Chapter 8 and 9
Condition & Language / Consciousness
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278068174 | Thinking | The manipulation of mental representations. | |
278068175 | Evoked Brain Potentials | A small, temporary change in EEG voltage that is evoked by some stimulus. Ex: EEG = electroencephalogram | |
278068176 | Formal Concepts | A concept that can be clearly defined by a set of rules or properties. Ex: A square has four sides. | |
278068177 | Natural Concepts | A concept that has no fixed set of defining features but has a set of characteristic features. Ex: Bird compared to snakes. Both lay eggs, but snakes do not fly. | |
278068178 | Prototype | A member of a natural concept that possesses all of most of its characteristic features. Ex: When thinking of a bird, a robin or cardinal might come to mind, when in fact penguins and ostrich's are birds as well. | |
278068179 | Schemas | A generalization about categories of objects, places, events, and people. Ex: If a friend lets you borrow his car, you know where to put the key and where the ignition would be. | |
278068180 | Scripts | A mental representation of familiar sequences of activity. Ex: When going out to a restaurant, scripts tells you what to do when you're there. | |
278068181 | Mental Models | A cluster of propositions representing our understanding of objects and processes that guides our interaction with those things. Ex: Creating a 3d image in your mind when given a description of an object. | |
278068182 | Reasoning | The process by which people generate and evaluate arguments and reach conclusions about them. | |
278068183 | Algorithm | A systematic procedure that cannot fail to produce a correct solution to a problem, if a solution exists. Ex: Solving a rubix cube. | |
278068184 | Syllogism | An argument made up of two propositions, called premises, and a conclusion based on those premises. Ex: Premise 1: This class is open only to seniors Premise 2: I am not a senior Conclusion: I can't take this class | |
278068185 | Heuristics | Time-saving mental shortcut used in reasoning. Ex: When searching for a lost item, use heuristics to search places where your experience suggests it might be. | |
278068186 | Mental Sets | The tendency for old patterns of problem solving to persist, even when they might not always be the most efficient alternative. Ex: Represent people's understanding of how things work. | |
278068187 | Functional Fixedness | A tendency to think about familiar objects in familiar ways that may prevent using them in other ways. Ex: Using a hammer to open a can. | |
278068188 | Confirmation Bias | The tendency to seek only evidence that confirms your hypothesis. Ex: Causes for lung cancer, only study into smoking. | |
278068189 | Artificial Intelligence | The field that studies how to program computers to imitate the products of human perception, understanding, and thought. Ex: Mindgames | |
278068190 | Language | Symbols and a set of rules for combining them that provides a vehicle for communication. | |
278068191 | Grammar | A set of rules for combining the words used in a given language. | |
278068192 | Phenomes | The smallest unit of sound that affects the meaning of speech. Ex: strange = streynj | |
278068193 | Morphemes | The smallest unit of language that has meaning. Ex: strange|er|s | |
278068194 | Words | Unit of language composed of one or more morphemes. | |
278068195 | Syntax | The set of rules that govern the formation of phrases and sentences in a language. Ex: "Fatal accidents deter careful drivers" compared to "Snows sudden floods melting cause" | |
278068196 | Semantics | Rules governing the meaning of words and sentences. Ex: the word bouquets cannot be modified by rapid. | |
278068197 | Babblings | The first sounds infants make that resemble speech. | |
280254008 | Alpha Waves | 8-13 HZ. Awake but relaxed with eyes closed. | |
278068199 | Beta waves | 14-30 Hz. Conscious waking state. | |
278068200 | Theta waves | 4-7 Hz. Daydreaming, fantasy, imagination, ideas, inspirational thinking. Ex: When driving for a long time on a road theta can be achieved. | |
278068201 | Delta waves | Below 3.5 Hz. Total unconsciousness, deep sleep, dreamless sleep. | |
278068202 | Manifest content | The superficial, symbolic form of a dream which the conscious mind is aware of, both during sleep and on waking, which is assumed to hide the true meaning. Ex: Calvin and Hobbes dreaming | |
278068203 | Latent content | The underlying meaning behind the symbols in a dream. | |
278068204 | Meditation | Creating an inner state of peace and tranquility. Ex: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | |
278068205 | Hypnosis | A phenomenon brought on by special induction techniques and characterized by varying degrees of responsiveness to suggestions for changes in experience and behavior. | |
278068206 | REM (Behavior disorder) | A sleep disorder in which a person does not lose muscle tone during REM (rapid eye movement )sleep, allowing the person to act out dreams. Ex: In extreme cases, people with this disorder have been known to drive while still dreaming. | |
278068207 | Insomnia | A sleep disorder in which a person feels tired during the day because of trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night. | |
278068208 | Narcolepsy | A daytime sleep disorder in which a person switches abruptly from an active state into several minutes of REM sleep. Ex: Rusty the dog. | |
278068209 | Sleep Apnea | A sleep disorder in which people briefly but repeatedly stop breathing during the night. | |
278068210 | SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) | A disorder in which a sleeping baby stops breathing and dies. | |
278068211 | Psychoactive drugs | Substance that acts on the brain to create some psychological effect. | |
278068212 | Agonist | Drug that mimics the effects of the neurotransmitter that normally binds to a neural receptor. Ex: LHRH Hormone pills | |
278068213 | Antagonist | Drug that binds to a receptor and prevents the normal neurotransmitter from binding. Ex: Isoproterenol | |
278068214 | Stimulants | Psychoactive drug that has the ability to increase behavior and mental activity. Ex: ecstasy, amphetamines | |
278068215 | Depressants | Psychoactive drug that inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system. Ex: Alcohol, barbiturates | |
278068216 | Night Terrors | Horrific dream that causes rapid awakening from stage 3-4 sleep and intense fear up to 30 minutes. | |
278068217 | Circadian Rhythms | A cycle that repeats about once a day. Ex: waking and sleeping | |
278068218 | Lucid dreaming | Awareness that a dream is a dream while it is happening. Ex: Taking control of a dream while dreaming. |