Research Methods
Psychology [1]
4 GOALS OF SCIENCE Describe Predict Explain Control DISCIPLINES Metaphysical: untestable, subj. (religion) Formal: testable, subj. (music, art) Science: testable, obj. (natural vs social) HOW WE?VE AQUIRED INFO Tenacity (strong belief in superstition) Intuition (insight based on instinct) Authority Common sense (based on exp.) Subjective Empirical (systematic &objective measures/observations ASSUMPTIONS OF SCIENTIFIC METHOD Empiricism (experiences of senses) Determinism(behavior linked to cause) interaction b/t genetic & enviro. Parsimony (precise explanations) Testability (probability) Reductionism (reduce & rebuild) 8 STEPS IN CONDUCTING RESEARCH Identify topic (subjective) Learn about topic Form a hypothesis Null=Ho Alternative=Ha one tail or two tail True False