Chapter 23-24
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France mass politics and the leader of the national assembly and ordered the commune to be crushed in paris and creating the third republic because it split France the least | ||
son of Alexander II who was czar of Russia (1845-1894) also was part of anti semtism like putting restraints on where Jews could live | ||
prejudice against Jews rooted in hatred held by people called antisemite-K. Leuger | ||
movement in catholic countries to get church out of politics and suggests a more active role when powers were opposed sometimes leading to attacks on church land | ||
was created by H.S Chamberlain | ||
the british conservative prime minister who extended the vote to working class males in 1867 | ||
1905, peaceful protest to czar Nicholas II palace, led by Father Gapon, fired on by palace guards, 100s died | ||
An attempted coup by the French General George Boulanger in the early 1880s; it underscored the fragility of French democracy and the volatility of mass politics in France. | ||
An agreement among the competing companies and is organized of producers and manufactuers that agree to fixz prices, marketing and production | ||
led Irish nationalists seeking a debate on home rule, or self-government, in parliament | ||
France mass politics was accused of giving military ideas away and then went to trial and was though to be just because he was jewish and everyone else was anti semitic and that soon divided the country | ||
a created legislative body created during the october manifesto russia mass politics | ||
was a member of the SPD and was founder of evolutionary socialism and revisionism and was Jewish | ||
was the leader of the british womens suffrage movement and helped the women gain the right to vote | ||
discovered the theory of general relativity and is considered the father of modern physics | ||
This was an influential French writer who wrote about naturalism and was often criticized and wrote the J'accuse that was about him critizing the third republic | ||
This was the work that suggested that socialists should combine with other progressive forces to win gradual evolutionary gains for workers through legislation, unions, and further economic development | ||
an association of British socialists who advocate gradual reforms within the law leading to democratic socialism made up part of the labour party | ||
Father/leader of the people and was part of Bloody sunday when he went to the palace | ||
founded psychoanalysis and has created many theories about the unconcious mind now most of his ideas have been modified for the area of physcology | ||
revolutionary socialism and a french socialist, He believed in limited rational thinking, general strike, and that the government and the masses should be ruled by a small elite body | ||
wrote books on science and political philosphy and was the creator of the aryan pride | ||
was a socialist party that was also afilliated by the labour party and was represented by the working class | ||
A desire of some people in Ireland to not be ruled by England | ||
A French leader of Revisionism and he created doctrines to achieve a unified socialist state | ||
emperor of germany and was considers kinda insane and a little young to rule and sometimes unstable | ||
england mass politics and independant labour party | ||
Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church gemany mass politics | ||
first women to be a physician and was interested in diseases of children and was looking for ways to teach others of this and find cures | ||
state-run educational system; ensured all children had a basic education and part of the mass society | ||
This was a result of the working class having free time after work (10 Hour's Act) and having a little bit of money (increased real wages) and part of the mass society | ||
Why did the population grow?--because the birth rates increased and the death rates decreased because there was more interest in the field of medcine so more cures were created and the enviroment conditions also became more standable | ||
Russian revolutionary, "Father of anarchy," critiqued Marxism, involved in the first international and led many revolts in Russia against the tsar(anarchism) | ||
middle class woman who brought together different organizations i hope in hope to achieve gender equality and wanted womens suffrage and rights | ||
the last czar of Russia who was forced to abdicate in 1917 by the Russian Revolution | ||
influential German philosopher remembered for his concept of the superman and for his rejection of Christian values (1844-1900) | ||
Issued in Russia because of fear of a general strike. Granted full civil rights and a popular parliament- Duma. | ||
The small government in Paris who wanted to resist the conservative leaders of France and tried to form their own government | ||
German physicist whose explanation of blackbody radiation in the context of quantized energy emissions initiated !!!!!quantum theory!!!!!! | ||
emperor of both Austria and Hungary and want to keep them together by offering universal suffrage rights but that decreases the power of the nobles | ||
Syllabus of error 1864- it rejects the modern ideas | ||
all extended the voting rights of unrecognized citizens | ||
The belief that change could be achieved only through the violent overthrow of the tarist system | ||
a war between Russia and Japan for Korea and Russia was supposed to win bu japan won unexpectadly was ended with the treaty of portsmoth in 1905 | ||
industrialization and created the railroad Trans-Siberian | ||
Spencer-The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion. | ||
German Party that were committed to a Marxist critique of capitalism Bismark saw them as threat to stability----Liebknecht and Babel | ||
English philosopher and sociologist who applied the theory of natural selection to human societies (1820-1903) | ||
they were socialist and founders of the school in london and both became members/founders of the fabian society | ||
father of Zionism, wrote The Jewish State about the establishment of a hometown in Palestine. | ||
taxes in imports and exports to make the most money for the home country | ||
France mass politics the government after the fall of the second republic and after napoleon left the country and after the attacks by germany in the Franco-Prussian war | ||
mass society and a growth of cities around the world and are a result of the mass society and the increase in population, the social process whereby cities grow and societies become more urban | ||
was a liberal and part of parliament and supported the views of the corn laws and has a rivalry with the conservative party | ||
T. Herzl created a policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine | ||
association of trade workers formed to gain higher wages and better working conditions | ||
created by trade unions and the fabian society | ||
British Prime Minister who led his country in the Treaty of Versailles. He argued unsuccessfully against harsh terms for the Germans | ||
the government in italy offering different things to stay in power and rule as many people as they can (corrupt) | ||
jobs for women that are usually educated and non factory jobs | ||
soap, fabric dye, petrolium, rubber, cars (america), coal, oil, light bulbs, papers, and engines. | ||
the leading countries of imperialism but in germany imperialism was not spread equally throughout the country | ||
mayor of vienna and creator of anti semitism | ||
studied radiation but soon died from it before it became popular | ||
Government supported attacks against Jews in Russia | ||
member of the social democratic party and his father was one of the founders of this party even though he was more radical than his father | ||
member of the social democratic party along with Liebknecht | ||
was a last choice job for women who couldn't find work or a job that paid enough because the wages were low and work was unstable. this was last resort that was controlled by the government | ||
the group of hungarians in the austria-hungary empire | ||
the moto that the russian empire used to rule with alexander III | ||
a sea way canal that conntects the mediterrranian sea and the red sea. connects europe with asia | ||
the king of belgium and thought that power was found in the control of overseas countries | ||
The supposed or presumed responsibility of white people to govern and impart their culture to nonwhite people, often advanced as a justification for European colonialist. | ||
a country in south africa and group of people the south african republic | ||
was at the climaz of imperialism when war was about to break out but ended in a diplomatic victory of the UK against France. | ||
was a businessman and a politician in south america and was the first one to discover the diamond still in use today. | ||
was a political tool used in the russian empire to gain influence and power | ||
was a military alliance between Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary and they each said they promised support in an attack of any of the other greater powers | ||
was a system bismarck created to make alliances with other countries so that his newly improved germany can stay the same and strenghten faster | ||
was the name of the alliance between france great britain and russia after the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente in 1907. | ||
June 18, 1887 was an attempt by Bismarck to continue with the alliance with Russia after the League of the Three Emperors had broken after the Serbo-Bulgarian War. | ||
Bismarck negotiated an agreement between the monarchs of Austria-Hungary, Russia and Germany and the alliance resulted in the fueling of world war I | ||
was a Preliminary! treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire signed at the end of the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78 thinking it was just preliminary led to a role in world war II | ||
an uncompleted project of road that was created to go across africa from south to north | ||
Boer- is the word for farmer and were two wars fought between the British Empire and the two independent Boer republics, the Orange Free State and the South African Republic (Transvaal Republic). | ||
is a concept in foreign affairs, allowing multiple Imperial powers access to China, with none of them in control of that country. | ||
big business owners that attained large sums of money | ||
the diplomatic and political problems posed by the decay of the Ottoman Empire does not apply to any one particular problem, but instead includes a variety of issues including instability in the European territories ruled by the Ottoman Empire. | ||
the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire..economic motives (resources) political and military motives (power) social motives (civilization) (spreading religion) | ||
was one of the countries that fell behind in the industialization age because they were facing problems with the new government |