Unit 11
Terms : Hide Images [1]
135808995 | congratulate | express one's pleasure to another person at that person's success | |
135808996 | gracious | pleasant; courteous; kindly | |
135808997 | grateful | feeling or expressing gratitude; thankful; obliged | |
135808998 | gratify | give or be a source of pleasure or satisfaction | |
135808999 | gratis | without charge or payment; free | |
135809000 | gratitude | thankfulness | |
135809001 | gratuitous | 1. given freely 2. unwarranted | |
135809002 | gratuity | present of money in reture for a favor or service; tip | |
135809003 | ingrate | ungrateful person | |
135809004 | ingratiate | establish in the favor or good graces of another | |
135809005 | immortal | 1. not subject to death 2. not subject to oblivion; imperishable | |
135809006 | immortality | 1. eternal life 2. lasting fame | |
135809007 | moribund | dying; near death | |
135809008 | mortal (adj) | 1. destined to die 2. human 3. causing death; fatal | |
135809009 | mortal (n) | 1. death rate 2. mortal nature | |
135809010 | mortician | undertaker | |
135809011 | mortification | shame; humiliation; embarrassment | |
135809012 | mortify | embarrass; shame; humiliate | |
135809013 | mortuary | funeral home | |
135809014 | rigor mortis | stiffness of the body that sets in several hours after death | |
135809015 | corporal | bodily punishment | |
135809016 | corporation | body authorized by law to act as a single person and to have rights and duties | |
135809017 | corps | 1. organized body of persons 2. branch of the military | |
135809018 | corpse | dead body | |
135809019 | corpulent | bulky; obese; very fat | |
135809020 | corpus | general collection of body of writing, laws, etc. | |
135809021 | corpuscle | 1. blood cell 2. minute particle | |
135809022 | corpus delicti | 1. facts proving that a crime has been committed 2. body of the victim in a murder case | |
135809023 | esprit de corps | spirit of a body of persons; group spirit | |
135809024 | habeas corpus | 1. writ requiring a detained person to be brought before a court to investigate the legality of that person's detention 2. right of a citizen to secure court protection agains illegal imprisonment | |
135809025 | incorporate | combine so as to form one body | |
135809026 | aqueduct | artificial channel for conducting water over a distance | |
135809027 | conducive | tending to lead to; contributive; helpful | |
135809028 | conduct | lead; guide; escort | |
135809029 | deduction | 1. taking away; subtraction 2. reasoning form the general to the particular | |
135809030 | duct | tube or channel for conducting a liquid, air, etc. | |
135809031 | ductile | 1. able to be drawn out of hammered thin 2. easily led; docile | |
135809032 | induce | lead on; move by persuasion | |
135809033 | induct | admit as a member; initiate | |
135809034 | induction | 1. ceremony by which one is made a member; initiation 2. reasoning from the particular to the general | |
135809035 | seduction | enticement; leading astray into wrongdoing | |
135809036 | traduce | malign; slander; vilify; calumniate | |
135809037 | viaduct | bridge for conducting a toad or railroad over a valley, river, etc. | |
135809038 | consecutive | following in regular order; successive | |
135809039 | consequence | 1. that which follows logically; result 2. importance | |
135809040 | execute | 1. follow though to completion; carry out 2. put to death | |
135809041 | inconsequential | of no consequence; trivial; unimportant | |
135809042 | non sequitur | statement that does not follow from previous statements | |
135809043 | persecute | oppress; harass; annoy | |
135809044 | prosecute | 1. follow to the end or until finished 2. conduct legal proceedings against; sue | |
135809045 | sequel | something that follows; continuations; consequence; outcome | |
135809046 | sequence | the following of one thing after another; succession; orderly series | |
135809047 | sequential | arranged in a sequence serial | |
135809048 | concur | 1. agree; be of the same opinion 2. happen together; coincide | |
135809049 | concurrent | running together; occurring at the same time; simultaneous | |
135809050 | current (adj) | not in progress; prevailing | |
135809051 | current (n) | flow | |
135809052 | curriculum | course of study in a school or college | |
135809053 | cursive | running or flowing | |
136030607 | cursory | running over hastily; superficially done | |
136030608 | discursive | wandering from one topic to another; rambling; digressive | |
136030609 | excursion | going out of forth; expedition | |
136030610 | incur | 1. meet with something undesirable 2. bring upon oneself | |
136030611 | incursion | 1. rushing into 2. hostile invasion; raid | |
136030612 | precursor | forerunner; predecessor | |
136030613 | recur | happen again | |
136030614 | aggressive | disposed to attack; militant; assertive; pushing | |
136030615 | egress | means of going out; exit | |
136030616 | gradation | 1. change by steps or stages 2. act of grading | |
136030617 | grade | step; stage; degree; rating | |
136030618 | gradient | 1. rate at which a road, railroad track, temperature, voltage, etc., rises or falls 2. slope; inclination | |
136030619 | gradual | step-by-step; proceeding by small stages or degrees | |
136030620 | graduate | complete all the steps of a course and receive a diploma or degree | |
136030621 | graduated | arranged in steps, stages, or degrees | |
136030622 | progressive | going forward to something considered better | |
136030623 | regressive | disposed to more backward; retrogressive | |
136030624 | retrograde | 1. going backward 2. becoming worse | |
136030625 | retrogression | act of going from a better to a worse state; deterioration | |
136030626 | transgress | step beyond the limits or barriers; go beyond; break a law violate | |
136030627 | biped | two footed animal | |
136030628 | centipede | wormlike animal with one pair of legs on most of its segments | |
136030629 | expedite | 1. facilitate 2. accelerate or speed up | |
136030630 | impede | hinder; obstruct; block | |
136099972 | impediment | 1. hindrance; obstacle 2. defect | |
136099973 | millipede | wormlike animal with two pairs of legs on more of its segments | |
136099974 | pedal | lever acted on by the foot | |
136099975 | pedestal | 1. support of foot of a column or statue 2. foundation | |
136099976 | pedestrian (n) | person traveling on foot | |
136099977 | pedestrian (adj) | commonplace; unimaginative; dull | |
136099978 | velocipede | 1. child's tricycle 2. early form of bicycle | |
136099979 | contact | touching or meeting; association; connection | |
136099980 | contiguous | touching; in physical contact; adjoining | |
136099981 | contingent | 1. dependent on something else 2. accidental | |
136099982 | intact | untouched or uninjured; kept or left whole | |
136099983 | intangible | 1. not capable of being perceived by the sense of touch 2. hard to grasp or define exactly | |
136099984 | tact | sensitive mental perception of what is appropriate on a given occasion | |
136099985 | tactful | having or showing tact; diplomatic | |
136099986 | tactile | 1. pertaining to the sense of touch 2. tangible | |
136099987 | tangent (adj) | touching at only one point | |
136099988 | tangent (n) | line or surface meeting a curved line or surface at one point, but not intersecting it | |
136099989 | tangential | merely touching; slightly connected; digressive | |
136099990 | apprehend | 1. seize or take into custody 2. understand | |
136099991 | apprehensive | 1. quick to understand or grasp 2. fearful of what may come; anxious | |
136099992 | comprehensible | able to be grasped mentally; understandable | |
136099993 | comprehensive | including very much; extensive | |
136099994 | prehensile | adapted for seizing | |
136099995 | reprehend | find fault with; rebuke; reprimand; censure | |
136099996 | reprehensible | deserving of censure; culpable | |
136099997 | abject | sunk or cast down to a low condition; downtrodden; deserving contempt; wretch | |
136099998 | conjecture | guess; supposition; inference | |
136099999 | dejected | downcast; discouraged; depressed | |
136100000 | eject | throw out; expel; evict | |
136100001 | inject | force; introduce | |
136100002 | interject | throw in between; insert; interpose | |
136100003 | object | protest; disapprove | |
136100004 | project | thrust of "throw forward" plan | |
136100005 | projectile | body to be shot or otherwise "throw forward" | |
136100006 | reject | discard; refuse to take | |
136100007 | subject | force someone to undergo something unpleasant or inconvenient; expose; make liable to | |
136100008 | advert | turn attention; refer | |
136100009 | aversion | feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to turn away from it; strong dislike; antipathy | |
136100010 | avert | prevent; avoid | |
136100011 | controversy | dispute; debate; quarrel | |
136100012 | convert | transform | |
136100013 | diversion | entertainment; amusement | |
136100014 | divert | 1. turn aside 2. amuse; entertain | |
136100015 | extrovert | someone "turned outward" | |
136100016 | inadvertently | without turning one's mind to the matter at hand; carelessly; unintentionally | |
136100017 | incontrovertible | not able to be "turned opposite" or disputed; not open to question | |
136100018 | introvert (n) | someone "turned inward" | |
136100019 | introvert (v) | turn inward | |
136100020 | invert | turn upside down | |
136100021 | obverse | side turned toward the observer; therefore, the front of a coin, medal, etc. | |
136100022 | perverse | turned away from what is right or good; corrupt; wrongheaded | |
136100023 | pervert | turn away from right or truth; give a wrong meaning to | |
136100024 | revert | return; go back | |
136100025 | versatile | able to turn with ease from one thing to another; adaptable | |
136100026 | verse | line of poetry | |
136100027 | vertigo | condition in which one feels that one's surroundings are turning about; dizziness | |
136100028 | commitment | 1. consignment to prison or a mental institution 2. pledge | |
136100029 | demise | death | |
136100030 | emissary | person sent out on a mission | |
136100031 | emit | send out; give off | |
136100032 | intermittent | coming and going at intervals | |
136100033 | missile | weapon capable of being propelled to his a distant object | |
136100034 | missive | written message sent; letter | |
136100035 | remiss | negligent; careless; lax | |
136100036 | remission | lessening, relieving or disappearance | |
136100037 | remit | 1. sent money due 2. forgive | |
136100038 | transmit | convey; cause something to go from one person or place to another | |
136100039 | circumlocution | roundabout way of speaking | |
136100040 | colloquial | conversational; informal | |
136100041 | colloquy | talking together; conference; conversation | |
136100042 | elocution | art of speaking out or reading effectively in public | |
136100043 | eloquent | speaking with force and fluency; movingly expressive | |
136100044 | grandiloquent | using lofty or pompous words; bombastic | |
136100045 | interlocutor | 1. questioner 2. one who participates in a conversation | |
136100046 | loquacious | talkative; garrulous | |
136100047 | obloquy | 1. speaking against; censure; reproach 2. bad repute |