274114379 | el acceso | access | |
274114380 | el anuncio clasificado | classified ad | |
274114381 | el anuncio personal | personal ad | |
274114382 | el artículo de opinión | editorial | |
274114383 | la cita | quote | |
274114384 | la columna | column | |
274114385 | el cortometraje | short documentary | |
274114386 | la cuestión | issue, question | |
274114387 | los dibujos animados | cartoons | |
274114388 | el (la) editor (a) | editor | |
274114389 | la entrevista | interview | |
274114390 | la fecha límite | deadline | |
274114391 | el (la) fotógrafo (a) | photographer | |
274114392 | el grabador | tape recorder | |
274114393 | la gráfica | graphic | |
274114394 | el largometraje | feature, full-length movie | |
274114395 | el noticiero | news broadcast | |
274114396 | la publicidad por correo | mailing | |
274114397 | el público | audience | |
274114398 | la reseña | review | |
274114399 | la subtitulación para sordos | closed captioning for the hearing impaired | |
274114400 | el (la) telespectador (a) | TV viewer | |
274114401 | la teletón | telethon | |
274114402 | el titular | headline | |
274114403 | distribuir | to distribute | |
274114404 | emitir | to broadcast | |
274114405 | entrevistar | to interview | |
274114406 | investigar | to investigate | |
274114407 | presentar | to present | |
274114408 | publicar | to publish | |
274114409 | traducir | to translate | |
274114410 | el debate | debate | |
274114411 | describir | to describe | |
274114412 | estar/no estar de acuerdo con | to agree/disagree with | |
274114413 | explicar | to explain | |
274114414 | a beneficio de | to the benefit of | |
274114415 | donar | to donate | |
274114416 | la obra caritativa | charitable work | |
274114417 | otorgar | to grant | |
274114418 | el (la) patrocinador (a) | sponsor | |
274114419 | patrocinar | to sponsor | |
274114420 | el programa educativo | educational program | |
274114421 | los volantes | flyers | |
274114422 | gozo | joy, happiness | |
274114423 | desdicha | misfortune, bad luck | |
274114424 | devenir | future, things going to happen | |
274114425 | vejez | old age | |
274114426 | esplendor | perfect timing, perfection | |
274114427 | el aire puro | clean air | |
274114428 | el basurero | garbage container | |
274114429 | la biodiversidad | biodiversity | |
274114430 | la capa de ozono | ozone layer | |
274114431 | el clima | climate | |
274114432 | la contaminación | pollution, contamination | |
274114433 | la deforestación | deforestation | |
274114434 | el derrumbe | landslide | |
274114435 | el efecto invernadero | greenhouse effect | |
274114436 | la erosión | erosion | |
274114437 | las especies en peligro de extinción | endangered species | |
274114438 | la inundación | flood | |
274114439 | el medio ambiente | environment | |
274114440 | no renovable | nonrenewable | |
274114441 | el petróleo | oil | |
274114442 | el planeta | planet | |
274114443 | el recurso natural | natural resource | |
274114444 | la responsabilidad | responsibility | |
274114445 | el riesgo | risk | |
274114446 | la sequía | drought | |
274114447 | el smog | smog | |
274114448 | el suelo | groud, soil | |
274114449 | el temblor | earthquake | |
274114450 | dañar | to harm | |
274114451 | destruir | to destroy | |
274114452 | disminuir | to diminish, to decrease | |
274114453 | fomentar | to foment, to support | |
274114454 | proteger | to protect | |
274114455 | respirar | to breathe | |
274114456 | reutilizar | to reuse | |
274114457 | valorar | to value | |
274114458 | apreciar | to appreciate | |
274114459 | complejo (a) | complex | |
274114460 | desarrollar | to develop | |
274114461 | el desarrollo | development | |
274114462 | la innovación | innovation | |
274114463 | el invento | invention | |
274114464 | la investigación | research | |
274114465 | mejorar | to improve | |
274114466 | reemplazar | to replace | |
274114467 | amenazar | to threaten | |
274114468 | extinguirse | to become extinct | |
274114469 | informarse | to keep informed | |
274114470 | el porvenir | future | |
274114471 | responsable | responsible | |
274114472 | la transformación | transformation | |
274114473 | volar | to fly | |
274114474 | votar | to vote | |
274114475 | la lechuza | female owl (symbol of death) | |
274114476 | búho | male owl | |
274114477 | el zopilote | vulture | |
274114478 | el venado | deer | |
274114479 | el ruiseñor | nightingale | |
274114480 | el zorro | fox | |
274114481 | la ardilla | squirrel | |
274114482 | el (la) ciudadano (a) | citizen | |
274114483 | el compromiso | commitmnet | |
274114484 | la conciencia social | social awareness | |
274114485 | encargarse de | to take charge of, to make oneself responsible for | |
274114486 | la irresponsabilidad | irresponsibility | |
274114487 | penalizar | to penalize | |
274114488 | la política | politics | |
274114489 | el principio | principle/moral | |
274114490 | respetar | to respect | |
274114491 | satisfacer | to satisfy | |
274114492 | la sociedad | society | |
274114493 | la unidad | unity | |
274114494 | comercializar | to market | |
274114495 | invertir (ie, i) | to invest | |
274114496 | novedoso (a) | novel, original | |
274114497 | el patente | patent | |
274114498 | el producto | product | |
274114499 | advertir (ie) | to warn | |
274114500 | cometer | to make (a mistake) | |
274114501 | emprender | to undertake | |
274114502 | el error | mistake, error | |
274114503 | insistir | to insist | |
274114504 | luchar | to struggle | |
274114505 | persistir | to persist | |
274114506 | progresar | to progress | |
274114507 | prosperar | to prosper | |
274114508 | seguir adelante | to continue on, to carry on | |
274114509 | solucionar | to solve | |
274114510 | superar | to overcome | |
274114511 | la advertencia | warning | |
274114512 | el fracaso | failure | |
274114513 | la mejore | improvement | |
274114514 | el obstáculo | obstacle | |
274114515 | el sufrimiento | suffering | |
274114516 | criticar | to criticize | |
274114517 | es imprescindible que... | it is indispensable/imperative that... | |
274114518 | es raro que... | it is strange that... | |
274114519 | evaluar | to evaluate | |
274114520 | por un lado... | on one hand... | |
274114521 | por el otro lado... | on the other hand | |
274114522 | entrometerse (entrometido/metiche) | to butt in (one who butts in) | |
274114523 | salirle bien | to get wishes granted | |
274114524 | nena | attractive young lady | |
274114525 | encajar | to fit | |
274114526 | sufrimiento | suffering | |
274114527 | comportarse bien/mal | to behave well/badly | |
274114528 | la conducta | behavior | |
274282712 | destacarse por... | to be remarkable for, to stand out (from others) for... | |
274282713 | idealizar (a alguien) | to idealize (someone) | |
274282714 | imitar | to imitate | |
274282715 | personificar | to personify | |
274282716 | representar | to represent | |
274282717 | atrevido (a) | daring | |
274282718 | comprensivo (a) | understanding | |
274282719 | considerado (a) | considerate | |
274282720 | dedicado (a) | dedicated | |
274282721 | desagradable | disagreeable | |
274282722 | fiel | faithful | |
274282723 | generoso (a) | generous | |
274282724 | impaciente | impatient | |
274282725 | ingenioso (a) | clever | |
274282726 | modesto (a)/humilde | modest/humble | |
274282727 | orgulloso (a) | proud | |
274282728 | paciente | patient | |
274282729 | popular | popular | |
274282730 | presumido (a) | presumptuous | |
274282731 | razonable | reasonable | |
274282732 | sincero (a) | sincere | |
274282733 | sobresaliente | outstanding | |
274282734 | tímido (a) | shy | |
274282735 | vanidoso (a) | vain | |
274282736 | el (la) astronauta | astronaut | |
274282737 | el (la) científico (a) | scientist | |
274282738 | el (la) detective | detective | |
274282739 | el (la) electricista | electrician | |
274282740 | el (la) empresario (a) | businessperson | |
274282741 | el (la) entrenador (a) | trainer, coach | |
274282742 | el (la) mecánico (a) | mechanic | |
274282743 | el (la) obrero (a) | laborer | |
274282744 | el (la) piloto | pilot | |
274282745 | el (la) programador | programmer | |
274282746 | el (la) trabajador (a) social | social worker | |
274282747 | aconsejar que | to advise that | |
274282748 | dejar que | to allow that | |
274282749 | exigir que | to demand that | |
274282750 | mandar que | to order, command that | |
274282751 | prohibir que | to prohibit that | |
274282752 | sugerir (ie, i) que | to suggest that | |
274282753 | avergonzarse | to feel embarrassed | |
274282754 | cabina | cubicle | |
274282755 | apretón de manos | handshake | |
274282756 | auténtico (a) | authentic | |
274282757 | práctico (a) | practical, down-to-earth | |
274282758 | realista | realistic | |
274282759 | sorprendente | surprising | |
274282760 | verdadero (a) | real, true, sincere | |
274282761 | actuar | to act | |
274282762 | aparecer | to appear | |
274282763 | arriesgarse | to risk | |
274282764 | convertirse en | to turn into | |
274282765 | figurar en | to appear in | |
274282766 | lograr | to attain, to achieve | |
274282767 | el (la) artista | artist | |
274282768 | el (la) bombero (a) | firefighter | |
274282769 | el (la) carpintero (a) | carpenter | |
274282770 | el (la) cartero (a) | mail carrier | |
274282771 | el (la) músico (a) | musician | |
274282772 | el (la) periodista | journalist | |
274282773 | el (la) policía | police officer | |
274282774 | el (la) político (a) | politician | |
274282775 | el (la) secretario (a) | secretary | |
274282776 | el (la) técnico (a) | technician, repairperson | |
274282777 | el (la) vecino (a) | neighbor | |
274282778 | el (la) veterinario (a) | veterinarian | |
274282779 | alegrar se de que | to be happy that | |
274282780 | dudar que | to doubt that | |
274282781 | es dudoso que | it is doubtful that | |
274282782 | es improbably que | it is improbable/unlikely that | |
274282783 | no creer que | not to believe that | |
274282784 | no es cierto que | it is not certain that | |
274282785 | no es verdad que | it is not true that | |
274282786 | no estar seguro (a) (de) que | not to be sure that | |
274282787 | sentir (siento) que | to be sorry that, to feel | |
274282788 | sorprenderse de que | to be surprised that | |
274282789 | la amistad | friendship | |
274282790 | el deber | duty | |
274282791 | la fama | fame | |
274282792 | el honor | honor | |
274282793 | el imagen | image | |
274282794 | el logro | achievement, success | |
274282795 | la meta | goal | |
274282796 | por eso | for that reason, that's why | |
274282797 | por lo tanto | therefore | |
274282798 | el propósito | purpose, aim | |
274282799 | el sacrificio | sacrifice | |
274282800 | sin embargo | nevertheless, however | |
274282801 | la valentía | bravery |